Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 58: Cheers, Davasili!

The third general meeting of the Knights of Exoneration lasted a long time on Thursday night.

In view of the fact that the club is about to be officially established, the topics this time have gradually deviated from the direction preset by the host and continued to expand and extend.

The scope of discussions among the group members has gradually expanded from how to participate in the school's moon hunting activity, to whether to establish a special hunting team, and then to the candidate for the hunting team manager, whether to go to Beta Town to solicit sponsorship, and whether to spend sperm and sirens. Which cheerleading team is more affordable.

In the end, the scope of everyone's discussions even began to include whether to customize the same cloak uniform, where to customize the knight's badge, whether to invite other students to participate, etc.

The failed clarification before the meeting began did not affect the mood of the leader of the Knights. Of course, at the beginning, he was indeed a little depressed. He wrote in his neat small letters on a large piece of silk paper. List the club's to-do items for the past month, and then divide the work and collaborate with everyone in the meeting to receive corresponding tasks.

There is naturally no reward.

From the stingy team leader's point of view, not charging the team building fees from these contract workers was already a very merciful thing. Anyone who dared to ask for compensation was simply 'unbecoming of a man'.

"Tonight's fruit, barbecue, green bees and amber light are all open for supply!" The leader of the group encouraged the wine with a pleasant look: "Who can get one more task... responsible for reporting to the club every week? Federation submits weekly work report?”

Zhang Jixin turned around to look, grabbed Xiao Xiao's limp arm and raised it up.

"I'm next on behalf of the Doctor!" he yelled.

"Okay!" Zheng Qing slapped the table hard: "Everyone is encouraging!"

There was a chaotic cheer in the dormitory.

"This is the power of friendship and enthusiasm!" At the end of his speech at the end of the meeting, the leader of the Knights shouted with a red face: "Intrachonel, it will definitely come true!"

Then, he raised the amber light in the cup and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Davasili, cheers!"

"For friendship!" Fatty Xin howled.

"For passion!" Zhang Jixin's face turned red and black.

"For faith!" Dylan waved his arms and shouted. The two delicate cufflinks on his sleeves had long since disappeared.

"...Cheers!" Lin Guo looked at the water in his cup with some frustration, then turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "What is Xiong Naer the leader said?"

"Xiong Naer?" The smile on Xiao Xiao's face froze, and he was stunned for a long time before replying dryly: "Oh, it's a magical creature raised by the Inuit, made from polar bears... It's rare... …very rare…”

"You are so awesome!" The little wizard looked at the doctor with envy: "When can I be as good as you..."

"When you are drunk too." Xiao Xiao muttered in a low voice and suddenly burst into giggles.

The party continued late into the night.

Zheng Qing couldn't even remember how much wine they drank in total - these living materials were extremely cheap to buy at the Wandering Bar with his gold card - until when he got up on Friday morning, the hangover headache was still plaguing everyone in dormitory 403. all members.

Yes, all members.

Dylan ultimately did not leave the dormitory. Perhaps the wildness in the werewolf blood infected him. After being stained with alcohol, the noble under the moon looked particularly bold and bold, so that when cleaning, the elves had to call on the fat cat to help push Mr. Vampire Werewolf into his coffin. inside.

"I just want to know if you took any photos yesterday." In the alchemy class on Friday morning, Zheng Qingqiang held his eyelids and weakly asked a few people next to him: "I kind of forgot what it's like to get high..."

Xiao Xiao's face was pale, and his lips were also pale, as if he had applied a layer of powder.

He pursed his lips tightly, shook his head, and said nothing.

Fatty Xin was worse than him.

From the moment he entered the classroom until the formal start of class, he remained lying on the desk, motionless.

If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of his shoulders, one would have suspected that he had died suddenly in the classroom.

That is to say, Professor Tesla asked his graduate students to come to class, and the classroom discipline in alchemy has always been relatively loose. If it were any other professor's class, if Fatty dared to have this attitude, he would have been trained by those gentlemen to behave in all kinds of ways.

"Lan Que didn't drink. He, the young monk Shi Yuan, and Lin Guo all drank water." Zhang Jixin turned around and replied.

Zheng Qing looked at the red-faced boy with envy, and for a moment he had no idea about the other three guys' lack of loyalty.

Of all the hungover people, perhaps only Zhang Jixin is in a relatively normal state today. I don’t know if it’s because blushing can really make you drink.

Time flies by in a state of malaise.

As soon as you close your eyes and open them, the day passes without you noticing.

After a day of uninterrupted naps, Zheng Qing's mental state finally reached its peak before going to bed at night.

"It must be no problem." He sat in his tent, holding the ampoule containing the transformation potion in his hand, and cheered secretly: "Break it, stir it up, suffocate it in one gulp, and it will be a good one tomorrow... Good luck!”

He shook his head vigorously, trying to shake the images of all kinds of weird bugs, molluscs, and abnormal creatures from his mind.

"Calm down...innerpeace...breathe lightly..." Zheng Qing sat cross-legged, reached out and pulled out the seven or eight chapters of meditation charms from the gray cloth bag, and patted them all over the bed without blinking.

He was about to transform, so he had to be cautious.

After two days of hard work in the library, he knew that the inner world during transformation had a great influence on the host's final form. It was mentioned more than once in those thick references to transformation that an old wizard in Namibia accidentally watched a health education film on the island country before his transformation. He was so shocked that he eventually turned into a caterpillar.

Although turning into a bug is very rare, very rare.

But Zheng Qing didn't want to have this kind of achievement at all.

He could not imagine how a creature with an incomplete neuron system could accommodate his "huge and rich" soul.


The head of the ampoule was ripped off by Zheng Qing.

The young public-funded student took a glass of warm milk from the elf and poured the potion into it.

It wasn't until the last drop of residue disappeared that Zheng Qing put down his aching arm, took the glass rod, and started stirring patiently.

"What are you doing?" Fatty Xin asked with some confusion outside the tent.

"Oh, drink some's good for your health after a hangover." Zheng Qing lied calmly.

He didn't tell his roommates that he planned to transform tonight.

Although according to the professors and information, transformation in the modern sense is not a very dangerous spell. But the wizard's curiosity knows no bounds.

Zheng Qing couldn't stop others from staying in front of his bed all night long, watching the process of his bones melting and his skin and flesh reorganizing.

That kind of situation makes people shudder just thinking about it.

"You must have a good dream." The young public-funded student said to himself, raised the warm milk in the cup and drank it in one gulp.

Then he rinsed his mouth and got directly into bed.

"Have a sweet dream." He murmured softly, holding a dim Tarot card tightly in his hand.

A Knight of Wands card.

This was a blessing that Elena had given him a long time ago. Although the blessing above has been almost exhausted, Zheng Qing has always firmly stuffed it under his pillow.

Maybe this persistence played a little role.

He soon fell asleep.

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