Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 64 Jiang Yu’s Obsession

If a wizard defiled a witch in broad daylight, he would either be stripped naked, hung on a wooden frame and burned half to death; or the witch would follow him with a low eyebrow and live a life without shame.

But when a male cat - of course, the word 'male cat' is used here would be more appropriate - when a male cat is claimed to have defiled a witch, the ending will obviously be more miserable.

After all, it was just a cat. If it was beaten to death, it would only be charged with second-degree murder. If the murderer had some activities at home, he might be able to get a suspended sentence, so he wouldn't even need to go to jail.

Besides, no witch wants to spend her whole life holding a tomcat.

After sneezing, the black cat nervously raised its head, tucked its tail between its hind legs, and tensed its muscles, ready to break free from the soft embrace underneath it and run away.

The little devil standing opposite him showed a ferocious smile, rubbed his hands together, and looked eager to try.

It seemed like he would pounce on the black cat at any moment and have him lynched.

"This is the First University." Jiang Yu gave the little witch a warning look, took out a small wooden comb from somewhere, and carefully combed the black cat's back hair: "...In this campus, you It’s hard to find a truly stupid cat.”

This sentence is very pertinent.

One person and one cat settled down again.

Li Meng had no excuse to torment the vigilant black cat.

Zheng Qing finally felt relieved and didn't have to worry about losing the most important thing as a man because of drinking a transformation potion.

He loosened his tail from between his hind legs and shook it in relief.

This action was like a provocation, which made Li Meng next to him very angry.

"If all the cats in the school are so smart, then how come your little white cat was poached..." Before she could finish her words, the little witch raised her hands and covered her mouth tightly.

Then she glanced at her cousin uneasily.

Jiang Yu didn't seem to notice what Li Meng just said. She still held the small wooden comb and combed the black cat's hair unhurriedly.

But the black cat lying in her arm was not so comfortable.

After Li Meng said those words, Zheng Qing clearly felt that Jiang Yu's arms became a little stiff, and the wooden comb in his hand became different in weight, causing his skin to hurt.

The black cat twisted around, silently protesting.

"Let's rest here for a while." Jiang Yu Rumeng woke up, but did not put down the black cat in her arms. Instead, she hugged it and sat directly on the wooden bench.

Li Meng helped her cousin pick up the bag on the ground, muttered, and climbed onto the bench.

Two witches, one big and one small, sat on the bench, silently looking at the tall fallen sycamore trees, the fluttering red leaves, the Linzhong Lake in the distance, and the slightly rippled lake water. And the orange-red sunrise at the end of the lake.

After a long time, Jiang Yu slowly spoke and said: "It is precisely because it is so clever and smart...that's why I want to give it catch the murderer."

"When I first found it, it was only the size of a fist... It must have been just born, only a little bit... it looked like a big mouse."

"My whole body was dirty, and I was shivering under that big blue stone."

As she spoke, she pointed at a large bluestone on the lakeside in the distance, and brushed up her hanging hair.

Li Meng didn't make any more trouble, but hugged one of her cousin's arms tightly.

The black cat finally stopped fighting with the little witch. Instead, he raised his body slightly, tilted his head, and listened to the elegant orchid-like witch silently confiding the tender feelings in his heart to a little girl and a cat under the shade of the tree. short story.

"...The school stipulates that pets are not allowed in the dormitory, so I used paper shells, cotton wool, and flower petals to build a nest for the kitten next to the bluestone...I also secretly took Li Neng's cloak and stuffed it Keep the kitten warm.”

"No wonder that stuffed bear has been looking for its cloak some time ago." Li Meng showed an expression of sudden realization: "That cloak was embroidered with many charms to keep warm, stop wind, and prevent falling. Li Neng has been hiding it as a treasure. "

"Do you remember that after class, I would take you to feed the little guy... You always fed it milk that you didn't drink, but it never ate what you gave it." Jiang Yu said, her face A gentle expression appeared on his face.

"Of course I remember." Li Meng looked a little aggrieved: "Hong Kong Zhen, my milk is mixed with dragon bone powder, which is the best for replenishing blood and strengthening the body... It is its loss if it doesn't drink it!"

The black cat couldn't help but raise his head with a salivating expression.

Zheng Qing discovered that since turning into a cat, his self-control ability has become much weaker. If he were still alone, after hearing the little witch's unpretentious rich behavior, he would at most slander her and bury the envy in his eyes deeply.

Instead of like now, when I hear that I can drink milk with dragon bone powder, I almost wag my tail.

If she had seen the black cat looking like a dog a few minutes ago, the little witch would have laughed three times and then used the milk in her bag to trick the black cat into doing a tap dance.

But as the memories deepened, Jiang Yu's mood obviously became much worse.

Naturally, the little witch had no intention of continuing to flirt with the black cat.

The black cat lay down again in frustration and continued to listen to the story between the witch and the other cat.

The kitten grew up quickly under Jiang Yu's feeding.

And very healthy.

If nothing unexpected happens, this cat can accompany the witch to complete her studies at the First University, and she may even have the opportunity to leave the school, leave Phuket, and go to the wider wizard world.

Until that morning, it was found dead on the rockery.

The kitten seemed to die peacefully.

But Jiang Yu could clearly feel the fear in the kitten's pupils. She complained to the school work committee and the student union, but was always perfunctorily ignored. At the First University, the wizard masters who are high above have more important things to care about. Being able to waste a little manpower on a cat is already a great mercy and humanity.

Since it has been found that the cat is not transformed by the wizard, there is no need to waste more manpower and material resources on it.

So Jiang Yu decided to investigate it herself.

She spent her free time after class and on weekends in the library. Checking various materials to find the cause of the kitten's death. Time has passed in the blink of an eye for nearly a month, and the midterm exam is just around the corner, but she still has no clue.

In the library, there are thousands of silent deaths like the kitten, and she hasn't even read two hundred of them yet.

"But, hasn't the school committee caught the murderer?" Li Meng sat on a wooden chair, twisting her body restlessly, looking at the black cat with burning eyes.

Zheng Qing stared at the little witch vigilantly and naturally tucked her tail back again.

"Kappa, not the murderer."

"Red-chained snake, naturally not either."

Jiang Yu put one hand around the cat and held a small wooden comb in the other hand. Every time she denied a possibility, she combed the black cat's back hair from head to tail.

Because it was so comfortable, Zheng Qing even began to snore involuntarily.

"As for the sandworms," ​​Jiang Yu paused lightly while holding the wooden comb, and then combed smoothly: "Sandworms... they won't break the kitten's neck bones. I saw in the investigation report of the school working committee that the kitten died because its neck bones were broken..." "Broken neck?!" Li Meng seemed very shocked: "I always thought it was because its eyeballs were eaten by someone so it didn't fall off..." The black cat's long purring suddenly stopped. Then he shrugged and laughed. Jiang Yu seemed to be touched by Li Meng's words, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and he smiled helplessly: "It was a cat! It's neither a beholder nor a ghost... There's no reason to lose its life because of losing a pair of eyes." "I mean, I thought it was killed by Horus!" The little witch stared at the black cat fiercely, took out her magic book threateningly, waved it, and shouted: "What are you laughing at... If you laugh again, I will tie you up and throw you into the lake, and let the fishmen stew you!" So scary. The black cat lazily raised the corner of its eyes, pulled its ears back, and showed a disdainful expression.

Jiang Yu stopped the little witch who was about to go crazy in time.

"Horus, not Horus... and, put away your magic book." She looked at Li Meng sternly: "You are at school now, not at home... Outside, never wave your magic book at strangers at will."

"It's a cat." The little witch protested in a low voice and put away her magic book unhappily.

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