Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 70 A date that just passed by

Several sharp whistles came from the hunting team resting not far away.

Deng Xiaojian looked back, raised his hand and waved.

"Now that we all know each other, let's keep in touch if we have anything to do in the future." The tall and lanky wizard reached out and patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder: "We have training missions tonight, so we won't disturb your patrols..."

The two freshmen nodded repeatedly.

After turning around and walking not far, Deng Xiaojian trotted back again.

Zheng Qing looked at him doubtfully.

"This memory is broken...I almost forgot one thing." The tall and lanky wizard knocked his head, complained about his memory, and looked at the young public-sponsored student with a smile: "I heard that you and Friedman from Alpha College, And those guys in Seprano have a little conflict? If you have any trouble, you can tell me at any time... You can also go to Starry Sky Academy and ask for 'Deng Zi', everyone knows. ”

A subtle expression appeared on Zheng Qing's face.

Are you being covered?

Growing up, I had only heard of this kind of story in the bragging of some people in the class.

"...Although you can't just beat those hypocrites to death in school, it's okay to find a way to punish them and settle a little trouble."

Deng Xiaojian's last words made Zheng Qing's smile freeze on his face.

Judging from his tone, the tall and lanky sophomore didn't sound like he was joking.

But is it really okay to just casually use the words ‘beat people to death’? Or is it that the atmosphere of Starry Sky Academy has always been so unrestrained and unrestrained? !

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. []" The young public-sponsored student waved his hands hurriedly: "I have already talked to His Excellency Augustus... It should be fine."

"Oh!" Deng Xiaojian glanced at him in surprise: "Augustus is still very trustworthy... See you later!"

With that said, he waved his hand, turned around and left.

There was no looking back this time.

It wasn't until the hunting team was completely submerged in the dark night that the two freshman patrol students slowly resumed their patrol mission.

Their conversation naturally focused on the hunting team.

"...Maybe those hunting teams are really powerful, but we can't deny that training in the middle of the night is really dangerous." Zheng Qing recalled Deng Xiaojian's nonchalant look and couldn't help but shake his head.

"This is part of the normal training of the hunting team." Lin Guo grew up in Beta Town and knew a lot about these things: "A real hunting team must be able to adapt to various harsh environments, including high temperature, low pressure, extreme Cold, dry, rainforest, etc. Some advanced hunting teams even conduct underwater training and deep space training.”

"What if someone gets hurt?"

"Isn't it natural to get injured?" Lin Guo felt a little baffled: "If you are injured, see a therapist."

The young public-funded student opened his mouth, as if he wanted to defend something.

But then I realized that I was no longer in the familiar ordinary world, so I finally closed my mouth unwillingly. 【】

"It feels a bit barbaric anyway," he grumbled.

"It's very normal." Lin Guo put the little fox in his arms on the head of his black sheep, shook his sore arm, and explained: "Monster hunting is originally an ancient sport. It can be traced back to ancient times. era. Of course, with its development now, this sport has become an important part of the wizards’ training of the new generation and maintaining their internal vitality.”

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes and glanced at the little wizard.

For a moment, the person standing next to him was not Lin Guo but Xiao Xiao.

"...As the owner of the milk tea shop once told me, the world is not peaceful, but it is in dynamic equilibrium. We cannot expect to stay in the small and stable world of school for the rest of our lives and remain indifferent to the world."

"Since we fight, there will naturally be injuries." The little wizard waved his stick excitedly, as if he was fighting against the gods and Buddhas in the sky: "If the school doesn't even have such a small amount of understanding, what's the point of studying..."

"Of course, the school hunting club of First University is relatively safe compared to the real hunting competitions outside. The school will not casually send its students to real monsters to sharpen their claws... As far as I know, The wild monsters in the school's hunting grounds are all 'cooked monsters' that have been prepared by the big guys at the research institute. Although they are still ferocious, the chance of being infected by them is very, very low."

"In other words, students participating in the hunting competition still have a certain chance of being infected by wild monsters." Zheng Qing concluded.

Lin Guo pretended not to hear this.

"Speaking of which, should we, the knights, form our own hunting team?" The little wizard abruptly changed the subject: "If you just do odd jobs at the school hunting party, you won't earn many credits at all..."

"Why do you want credits?" Zheng Qing looked at Lin Guo doubtfully: "I remember your usual grade points should be quite high."

"Alchemy requires burning materials. Although the materials in school are cheap, they all need to be redeemed for credits... I find that the credits are never enough." Lin Guo looked a little worried.

"That's right." Zheng Qing nodded: "Then you should work harder in class and answer more questions... In my knights, you have no chance to join the hunting team."

The little wizard looked at him with disbelief.

"Why?!" he questioned loudly.

"Because you are still young...not yet an adult." Zheng Qing gave an absolutely correct answer.

This answer is irrefutable.

Lin Guo dragged his wooden staff and expressed his dissatisfaction in silence.

The tip of the stick rubbed against the stone slab, making a "ragging" noise, which disturbed the surrounding area.

The black goat snorted, walked a few steps quickly, came behind the little wizard, bent down, bit the tip of his staff, and dragged it off the ground.

The little fox sat among the horns, shaking its tail with satisfaction, then changed its position and curled up again.

The moonlight was like water, and time passed quietly in silence.

My date with Jelena on Sunday afternoon went really well.

It can even be said that the smoothness is a bit too smooth.

From meeting in the Shushan Hall in the afternoon, the two of them studied the strange talisman very attentively; to having dinner at the "Yota" on the pedestrian street in the evening, and then going to the teaching building to attend regular class meetings together.

The whole process was uneventful, and naturally there were no surprises.

After the two of them studied together, part of the meaning of that strange talisman was finally analyzed. Zheng Qing believed that this talisman should belong to some advanced transformation of the suppression talisman - this was probably the only encouraging development on Sunday afternoon.

That's all.

The hand-holding, hugging, and even kissing that the young public-funded students dreamed of did not happen.

All of Elena's energy seemed to be placed in that worn notebook and the pile of difficult talismans.

Even the gift that Zheng Qing finally found the opportunity to give - the bohemian dress - did not make the gypsy witch express more joy.

The unexpected look on her face when she accepted the gift seemed more like she was trying to protect the young wizard's last remaining bit of self-esteem.

"I thought you would give me this gift at the hunting party." Elena joked as she took the skirt.

This made Zheng Qing a little embarrassed.

This embarrassment gradually subsided until the regular class meeting on Sunday evening.

Because at this regular meeting, Zheng Qing had to face another very important matter - of course, it had nothing to do with Jiang Yu - the leader of the Knights of Forgiveness found that he had to start thinking about whether the club should form a hunting team, and how Form a hunting party.

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