Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 87 Andrew’s Hunting Team

The new boy in the Cullen family that Soprano mentioned was naturally Matthew Cullen.

Andrew Taylor is no stranger to this name.

The wizarding world is very big, big enough to include hundreds of new world colonies, and the powerful people with names are as bright as the stars; the wizarding world is also very small, especially in the Moon Parliament, where there are always familiar people coming and going. Surnames, familiar figures.

Both the Cullen and Taylor families have their own chairs in the Moon Council, and the two clans, naturally or unnaturally, pay attention to the other's younger generation.

Growing up, Andrew Taylor heard his elders mention Matthew more than once, the proud son of the younger generation of the Cullen family: an educated young man, an elegant vampire, a true nobleman under the moon - these exaggerated praises have always made Andrew Scoff.

But except for the conflict in a practical class a few weeks ago, Andrew and Matthew had no more interactions.

Although Andrew showed contempt for the Cullen family in front of Serprano, this was more of a compliment to the fat wizard and did not mean that he would unreasonably challenge the honor of an ancient moonlight noble.

This is not a smart choice.

The teachings from the Taylor family told the young werewolf that apart from family, there is nothing more worth protecting in this world. Just like the widely circulated proverb of the Taylor family - the blood feud between werewolves and vampires has nothing to do with them, Taylor is just the janitor.

As for the fat wizard in front of him, if it weren't for the rumors that he was related to a legendary figure in the Wizarding Alliance, his dignity as a descendant of the Taylor family would never allow him to waste so much energy on a wizard with impure blood.

These thoughts flashed through the young werewolf's mind in an instant, but his face did not change at all, and he still looked carefree.

"It's my honor." Andrew bent down hard and first expressed his gratitude to Soprano for his respect.

Then he straightened up, with an uneasy expression on his face, and said with sincerity and fear: "It's just that since I was a child, my talent has been dull, and my grasp of the power of blood has always disappointed my elders, so I was thrown into this university for training... and now I have just enrolled. After a while, there was no progress, and if it affected Ouroboros's reputation, it would be a dead end."

Standard diplomatic rhetoric.

Not unfamiliar to Alpha students.

This time, everyone else in the lounge stayed silent in their seats and did not express any agreement with Andrew's remarks.

This made the young werewolf slightly uneasy.

He couldn't help but raise his eyelids and glanced at the fat wizard behind the desk.

Seprano was rubbing a clean white handkerchief in his hand and was patiently wiping his fingers and palms. As if aware of the young werewolf's sneak glances, the fat wizard grinned and showed a gentle smile: "It doesn't matter. It's just a new hunting party. There are no interesting people in the first place... Just think of it as a spring outing."

It will be winter soon. How can we go out for a spring outing at this time?

Andrew suppressed the stupid idea of ​​complaining, opened his mouth, and tried to struggle again.

But the fat wizard opposite opened a pair of small dark eyes and shook a stubby index finger to stop the objections behind the young werewolf: "This is an opportunity, you have to seize it. As if you can walk in This lounge is also a chance to seize... Of course, it is not the little trick you used before. "

Andrew's eyes widened in surprise.

"Is it weird?" The fat on Soprano's cheeks raised with difficulty, and he showed a laborious smile: "You were rejected by Friedman, so you want to come to my weekend dinner. This is understandable."

“In Alpha, everyone has their own choice – it’s everyone’s freedom.”

"But your methods are not that superb."

"...Yes, I know that you played a little trick on Zheng Qing and gave him nightmares for a while - you must have found out that the publicly funded student from Jiuyou College suppressed my brother in Four Seasons Square, and thought that this To please me."

"But in my eyes, this behavior is like a naked clown."


Andrew's face was pale, and the sweat on his forehead slowly trickled down his curled temples.

The atmosphere in the lounge became increasingly silent, and others seemed to be holding their breath.

"In this world, the occurrence and ending of everything follows inherent rules - just like revenge, no one who is capable will do it without the help of others."

"You humiliated that publicly funded student, and where did you put my brother?"

Andrew opened his mouth uneasily, as if he wanted to defend something.

But the fat wizard just shook his finger, and the young werewolf closed his mouth involuntarily.

This made his eyes look more frightened.

"In fact, you can join the Cheung Kei Association, thanks to the hundred jade coins you contributed - money can communicate with the gods, and there is no wizard in the world who can't get along with money. Especially for a young association like ours."

"But if you think you can sneak into this lounge with a hundred jade coins, then the Ouroboros mark is inevitably too cheap."

This time, there was a slight roar of approval in the lounge.

Seprano glanced around, and the atmosphere immediately fell silent again.

"Do you know why I invited you to my dinner party again?" The fat wizard folded his handkerchief patiently and said without raising his head: "You know, those one hundred jade coins can only make me pay a little attention to you. Name...If nothing happens, you will only become an ordinary member of the Cheung Kei Club and not stand in this lounge."

Andrew shook his head rapidly.

His mouth was still sealed by some kind of magic.

Soprano did not raise his head, but explained slowly in his labored tone: "Because you refused Matthew Cullen's duel invitation...that stupid duel invitation in the practical class. "

"This is very important."

"Being able to make the right decision at the right time, in the right place - that's very important. Every club needs this kind of talent."

"Maybe some people think this is a cowardly act."

"Most people who think this way will die relatively early."

"For ouroboros, death is a failure. Only alive is a real ouroboros."

"This is the chance you ever take."

Andrew suddenly found that the transparent barrier on his face had disappeared. He couldn't help opening his mouth and swallowing big mouthfuls of air.

Then he saw Serprano's small, dark eyes.

The young werewolf reacted immediately.

"Follow your will." Andrew landed on one knee on the soft Persian carpet on the floor, pressing a daisy about to bloom on his knee. His tone was much more respectful and calm than before: "I don't know what you think about the hunting team. Do you have any ideas about the candidates?”

The fat wizard stood up and walked slowly to the French window.

His broad figure blocked the brilliant moonlight outside the window, leaving a thick shadow in the lounge, covering all the figures of different heights behind him.

"Since you are the captain, then of course you have the final say." Serprano smiled softly, paused, and added: "But I can recommend an excellent auxiliary hunter to named Ise Ni’s fish people.”

"Fishman?" Andrew raised his head in surprise, then immediately lowered his head: "As you wish."

The relationship between wizards and fishmen is not so harmonious.

But since the Cheung Kei Association is inextricably linked to the Linzhong Lake Reserve, it must be able to solve those troubles.

The young werewolf went through these messy thoughts while paying attention to Soprano's next words.

"...If you can win the freshman competition, I believe you can take on more responsibilities in Ouroboros...Alpha School will also have more positions suitable for you." The fat wizard threw a piece of meat at the end bones.

There was a slight commotion in the lounge.

Several upperclassmen clearly didn't expect Serprano to make such a promise. Although they didn't express any objection, they couldn't help but look at the young werewolf lying on one knee not far away.

Andrew said nothing.

It's just that there was a green gleam in his eyes.

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