Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 233 Minotaur

As we all know, the Minotaur was one of the totems revered by the ancient Cretans. He had the head of a bull and a human body. He was extremely powerful but violent and ferocious. Even to ancient wizards, this kind of existence was considered a monster.

With the continuous development of wizard civilization, the territory of monsters is gradually suppressed, reduced, and even gradually extinct.

Many creatures with various special abilities in ancient times are only left with shadows in books, stories passed down from generation to generation by the elderly, and a bone, an eye, or a piece of processing collected in the treasury of some long-standing wizard families. Rough, weird-smelling crust.

However, the more advanced civilization becomes, the more wizards are able to glimpse the nature of these monsters from the slightest glimpse of history.

For example, the violent goddess Echidna, half human and half snake, lived in the abyss far away from gods and mortals, and gave birth to many famous monsters - such as the three-headed dog Cerberus, the hundred-headed dragon Ladon, and the lion-headed goat-body. The snake-tailed fire monster Chimera, and the famous sphinx Sphinx in Lower Egypt, etc. It is difficult for any wizard to understand how creatures with different life characteristics can be harmoniously combined. The explanation is that these monsters are the experiments left behind by Echidna when she was trying to break through to a higher level.

Yes, in the official history of wizards, Echidna was a powerful wizard in ancient times.

The improvement of life is the only sign that the great wizards can advance to a higher realm.

As described in the opening preface of "The Eternal Wizard's Road", "...when a wizard creates life, he sees the threshold of a great wizard..."

"...and this threshold also varies from person to person: the wizard who creates a beast without intelligence is naturally lower than the wizard who creates intelligent life; the wizard who creates short-lived species is surpassed by the wizard who creates long-lived species. There are even wizards who create legendary fantasy species and even gods - what kind of existence is a wizard when he can create gods at will? "

Another example is the Minotaur.

In ancient times, the Cretans, who possessed unique alchemical skills, once gave birth to a great wizard named Minos I who was said to have conquered death. Before he finally set foot on the starry road, the only 'legacy' he left behind was the 'Taurus' that lived in the labyrinth. Therefore, this 'Taurus' was also called the Minotaur. [ @~~The novel is better and updated faster]

As a legacy of Minos I, the minotaur's appearance created a fragile passage between life and death - and it is not difficult to imagine that later wizards would flock to this.

This was the Minotaur's misfortune, but it was also its good fortune.

Unfortunately, after its protector left this world, it quickly perished under the siege of many coveters.

Fortunately, when other legendary monsters disappeared in the long history, the Minotaurs had many bloodlines left because of the wizards' long-lasting interest in it.

The Minotaur is a 'second generation' Minotaur based on a legendary creature, cultivated by wizards.

In other words, the Minotaur is a low-level imitation version of the Minotaur.

"...The two-headed Minotaur is an aberration caused by an accident during cultivation in some 'regular' laboratories." When Zheng Qing explained to his companions, he emphasized the term 'regular laboratory' A few words.

This was also the part that the Wizards Alliance official emphasized when explaining to him.

"In other words, your summoned beast is a deformity?" Fatty's focus is always so different.

"Is the three-headed dog a deformity? Is the siren a deformity? Is the fishwoman a deformity?" Zheng Qing was suddenly dissatisfied and threw a series of questions at the fat man: "How do you know that my two-headed Minotaur is a deformity? Aberrations are not deformities!”

"Yes, yes, it's just a deformed mutant." Fatty corrected his statement calmly.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath and gave up the urge to continue arguing with the fat man.

He turned to look at the others and continued to introduce: "...In short, although I don't like that medal very much, I must admit that the summoning spell permanently solidified on the medal is a very good idea."

"Does it have any skills?" Xiao Xiao was obviously more concerned about its abilities than the appearance of the two-headed Minotaur.

"A lot." Zheng Qing thought for a while and then said slowly: "First of all, it is very strong! And it likes to use a thick totem stick..."

"There is no doubt," the fat man immediately sneered: "Compared to a strong tauren, it is more difficult if you can find a thin tauren."

Zheng Qing felt his cheeks feel a little hot.

He cleared his throat nonchalantly and continued: "Also, unlike the other Minotaurs who can only hit people with sticks, my two-headed Minotaur can do magic - he should be able to communicate with others through the resonance of his two voices. The result is some very interesting and useful auxiliary auras.”

"Don't say so many useless things. Just call him out for a walk and we'll get to know each other, right?" The lead hunter of the Exoneration Hunting Team waved his arms and yelled impatiently.

"Here?" Zheng Qing looked up at the ceiling above his head, then lowered his head and looked around.

His meaning is very clear. This is just an ordinary classroom in the teaching building. If any strange creature is summoned casually in this place, regardless of whether the picket team will deduct his credits. , simply because of the narrow space and the crowds, it's obviously not a good idea.

"Of course not here." Zhang Jixin's red face lit up, revealing a hint of purple.

He twisted his neck and added gruffly: "I mean training at night... During the training at night, take time to call it out and meet everyone."

"If you plan to use this summoning technique in the freshman competition, it is really necessary to meet." Xiao Xiao put away his notebook and agreed with the main hunter's point of view.

Zhang Jixin's expression suddenly softened a lot.

"In this case," Zheng Qing saw that everyone seemed to be very interested, and finally could only nod reluctantly: "Then if I have time, I will meet you."

It turns out that these young people are still too young.

In life, sometimes, there are certain things that should never be said.

For example, 'After the battle is over, I will go back to my hometown to get married', and 'Wait for me, I will definitely come back', and 'If I have time...'.

If there is time, it means there is never time.

Just like several young wizards in the Exoneration Hunting Team, they planned to have time to see the summoned beast in the Order of Merlin, but unexpectedly they were busy from Thursday to Saturday, until the start of the 'College Cup' dance, and they never saw that beast. The appearance of the Minotaur.

It's also very sad.

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