Because it needed to accommodate four colleges and many guests with invitation letters, the venue for the 'College Cup' dance was not arranged in the small square beside Linzhong Lake.

The small square was just a little too small for the large number of guests.

After many comparisons and coordination, the student union of Jiuyou College - the organizing body for this year's dance - finally arranged this year's dance on an open lawn adjacent to the school wall.

This lawn is located between the atrium and the back garden of the university. Across a small hill is the sparkling Linzhong Lake. Standing at the other end of the lawn, you can still see the dormitory mountains in the distance; and the promenade surrounding the lawn is Fast entrances and exits are provided for students from several other colleges, making it easier for organizers to divert the flow of people at any time.

It can be said that the student union tried its best to please the audience in order to reverse the negative impact of the accident at Hunting Ground No. 1 last weekend.

Starting from Saturday afternoon, before the sun set, groups of office bearers wearing red academic robes with the academy emblem and student union emblem on their chests began to arrange the dance scene.

The grass sperm in the grass, the tree sperm on the shrubs, and the wild light bugs hanging on the treetops and dead branches were all picked out by the staff, stuffed into boxes one by one, and stacked outside the venue until the dance was over. Put them back.

A colorful low flower wall surrounds the entire lawn. Four huge circular arches are erected on all sides of the flower wall. The arches are made of golden oak and silver birch as bases, with bright fireworks hanging above them. In order to solidify these blooming fireworks, the Student Union specially invited the Institute of Applied Magic to Several senior researchers helped.

Under the arch are sections of carpets of different colors.

A bright red carpet, a bright silver carpet, a golden carpet, and a dark blue carpet.

There is no doubt that everyone knows which door they should enter through.

At the edge of the venue, close to the flower wall, there are two rows of slender and exquisite red seats. I don’t know if magic is also cast on these chairs. When no one is around, they shine brightly, like torches. Whenever someone sits on them, these torches will gradually go out, and at the same time, a soft sound will be heard from the trumpets on both sides of the chairs. Upbeat music. 【 # ¥ reading】

In addition to these, people from the student union also set up several large tents outside the flower wall. On the one hand, the officers of the student union can rest and adjust. On the other hand, they also prepared therapists from the school hospital and senior cadres of some large clubs in the school - for The people in the student union also put in a lot of effort to prevent anything from going wrong at tonight's dance.

Zheng Qing hurried to the scene about half an hour before the dance started.

He went to the petting zoo to pick up Poseidon.

Ever since he learned about the scary little fox's background, Zheng Qing suddenly changed from being a pet to being an ancestor. Not only did he want to eat and drink well, but he was also worried that the little guy would be unhappy and cause trouble, so he took this opportunity to join in the fun and finally decided to bring the little fox to the dance.

After all, the witches also like this furry little thing, and pets are not prohibited at the dance. Of course, our public-funded student will never admit that he is a little timid when he attends the dance for the first time, so he brings a more timid fox to strengthen him. Take courage.

But as soon as he set foot on the dance floor, he regretted it.

Everywhere you look, there is a sea of ​​flowers and happy people. Not only did the little fox not feel timid in this environment, but he ran around excitedly. As a result, the young public-funded student followed it around and soon got lost.

Yes, Zheng Qing got lost at the dance party.

Originally, he and Elena agreed to meet under the mistletoe by the arch, but when he caught the little fox under the stone pillar by the corridor, he raised his head and didn't know where he was.

Next to him were the stone pillars of the corridor, with lush vines clinging to them. Rows of golden light bugs lay neatly on the vine leaves, sucking sap and spraying light. On both sides of the stone pillar are lush oleander and old plum trees. Under the trees is a small piece of pebbles, with a few square stones engraved with runes embedded in them, shining brightly in the magic surrounding them.

In front of him was a crowd of people.

Red robes, white robes, blue robes, yellow robes, many students from the four colleges shuttled among them. In addition, there are more young wizards wearing various dresses - plain Himachun, exquisite Lolita dress, gorgeous Krinolin skirt, retro Bo suit train, lightweight Fairy skirts and so on - they abandoned the differences in uniforms between colleges and laughed and danced happily together. It is hard to believe that a week ago, some of them were still smashing each other in the sky over the hunting ground. Curse.

My ears are filled with joyful songs, laughter, and beautiful music.

As far as the eye can see, in addition to human figures, there are brilliant fireworks and some uninvited large birds - luminous finches from the depths of the silent forest. These big birds with mysterious blue-green fluorescence all over their bodies love to eat and drink at the wizard's ball.

The young public-funded student vaguely remembered that a certain chatty parrot had a grudge against these big birds.

But he really couldn't remember which parrot it was.

He held the little fox in his arms and struggled to shuttle among the crowd. From time to time he stood on tiptoes and looked around in vain, trying to determine his position. If it weren't for the fact that launching several signal flares into the sky would not help - the flashing fireworks in the sky could completely drown out any signal flare - Zheng Qing would definitely not be afraid to take out the few Xiao Xiao's special flying monkeys from the gray cloth bag.

Just when he was hesitating whether to fly a paper crane to lead the way, the discussion of several wizards nearby caught his attention.

"Unparalleled rhythm! Intoxicating appeal!" A small wizard waved his arms vigorously, twisted his body vigorously, and shouted in a high-pitched voice.

"Miss Linda of the O'Brien family has always been called the prom queen. It seems that she will be forced to take second place tonight." Next to him, another tall and thin boy sighed: "Her smile is a bit... Too strange."

"No one can maintain a stable mentality when encountering something like this... To be honest, Miss O'Brien is already very good at being able to laugh." The third boy lowered his voice: "If it were me, I would probably He has already left angrily."

"So you are just a rough man, and an uncultured, rough and poor man." The first little wizard laughed loudly.

"This has nothing to do with whether you are rich or poor." The tall and lanky wizard reconciled between the two partners: "But it should be admitted that this young lady is the queen of today's dance."

"Who knows what her name is?"

"No one knows...but it is said that she is a freshman at Jiuyou Academy."

"She must be a new student, otherwise we wouldn't miss such a beauty."

Zheng Qing listened to the praises of several old students and couldn't help but squeeze inside, wanting to see who caused such a big sensation.

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