Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 290 Reinforcements

The wolf stalks its beard and carries its tail.

This is the spell form of the Chaos Curse. Together with the binding curse 'Ge Zhi Tan Xi' and the fatigue curse 'Wo Ma Hui Jun', it constitutes the three auxiliary spells commonly used in hunting grounds. They are all required for first-year students of First University. Mantra.

Not long ago, in the spell class where he met Su Shijun, Lao Yao taught this spell to the young wizards in Astronomy Class 08-1.

"The wolf stalks its beard and carries its tail", the original meaning is that the fierce demon stepped on his own beard when moving forward, and stepped on his own tail when retreating - in essence, this is a move that makes the demon fall into chaos and lose his sense of balance and balance. Directional, a spell that produces frightening and restless effects, especially when facing a group of monsters, the effect is very outstanding.

This spell was originally developed for wolf demons, so until now, although the scope of use of the spell has greatly increased, the word 'wolf' can still be seen in the spell.

Along with the sound of chanting mantras coming from the distance, a warm breeze blew across the grassland, and the grass blades rubbed gently, making a rustling sound, which made the howling sounds from the wolf demon group even more prominent. .

The wolf monsters that originally besieged the Yu Sin hunting team seemed to be drunk, with their eyes crooked and their mouths slanting, swaying around, and spinning in circles. In serious cases, there are even individual wolf monsters that bury their heads in grass burrows, leaving only their big fluffy tails exposed, shivering.

Not only the wolf demon, but also the two ferocious monkey demons, the group of rampaging pig demons, and the sparrow demons flying in the sky all disrupted the square formation under this spell. The monkey demon shrank again, screamed, hugged each other, and hid in the shadow of a bush; the sparrow demon fell to the ground like dumplings, and was stepped on by the fat man who reacted. Into a piece of meat.

For a time, on the entire grassland, only the white wolf demon king could remain awake.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, retreat to the northwest!" Zheng Qing shouted softly, and immediately commanded the hunting team to get rid of the entanglement with the wolf monsters and retreat in the direction of the chaotic spell.

Faced with the dilemma of being short of two men and besieged by demons, he had no choice but to place his hope in the hunting team not far away.

"What a pity." The blue giant muttered and glanced regretfully at the stumbling wolf monsters. In the end, he did not take advantage of the situation to pursue them. Instead, he swung the big stick in his hand vigorously and knocked away several nearby wolf monsters. , they followed Zheng Qing's instructions and walked around the hill and began to retreat.

Zhang Jixin did not disobey the order. After gritting his teeth and finally breaking the lumbar spine of a gray wolf, he lowered his head and followed the steps of the blue giant in a muffled voice, and they all retreated to the northwest.

As the main hunter of the hunting team, he knew that while the chaotic effect of this spell had not subsided, the most important thing was to leave the battlefield and rest.

The two-headed Minotaur dragged the heavy totem stick and walked at the end of the team, on guard to prevent the white wolf demon king from jumping over the wall - with two heads, it seemed extremely handy in playing this role. After all, not everyone can keep an eye on the monster and follow the team closely without falling behind.

The white wolf demon king hesitated again and again, but the thought of self-preservation finally got the upper hand and did not attack.

Zheng Qing's transfer order was very timely.

Not long after the Forgiveness Hunting Team escaped from the encirclement of the wolf demon group, the effect of the Chaos Curse declined sharply, and then quickly ended amidst the howl of the Wolf King.

Of course, at this time Zheng Qing and others also saw the hunting team using the 'Chaos Curse'.

"I guessed it was you!"

Far away, a rude and familiar voice sounded in Zheng Qing's ears.

It was Andrew Taylor, a freshman at Alpha College and captain of the Ouroboros Hunting Team.

He was wearing a silver-gray dragon leather jacket and a deer-hunting hat tilted to one side. He was standing among the low grass tendons on the side, waving his arms to Zheng Qing with a spring breeze, and hunting with several hunters from the Exoneration Hunting Team. He said hello: "In the entire First University, your hunting team only has a blue giant. How about our Chaos Spell? It's good enough! Now in this hunting ground, there are almost no allies as powerful as us. How about it, I had The proposal is still valid..."

He was talking about the alliance proposal he made to Zheng Qing at the hunting painting exhibition a few days ago - the two hunting teams would cooperate to expel the other hunting teams and then have a showdown.

To be honest, if an alliance contract with complete terms could be produced within ten seconds, Zheng Qing would sign it without blinking an eye. For the Forgiveness Hunting Team, even if they drink poison to quench their thirst, it can at least moisturize their throats a little and suppress the anger that is constantly boiling in their hearts.

But obviously, on the hunting grounds, there are no such sufficient conditions.


The howls of the wolf demons resounded on the grassland again, interrupting Andrew's chatter. Similarly, the two monkey demons on the hill also reappeared in their original forms, dragging heavy wooden sticks and letting out a rude roar.

Even from hundreds of meters away, their terrifying size can still be clearly distinguished.

"As long as I can get out alive, I agree with you." Zheng Qing expressed his opinion without hesitation.

The young master of the Taylor family suddenly showed a beaming smile: "Then, happy cooperation!"

He extended his right hand to Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing stared at the ring on Andrew's finger and did not shake hands immediately - he vaguely remembered that before entering the venue, the young master of the Taylor family was arrested because he offended the senior officer of the Hunting Committee. All the rings on your hands.

But now, Andrew's ten fingers are covered with rings set with various gemstones.

"Don't worry, I didn't put a nightmare curse on the ring this time." Andrew thought he had guessed Zheng Qing's doubts, and his tone suddenly became anxious: "Why, are you worried? This is a hunting ground, I won't be that stupid! "

Zheng Qing glanced at the tall fish man standing behind Andrew.

He also had an unpleasant exchange with this rough-looking, stinking guy. He vaguely remembered that there was a shiny fishhook hanging on the dorsal fin of this fish-man.

When they met again, the fishhook was gone, and the fishman just rolled his eyes, folded his arms, and stood lazily behind the werewolf, looking indifferent, which made him even more confused.

"No, of course not." Zheng Qing put one hand behind his back and made a careful gesture to Zhang Jixin and Fatty Lan. The other hand stretched out to Andrew and said in a soothing tone: "It's a pleasure to work together, I'm just a little weird. …”

A satisfied smile appeared on Andrew's chubby face.

"...I burst into tears!"

At the moment of shaking hands, Zheng Qing recited this little spell.

A stream of yellow-green smoke surged out from between his palms, covering Andrew in the blink of an eye, causing him to bend over and cough violently.

This is a prank-like spell invented by the students themselves. Its main effect is to make the cursed person burst into tears and panic. Because the power is very small, it can be used without the need for a Dharma book, and it was once very popular on campus.

Through the yellow-green smoke, Zheng Qing could clearly see the face of 'Andrew' that was constantly twisting and deforming, like water waves.

There is no doubt about it.

Zheng Qing shouted: "Do it!"

Fatty Lan, who had been prepared for a long time, roared, picked up the big stick in his hand and struck it with a stick.

Before the stick reached them, the heavy wind pressure had already reduced the 'hunters' of the Ouroboros hunting team on the opposite side into a mist.

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