Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 292 Rest and communication

The sun setting on the ridge is like a small cattail, round and covered with creamy yellow soft hair. Perhaps because of the fog that seems to never dissipate on the top of the mountain, the outline of the sun looks a little blurry, deformed, and unpredictable.

But it's more likely that it's not a real sun.

Zheng Qing thought this in his heart, took out his pocket watch from the gray cloth bag, and glanced at the time out of habit.

4:52 p.m.

Calculated according to the season outside - that is, late October or early November - the sun should have set behind the mountains around five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky should be covered in a blue-grey color at this moment.

But in this hunting ground, the bright, furry ball of light always hung motionless in the mid-sky, tepid, neither rising nor falling, lazily spitting out wisps of light and heat, maintaining a half-dead appearance.


The three hunters wearing silver-gray dragon leather jackets knelt on the ground, retching, trying to clear out the dirt in their mouths, trying to eliminate the peripheral dizziness caused by using the teleportation charm multiple times after drowning.

"Do you need a meditation charm?" Zheng Qing reluctantly cheered up and asked in a low voice: "Your current symptoms are only caused by the imbalance of the body's spatial orientation and balance functions. It is very beneficial to soothe the spirit appropriately."

"No, don't waste your energy... You have used so many teleportation charms in a row, and you need to rest more." A thin wizard was the first to calm down, waved his hand, and refused Zheng Qing's help: "Let's rest Just one moment.”

Zheng Qing nodded and looked up at the hunters who were excusing him.

Xin had gotten rid of the Big Blue state, and was currently sitting on the edge of a rock with a tired look on his face, eating feebly; the Minotaur was also sent back to the medal space by him when he moved for the second time. Among the few people, perhaps only Zhang Jixin still maintained relatively strong energy and was able to walk around and warn everyone.

It should be safer in the short term.

Thinking like this, Zheng Qing finally couldn't help it, fell down on the grass, and immediately fell into a false sleep.

He really needed a good rest.

The other hunters around him all lowered their footsteps and voices in order not to disturb the tired wizard.

Even Iseni, the fishman of Linzhong Lake who had had issues with Zheng Qing before, consciously sat a little further away from Zheng Qing.

The thin wizard who was the first to regain his energy among the Ouroboros hunting team shook his head, climbed up from the grass, and then went to help a dark brown-haired wizard with a delicate face next to him.

"Is this the 'Great West' you are talking about, my Amber Master?!" the thin wizard joked feebly.

Fatty Xin raised his eyelids with great effort without making a sound.

He recognized the thin wizard as a first-year student at Starry Sky Academy, named Omega. It was said that his family opened a restaurant in Beta Town, the famous Jota Restaurant.

As for the fortune teller named Amber, the fat man vaguely heard the doctor mention it - according to the doctor's opinion, this Amber can be regarded as one of the best fortune tellers in the first year of First University.

Thinking of Xiao Xiao, Fatty's eyes couldn't help but dim, and the beef jerky he was chewing suddenly lost a lot of flavor.

"There is no doubt." Amber spit out the last mouthful of dirty water in his stomach, struggled to stand up, and said vaguely: "As I said before... we need to put it to death and survive."

Hearing this sentence, the fat man's eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkled.

His eyes passed over several hunters of the Ouroboros hunting team, and finally he couldn't help it and asked: "What did you encounter before?"

"This is what I want to ask you too," Omega turned to look at the fat man and asked in a low voice: "I remember that Lan Que is in your hunting team, right? He is one of the most powerful freshmen in Starry Sky Academy this year... Where are others?”

The fat on the fat man's face shook, and his eyelids drooped again.

"Been eaten by that white wolf king." Zhang Jixin ended his search, walked over from a distance, and replied gruffly: "There is nothing that cannot be said, and now is not the time to cry... We should immediately Share information to maximize our chances of survival in this hunting ground!”

"I'm not crying!" The fat man suddenly became annoyed.

"Wipe the corners of your eyes clean before you say this." The red-faced wizard glanced at the fat man, sat down in front of Omega and Amber, waved his hand and said: "Sit down, sit down first... while everyone is still there Live, we can exchange some information."

"I'll say it first."

"We entered the hunting ground, and first met a vine demon. We had a fight with each other, and then the vine demon was burned by us... Because the vine demon's territory is relatively large, we simply gave up the entire small forest. Burned."

Hearing this, Omega couldn't help but look at Amber, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"Then there was a bull demon with a strength of between eight and nine. We also killed it."

"Then there was a monkey demon... the big monkey you saw before. He was very cunning and ran away if he couldn't be beaten. Then when we fought with the wolf demon, it moved another monkey and attacked from behind. to our camp…”

Having said this, Zhang Jixin blew his nose with all his strength, spat viciously, and simply added: "Xiao Xiao was in the camp at the time and did not run out."

Amber gasped.

"Xiao Xiao? Dr. Xiao?" The wizard who had always remained calm finally couldn't suppress the shock in his heart and shouted in a low voice: "Is it the special admissions student from Jiuyou Academy this year? Is he also dead? This is impossible! "

"Nothing is impossible." Zheng Qing gave up his sleep, opened his eyes, rubbed his throbbing temples, and said softly: "Since that puppet appeared, nothing is impossible."

As he spoke, he took out a pair of black-rimmed glasses from the gray cloth bag.

This was what Zheng Qing picked up from a pile of debris rolling down from the top of the hill after the Forgiveness Hunting Team attacked the foot of the hill.

The lens was broken, and the transparent glass was covered with spiderweb-like cracks. His fingertips ran across the cold wooden frames of the glasses, feeling the delicate enamel between the frames, just like the delicate thoughts of the little wizard.

"What about you? What did you encounter when you came in?" Zhang Jixin turned to look at the two hunters of Ouroboros.

Omega glanced at Amber, only to find that his fortune teller was closing his eyes and mumbling something.

As a last resort, he could only bite the bullet and explain:

"We just encountered some big snakes... There weren't many snakes at first. We killed a few big ones and collected a lot of trophies."

"But the more we kill, the more snakes we get... It seems like there are a few snake demons emerging from every place, from grass holes, from the ground, from puddles, and from the cracks in rocks. There are so many of them, there must be thousands of them. "

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of some bad memories and couldn't help but shudder: "When we passed by a grass nest, a big snake four to five meters thick jumped out of it... It didn't even The whole body was exposed, and Julian was swallowed with just a flick of the head."

"According to Kohaku's advice, we walked all the way east. Although there were fewer snake monsters, there were more other monsters... Later, the little frog of Iseni sent us a message... We saw the blue giant from a distance."

As he said that, he glanced at Fatty Xin and continued: "The captain said that he and you had an agreement before and we should help each other, so we chanted a chaos spell together."

"Thank you." Zheng Qing thanked him sincerely.

Without that Chaos Spell, perhaps the Sin Hunting Team would have to pay a higher price to break out from the encirclement of the demon swarm.

"Not long after reciting the spell, we saw your figures passing diagonally in front of our hunting team... The captain thought you didn't see us and chased after you, but ended up falling into the pool." At this point, Omi Jia sniffed: "Of course, now we know that it was the Water Mirror Demon's fault."

"But we didn't know that at the time."

"Iseni thought he was a fish man and knew water, so he jumped down to save others... We thought he almost succeeded - because we watched them struggling to hold on to the edge of the pool."

"So we immediately reached out and pulled them...but we didn't realize they were all illusions."

"Then you two fell into the water demon's pond one by one." Fatty Xin concluded, shaking his head: "If you prepare a few more meditation charms, you won't be fooled by this illusion."

Omega looked at Zheng Qing, then at the fat man, and finally suppressed his urge to refute.

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