Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 295 Red Flame

The white wolf demon king shrunk to the size of a fist, squatting on the head of the big black wolf, looking around majestically.

To the left of the wolves were several rough monkey demons. Their brown fur shone with soft colors in the sunlight, but they were waving in their hands and pulling out thick tree trunks from the wild fields. They were making a roar, looking violent - If you don’t know, you might think that their female monkey was abducted by the Minotaur.

To the right of the wolf pack is a group of fat boar monsters. These guys with great strength, shrewd minds, but honest looks are staring at two small scarlet eyes and a pair of sharp white fangs, casually digging holes in the grass to make them anxious. Emotions.

In addition, opposite the wolves, there are snake demons all over the mountains and plains, and bull demons gathering in groups; above the wolves, there are eagle demons soaring with wings, and swallow demons coming and going like lightning; even among the bushy grasslands and in the crevices of the rocks. , stone demons, water demons, and tree demons will suddenly appear.

All in all, this is a grand scene of thousands of demons gathering together.

If on a normal day, these demons with very serious territorial concepts met in the wild, they would probably be brainless by both sides without a single glance.

But today, whether it was a ferocious wolf demon, an insidious snake demon, an irritable monkey demon, or a reckless bull demon, they all carefully guarded their own small circle and turned a blind eye to the strange demons a few meters away.

This gave the grassland an atmosphere of harmonious coexistence.

Of course, both the Snake Demon King and the Wolf Demon King know that all these peaceful scenes are just illusions. All it takes is a little introduction, such as the reappearance of the smell that makes all the demons go crazy, and the peaceful and peaceful scene in front of them will completely collapse and fall into unprecedented chaos.

Thinking of the smell that aroused the deep desire in his blood, the Wolf Demon King couldn't help but lick his lips. Intuition tells it that if it can swallow the carrier of this smell, it will definitely be able to break through the shackles of the wild monster and become a monster that is truly accepted by the big monsters.

Thinking of this, the white wolf demon glanced at the 'neighbors' on the left and right with a sinister look - if they hadn't been staring at them with eager eyes, he would have swallowed up those little wizards with their skin and bones, and there would be no need to chase the smell for most of the journey. A grassland! Not to mention that during the chase, we will encounter seventeen or eighty groups of monsters of different types and shapes!

The breeze carried a few dry grasses and drifted past the Wolf Demon King's eyes.

The white wolf king took a deep breath.

In the wind, in addition to the stinking smell of the snake monsters, there was also a vague smell of strange smells. The Wolf Demon King's scarlet eyes suddenly lit up, his figure suddenly grew larger, he raised his head and howled - this is it, that's right!

Those little wizards are nearby!

That tempting smell is right around here!

The long howl of the Wolf Demon King was like a horn, which immediately made the originally peaceful scene a little more commotion. The scarlet eyes of every wild monster with a little bit of ambition and a little desire began to shine.

When the howl of the Wolf Demon King alarmed all the demons of all sizes on the grassland, the young hunters who had just relaxed within the Four Elephants Circle fell into a state of panic again.

Zheng Qing shook his head vigorously and opened his eyes.

He felt as if he had just closed his eyes and was forced to open them again.

The eyelids are a little raw, a little heavy, and there is also a slight pain, like a pinprick. The young wizard thought this was just a side effect of forcing his eyes open and didn't take it seriously.

"What happened?" He asked in a low voice with a hoarse voice, struggling to stand up from the grass.

The hunters standing in front of him moved slightly, revealing a gap.

Zheng Qing immediately saw the dark group of monsters outside the magic circle and gasped.

Next to him, Amber was arguing fiercely with others.

"This is impossible!" The diviner looked at the more and more demons gathering around him, and his face turned pale: "The four-image array can definitely block the wizard's is impossible for the demons to discover us!"

"But in fact, they have already discovered it." Zhang Jixin glanced at the fortune teller with a dark face.

Fatty Xin was originally applying white fresh ointment on the back of Iseni's little frog. After hearing this, he immediately stood up and started to smooth things over: "It doesn't matter whether we found out or not... The most important thing now is what we should do."

This question made the atmosphere at the scene increasingly dull.

There are so many demons around, whether it is to use the teleportation charm to transfer, or to rush out and fight the demons, it is a very high-risk choice. But doing nothing and staying where you are seems even more unacceptable.

Zheng Qing did not participate in the conversation between them.

He opened his eyes and watched intently for a moment, then suddenly spoke to break the silence.

"No, they didn't find us." The former captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team shook his head and said softly: "If they found it, they shouldn't be wandering around outside now... You should pay attention to their eyes, and they are not focused on We are scanning the area."

"This means they haven't discovered us yet!" Omega growled excitedly and waved his arms vigorously.

"But how could they discover this four-image magic circle?" Amber's expression was still a little confused: "This magic circle is mixed with 'Oster's Guardian', and it is definitely a powerful weapon to shield the perception of monsters!"

Hearing the words 'Oster's Guardian', Zheng Qing immediately felt a little enlightened. He recalled what he had experienced with Thomas in Damingfang before enrolling.

That time, he was also under the protection of Oster.

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in Zheng Qing's mind, and he suddenly realized something, and his face slowly turned pale.

Then, a heartbreaking pain spread from his right eye, causing him to cover his eyes and groan.

"Is it okay?" Zhang Jixin glanced at him worriedly.

As a close friend and a companion who once fought against the demon on the admission plane, Zhang Jixin is very aware of Zheng Qing's chronic illness.

"You have a headache again? Didn't the professor treat it for you? Is it okay?" Fatty Xin also noticed Zheng Qing's abnormality and asked repeatedly.

The others also stopped arguing and unanimously focused their attention on the young wizard.

An active warm feeling flowed from his eyes into his palms, making Zheng Qing's heart tremble.

"It doesn't matter." He said vaguely, raised his head, showed his other intact eye, and signaled: "Everyone, be prepared first. There are so many monsters, we will definitely not be able to defeat them..."

This sentence was like a key, immediately diverting everyone's attention and opening everyone's conversation box.

Zheng Qing covered his eyes, turned around and walked towards the small puddle, pretending to get water.

Then he quietly released the hand covering his right eye in front of the puddle.

Under the pale skylight, a bright red flame was dancing happily in the palm of his hand.

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