Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 297 Armored Horse

The Jiama Talisman, also known as the 'Paper Horse Talisman' and 'Magic Walking Talisman', is a talisman that can help wizards move quickly. It has been used in the wizarding world for thousands of years, and it is economically convenient and widely used.

There are different opinions on the origin of why this talisman is called "Jiama".

Zhao Ji, the famous textual research wizard in the 18th century - the author of "Notes on the Twenty-Two Histories" who once wrote that "talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years" - in his book Volume 30 of "Yi Yu Cong Kao" once speculated that "in the old days, when gods were painted on paper, there were horses for riding, so they were called paper horses." This means that in the past, gods were painted on paper, and they were all given to the gods. They drew a horse for them to ride on, so it was called a 'paper horse'.

There is also a wizard whose surname is Yu and whose name is Zhaoyuan. In his book "Tianxianglou Occasionally De", he says: It is customary to draw divine images on paper, paint them with colors, and after the sacrifices and games are completed, they are burned, which is called Jia Ma.

In short, whether it is a paper horse or an armored horse, it is generally accepted in the wizarding world that they are for gods to ride, but the common people can borrow their strength.

The most famous user of the Jiama Talisman is Dai Zong, the divine Taibao of the Northern Song Dynasty.

It is said that Master Dai is good at running fast. He can bind two horses in armor and travel four hundred miles in a day. Binding four horses in four armor can travel eight hundred miles in day and night. Of course, with the passage of time and the development of magic technology, the speed of armor and horse talismans has increased. It has been greatly improved, and the speed of the four-horse horse is no more than thirty miles per hour.

But no matter how it develops, this talisman has an unavoidable key: gods.

Traditional wizards believe that this talisman can help people move quickly by channeling the power of the ‘Speed ​​Star’. Therefore, when using this talisman, one must bathe, fast, pray sincerely, and burn it after use to honor the gods.

In the 17th century, Shi Daoyuan (also known as Tiezhu Taoist), a famous spiritual wizard in Qionglong Mountain, recorded an interesting incident in his diary: Once, Shi Daoyuan summoned Wen Shuai to descend. Before leaving, Wen Shuai asked for a horse. Even after burning several pieces of paper, he refused to retreat. Shi Yun: "Many armored horses have been enshrined." Wen Shuai judged and said: "The hoof of the armored horse you enshrined is broken and it cannot be ridden." So Shi Daoyuan found the armored horse that had not been incinerated and checked it. It turned out that the template was broken. , the horse's hoof is broken and not connected. Then Shi Daoyuan used a talisman pen to tie the horse's hoof together, and Wen Shuai left.

However, with the passage of time, especially after the rise of the Dimensional Sect, wizards have gained new analysis and insights into the inheritance of various mysterious items in the past. Although talismans or spells such as the Jiama Talisman are still widely used, wizards When using it, actions such as "bathing and burning incense" and "praying sincerely" are rare.

Just like Zheng Qing, when he used the 'Jiama Talisman', he always used it and drew it, and then forgot about it after using it. I have never done either bathing or fasting, let alone praying sincerely.

According to the old people, he will be in bad luck if he looks like this.

So, when he was running alone in the boundless wilderness, followed by a large group of monsters of all kinds, he couldn't help but think of this.

"The sky is full of gods and Buddhas. Sanqing, Tathagata, Yahweh and Allah are above. Please bless my horse and run fast."

"I am offering you a pig's head in my heart..."

This was a last resort, the young wizard thought in his heart - definitely not in a perfunctory or disrespectful way.

After all, he was running for his life in a wilderness hunting ground and had no way to set up an altar or burn incense to offer sacrifices.

And there are no sacrificial pig heads in the wilderness.

There are only endless stretches of weeds growing unbridled in the fields. From a distance, the fur looks like a huge blanket, stretching from the soles of your feet to the horizon, boundless.

Zheng Qing didn't know where the horizon was. Although he shouted to the demons, "Wait for them on the horizon," he actually had no intention of running to the horizon - after all, he only had six pieces of armor tied to his legs. The distance that a horse charm can run is very limited.

He just hoped to run to the hilltop in his field of vision before the six talismans burned up.

Just stay as far away from everyone as possible.

However, due to mental fatigue and lack of physical strength, this hope gradually turned into a luxury.

Before coming out of the Four Symbols Array, Zheng Qing tied six armored horses to his legs - the divine walking talisman has the property of superposition, so as long as it can withstand it, the more the better - exactly how fast the six horses are, the young wizard has no idea. Not really measured. But there is no doubt that this kind of superimposed use of talismans will put a much heavier burden on the body than the burden of two horses or four horses.

The steps became heavier and heavier, and there was a bit more rusty smell in the breath.

Zheng Qing knew that it was not real rust, but the smell of blood rising from the alveoli and throat.

This means the distances he can run are getting shorter and shorter.

As the saying goes, if you look up the mountain, you will run to death.

It means that the distance seems very close, but in fact it is really far away.

Just like the hilltop not far away in Zheng Qing's eyes.

Half of the six armored horse talismans had been burned, but the hilltop still sat not far away in his field of vision, as if the distance between the two was constant and they could never be reached.

"The sky is full of gods and Buddhas. Sanqing, Tathagata, Yahweh and Allah are above. Please bless my horse and run fast."

"Give me a little more time to show off..."

Zheng Qing, who has six armored horses tied to his legs and is racing wildly in the wild, is indeed very cool.

Especially after he was followed by a large group of howling monsters.

But pulling the wind is a very physically demanding job.

Therefore, when his magic power was about to run out and his feet began to stagger a little, the young wizard felt a little regretful in his heart - the time to attract attention was a little short.

The howling sounds of the demons were getting closer and closer, and at this moment, a severe headache suddenly came over. The young wizard, who was already overdrawn, screamed, his feet softened, and he rolled to the ground.

...The sky is filled with blessings from gods and Buddhas.

...If you can survive, I will definitely offer you a few highly fragrant plants.

Before he fainted completely, this thought flashed through Zheng Qing's mind.

A flying squirrel demon spread its limbs, puffed up the wide membrane between its waist and legs, and tried to float faster. As one of the first batch of members hanging behind the young wizard, it had enough confidence to surpass the wolf monster beside it and the sparrow monsters above its head, and took the first bite of the fresh, delicious and attractive wizard. On the body.

Nose or ears?

The meat there has crispy bones and is more chewy.

The mouth is also a good choice...I heard that the wizard's heart is very delicious, so it would save a lot of effort to get it in through the mouth.

Saliva overflowed from the corners of its mouth, drifting behind it with the violent sound of wind surging around it. The flying squirrel demon's small scarlet eyes were full of greed and desire. Its gaze wandered over the young wizard, sizing it up, and choosing the direction of its attack.

Or, that crystal clear red eye?

The distance of a few hundred meters passed in an instant. As expected, the flying squirrel demon took the lead and was the first to pounce.

If he had eyes in the back of his head and could see the sarcastic look in the White Wolf Demon King's eyes, he might have considered slowing down a little bit - but that was not the case.

The flying squirrel demon also chose his target, the red eyes of the young wizard.

For monsters, beautiful red eyes are more popular than luxurious fur and majestic body.

The rat demon had a big mouth and bit it with sharp and fine teeth.


Crimson flames rose from the young wizard's body and instantly enveloped the rushing rat demon.


The rat demon only had time to let out a scream before it was swallowed up by the red flame and turned into a pile of withered bones in the blink of an eye.

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