Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 304 The unlucky ones and the doubters

Zheng Qing looked at the rough bark in front of him and sighed melancholy.

He only knew that his divination skills were not very good and he could not be an auxiliary hunter, but he did not expect that he would be this bad.

Although along the way with the tiger demon, he had to hold a handful of yarrow and calculate for a long time every ten and a half hours to make sure there was no wizard in front of him before moving on, but even so, he still stepped into this place. trap.

Yes, he had just stepped into a not-so-great trap.

Several yellow inferior binding charms were buried under the turf, and formations of different shades outlined with a carving knife could still be vaguely seen on the brown bark. If it were in Assistant Hilda's practical class, Zheng Qing would definitely not be fooled by such a crude trap; or if he kept using the cloud-climbing talisman to float forward, he would definitely not be fooled. Step on these talismans.

However, there are no buts in life.

Less than ten meters away from the big leaf eucalyptus, the Cloud Climbing Talisman happened to be exhausted. Seeing the shade of the big tree in front of him, Zheng Qing simply took a few steps.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Then a green light flashed, and several vines suddenly emerged from the void, tying up the unprepared wizard. On the contrary, the black tiger demon who was following Zheng Qing not far behind was lucky enough to stand outside the trap because he was a few steps slower.

At the moment, the young wizard was lying head down, feet up, with the corners of his robe turned over. He was tied into a rice dumpling by several thick vines and hung upside down on a Eucalyptus. It was obvious that such a kick would A trap that will cause you to be hung upside down in a tree when you step on it cannot be naturally generated.

Although this is a magical world, the growth of natural things still follows basic laws.

Eucalyptus trees that can set their own traps clearly fall outside the scope of the Basic Law.

Therefore, Zheng Qing could easily judge that there should be a group of hunters around him - especially the formations carved on the bark of the tree to contain the evil spirit and suppress the power of the demons further illustrate the problem.

After the young wizard sighed melancholy, he took a deep breath and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Hey!! Is there anyone there?! You have arrested the wrong person!! I am a wizard too!!! We are in the same group! …Everyone is in the same group!”

The sound passed through the treetops, startling a few birds that were preening their feathers on the branches, and then spread into the open field. Under the double elimination of wind and space, it gradually became inaudible.

No one made a sound, and no hunter emerged from the grass to free the poor public-sponsored student from the cane.

Zheng Qing struggled feebly.

The rattan swayed and swirled, turning the young wizard's gaze from the side facing the bark to the side facing away from the bark.

Then Zheng Qing saw the disdainful eyes of the black tiger demon.

Yes, just as Zheng Qing could understand Poseidon's eyes, he could clearly read the full of sarcasm in the eyes of this black tiger monster.

"What kind of look are you looking at!" The young wizard struggled violently, blushed, and roared: "I stepped on this trap for you! You must be more grateful!! Untie me quickly!"

He didn't blush because he was angry - although there were some reasons for that - the more important reason was that the hanging position made it difficult for blood to circulate, which made his face red.

The black tiger demon drooped his eyelids and glanced at the grumpy wizard hanging on the tree. He turned around, coiled himself in the soft grass under the tree, took out the monkey demon's head again, and started playing with the ball.

When Zheng Qing was hanging upside down on a swing on a large leaf eucalyptus, in the grass not far from him, in a hidden talisman formation, several hunters from the Karen hunting team were arguing fiercely.

"Don't stand in front of me! Let me out!!" Elena held the pair of light blue tarot cards in one hand and stared at the young wizard of the O'Brien family in front of her with unkind eyes. Her tone was a little annoyed: "Obviously , He is Zheng Qing! Why don’t you let him go!”

"Calm down, calm down... don't get excited." Adam Carlisle O'Brien stood in front of the Gypsy Witch, looking at her with a troubled expression, and then glanced at the two of them standing not far away, with their backs to each other. Matthew Cullen, who was looking at them and looking at the 'prey' carefully, whispered: "You know why...this is an order."

"What an unreasonable order!" The Gypsy Witch began to speak a little fiercely: "When can we turn a blind eye to the life of our friend?! He is alone, and there is a tiger monster next to him! He is in danger now!"

"Danger?" Matthew finally looked away from the talisman formation, looked back at his hunter, and shook his head: "He is not is us who are in danger."

"Us?" Nankai didn't seem to be very good at making some complex logical reasoning. Hearing this, he couldn't help but ask: "But the person who is hanging on the tree now with a tiger demon next to him is Zheng Qing... I think There is no danger compared to us hiding in the talisman formation."

"First, who can guarantee that it is the real Zheng Qing outside...and not a ghost or demon who is good at shape-shifting?"

"I can guarantee this." Elena shook her long hair and looked at Matthew with firm eyes: "Zheng Qing and I are classmates in the same class, and we often study together... I can guarantee that everything is true. of real people.”

"Okay, okay." The young vampire of the Cullen family raised his hand and said helplessly: "I am also in the same class as him, and I really didn't notice anything unusual... I'll skip this point for now."

"Then the second point is, why didn't the demon eat Zheng Qing? Everyone knows that the demon's desire for the wizard's flesh and blood is unlimited. No demon can suppress the instinctive impulse and give up the delicious food that is so close."

This question was extremely sharp and broke the tacit understanding that the Karen hunting team had maintained for several minutes. Although everyone was aware that the relationship between Zheng Qing and the tiger demon was very strange, no one dared to say it directly. Because this implies a very serious accusation.

"He is not a demon! He has not been transformed either! Gypsy witches have very keen senses in this regard, I can guarantee this!" Elena frowned and looked at Matthew sternly, with a hint of emotion in her tone. Warning: "This is a hunting ground, don't disturb everyone with unconfirmed news!"

"It's because this is a hunting ground, so I need to be responsible for the safety of everyone here." Matthew looked at Elena calmly, and his tone was extremely firm: "Even if you can guarantee that Zheng Qing has not been infected or transformed ...But can you guarantee whether he has made any weird agreement with the demon? You know, the puppet man warned us all before that only one hunting team can get out of this hunting ground alive!"

Matthew's words immediately helped everyone retrieve that bad memory.

What happened in the small auditorium not long ago once again appeared in everyone's mind - the big-mouthed Gollum brutally devoured two wizards, and the eccentric secret garden elf issued a terrible curse - no one wanted to be killed by that carnivorous plant. Even if the plants are swallowed into the stomach, no one hopes that the curse of the secret garden spirit will be fulfilled on themselves.

The captain of the Karen hunting team did not stop questioning, but continued: "No one knows whether other hunting teams have done anything terrible, and no one knows what choices some people will make. This is why That’s why I told you to be wary of everyone.”

"Besides, if he is Zheng Qing, then where are the other members of the Exoneration Hunting Team!!"

"If I remember correctly, he should be the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team."

The accusations sounded increasingly serious, but there was no doubt that each of his questions was sharp and to the point. These are questions that Elena cannot answer.

The talisman array suddenly became quiet.

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