Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 314 ‘Say’ hello

The underground corridor is winding and deep, without any distractions.

No exit can be seen in front, and no light can be seen in the back.

Zheng Qing and Lao Yao were walking among them, and they could only hear the tapping footsteps and Lao Yao's rambling explanations.

As a professor, Lao Yao may have a bad temper, but his habit of being a teacher runs deep into his bones. Even if he just briefly explained the concept of 'Karma Turning Curse' to Zheng Qing, he took the trouble to give many examples and detail many details.

For example, from his mouth, Zheng Qing learned that the "eating methods" of the monsters in the hunting ground were also very particular.

In order to reduce the difficulty of 'death', when the school's wizards inscribed spells on these monsters, the priority instruction they gave was 'swallowing', that is, swallowing them as completely as possible after biting them to death, in order to reduce the students' pain during the death process. pain.

Of course, sometimes there are more monsters than meat, or the fight is red-eyed. This 'priority command' will naturally be overshadowed by a stronger nature, and it is inevitable that there will be situations such as 'share the food', 'chew it into pieces', 'tear it into pieces'. 'Wait for a worse situation.

Although these situations will not affect the students' return, they will definitely leave a certain degree of psychological shadow on them.

When encountering such unlucky students, the school does not spare any expense and has arranged the best therapists and ample rest time for these students to ensure that it will not have a negative impact on their future studies.

There is also a more troublesome situation, that is, a student is bitten off by a demon in a hunting ground. A small piece of 'part' - such as a small finger, an ear, half a nose, etc. - according to the magic requirements, since the student is not dead, Naturally, you cannot use the 'turning technique' to return completely.

Faced with this situation, the school will prioritize high-level hunters to hunt down the unlucky monster, retrieve the student's missing parts from its belly, and combine them together. If after a long time, the 'parts' have turned into gastric juice, the school will also recommend students to use 'regeneration', using potions or magic to restore the missing limbs.

In short, for this high-risk event, First University has tried its best to reduce the probability of danger in every aspect to ensure that young wizards will not be harmed.

While talking, the two of them had reached the end of the corridor.

Separated by a layer of dark red velvet curtains, behind is the podium lounge.

Zheng Qing had already faintly heard the commentary, drum music, and the cheering singing of the young wizards coming from the stands not far away.

Seeing that Lao Yao was about to open the curtain and leave, the young public-funded student finally couldn't help but speak and grabbed the sleeve of the professor's robe.

"Professor!" He looked at Lao Yao with uneasiness and asked hastily: "So, where is that tiger? Is it a monster?"

Lao Yao tilted his head and raised his eyebrows: "Who told you it was a demon?"

"But it has a demonic aura on it!" Zheng Qing said with a broken face, saying incoherently: "You all say it is not a demon, but it has red eyes, but it has a demonic aura all over its body... The most important thing is that it They appeared together with those monsters! I thought..."

"What do you think?" Lao Yao interrupted him, glared at the young wizard, and scolded: "Do you think what you think is what you think?"

"How many times have I told you, don't think that having two red eyes means you are a monster... Didn't you walk around the school with a red eye before? You didn't even see the school's guardian array strike you with lightning. On the head!"

"But what about the evil spirit? How to explain the evil spirit on it..." Zheng Qing muttered softly.

"If you face a large group of demons, claws rise and fall, claws rise and fall, from the east of the demon group to the west of the demon group, scratching hundreds of demons to death, your body will definitely be contaminated with such a strong demonic energy."

"Killing hundreds of fish will cause a fishy smell, let alone a monster!"

"That means you have little experience!"

"Any hunter who has a deeper understanding of monsters will not mistakenly confuse 'contaminated monster energy' with 'emitted monster energy'... This is a basic skill, and you still need to learn one."

"It's not a demon, what is it?!" Zheng Qing continued to ask.

"There is this possibility, and there is that possibility." Lao Yao bit his pipe, blew out a few smoke rings, and shook his head: "There are too many possibilities. I haven't investigated carefully, so I can't jump to conclusions casually."

"But I can tell you that this black tiger must have some deep connection with you."

Zheng Qing still wanted to ask questions, but a burst of violent cheers and shouts suddenly came from behind the curtain, interrupting his question.

Seeing this, Lao Yao pushed the young public-funded student in and warned: "If you have any questions, you can ask them slowly later. Go and receive the award first. This is business... You can also ask your teammates. They will come out." They are earlier than you, so they may know a little more..."

Before he finished speaking, Old Yao's figure suddenly faded, and before Zheng Qing could recover, he disappeared into the corridor.

All that was left was the empty corridor and the tent fluttering in the cold wind.

Perhaps because he realized that it would be awkward to meet with the other teammates of You Zui, Zheng Qing had been resisting meeting with his friends deep in his heart - this was why he pestered Lao Yao and asked him one question after another. one of the reasons.

After all, he cried and acted cool on that hunting ground, and his reserve as a man was gone.

However, being embarrassed is one thing, but being beaten upon meeting is another.

Zheng Qing had guessed many scenes in his heart when everyone met.

For example, hugging one's head and crying - this is a bit exaggerated, Zheng Qing refused deep down in his heart. And he didn't believe that Blue Bird would cry and hug others.

Another example is cheering, high-fiving and hugging - except for the carefree Fatty Xin, Zheng Qing can hardly imagine that anyone else has a reason to be happy. After all, Xiao Xiao and Lan Que had just died, and the negative mental trauma would definitely not dissipate so easily.

After thinking about it, he felt that the most likely scenario was that a few old men would smile at each other, nod awkwardly to each other, and then turn over the page silently.

But despite all his thoughts, he didn't expect that he would receive a heavy punch in the face just after meeting the other hunters who were excusing him.

This punch was delivered by Zhang Jixin.

When Zheng Qing crossed the curtain and appeared in the lounge under the podium, the other hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were standing in the corner, whispering something.

The young public-sponsored student had just put a kind smile on his face, and before he could think of a way to say hello, he was punched by the red-faced wizard who rushed up and sent him flying.

He was really beaten away.

While floating in the air, Zheng Qing was still thinking about it - the old Zhang family is indeed the rumored wizard family with the strongest punches. Look at this punch, it's so beautiful! Maybe we can give him more responsibilities during hunting team training in the future.


why did you hit me? !

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