Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 148 The first appearance of the Rat Immortal

In Dingdang Er's impression, his ancestor was a very special big mouse.

The reason why I say special is because the difference between the size of the ancestor and the ordinary mouse is insignificant - maybe it is because the ancestor has exerted special magic on himself, or maybe it is just because the brain capacity of the mouse is limited. In short, every mouse has a special size. Soon after an audience, Dingdang Ears would forget the exact appearance of his ancestor.

Only its tall figure is deeply engraved in the soul of this young mouse. Every time I recall it, I always feel the trembling and looking-up feeling from my heart.

And today, seeing its ancestor again, it once again realized where its sense of admiration came from.

"so big!"

"too big!"

When they saw their ancestor for the first time, Dingdang Ears and Dingdong Ears, two mice wearing green vests, unanimously exclaimed and said the same words with the same meaning.

Because appearing in their sight, the ancestor sitting on the large black Taishi chair at the end of the hall in front of the floor-to-ceiling window was nearly one hundred and sixty centimeters tall.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the ancestor was wearing a black robe and covering his face, walking on campus, no one would think it was a mouse, but only a stooped old wizard - for First University To most wizards, this height seems unremarkable. But for other members of the rat tribe, this height difference is very, very significant.

"Watch your words!"

The mouse in the red vest who was leading the way turned around, glared viciously at the two green vests behind him, lowered his voice and complained through gritted teeth: "Why does every mouse come in and say such nonsense!"

After Ding Dong Er heard the scolding, he shivered in fright, his ears snapped to his forehead, and his tail became stiff, which made him stumble and become even more rude when he walked next.

On the contrary, Dingdang Ears boldly raised his head and glanced at his ancestor.

Because they were still far away from the chair, Dingdang Ears was very lucky to see the whole picture of his ancestor.

What caught his eye was a huge, fat-looking rat face. The thick eyelids and eye bags are stacked together, forming several layers of folds and gaps, making it difficult to tell where its eyes are; the fat on the cheeks droops along the direction of the nasolabial folds, and the fat on the neck Squeezing each other, it looks like it has three or five layers of chin.

The ancestor was wearing a black robe, and his bulging belly stretched the robe into an interesting arc. Outside the robe, he also wore a white vest, but unlike other mice's vests, the vest worn by his ancestor was unbuttoned and open - this is not difficult to understand. After all, with such a spectacular belly, it would be difficult to button a normal vest.

At this moment, it was sitting on its belly with its hands resting on the armrests of the Grand Master's chair. A dozen Smurfs were waiting on the left and right, holding pens, ink, paper, inkstones, documents, seals and other various study tools. There were also two mice in red vests standing on the ancestor's shoulders, reporting to him in a low voice. 【! ~ \u0026…The novel is better and updated faster]

The three mice lined up neatly and came to the ancestor's feet one after another and kissed the tip of his tail.

"Well, you're here?"

Sitting on the Grand Master's chair, the Rat Immortal - this is the official name of the ancestor of the rat clan in the official documents of the First University - lowered his head and glanced at the two rats in green vests near his feet, and his tone seemed very kind: " I heard that you met a talking black cat outside? "

"Yes, ancestor!"

Dingdang Ears immediately raised his paw bravely, loudly, speaking quickly, and clearly enunciating the story of his negotiation with the black cat - including how he negotiated with the cat in the tree, and how brave he was. Walk down the tree, walk among the cats, and talk to the scary black cat with red eyes.

It also used language skills to earn a few bright stones from a short wizard - in order to enhance its persuasion, it also held those small diamonds in black velvet cloth and presented them to its ancestors - and its plan to further increase business exchanges with Black Cat.

At the end, he used gorgeous words to describe the battle of wits and courage between himself and the black cat that tried to track him, especially highlighting his image of being fearless in the face of danger and reprimanding the black cat with righteousness. Then this little story ended with the black cat being frightened by the ‘cloud-penetrating arrow’ it lit and running away.

"However, all my encounters are valuable! Just like our ancestors said before, 'In this world, the most valuable treasure is information'...and I brought such information today."

When making his final concluding remarks, Dingdang Ears held up a small sparkling diamond and looked around with stern eyes: "That black cat and the wizard with it want to purchase corpse-eating beetles from us."

"Carrion-eating beetles! Those little bugs that are rampant in the underground world, we can just take out a thousand! Ten thousand! Or even a hundred thousand! These bugs are no more delicious in our world than a group of spiders."

"But we can use these wastes to exchange for some uncivilized rats and a lot of shiny treasures from black cats or wizards!"

"Is there any better deal than this?!"

The mice in red vests who were originally standing around the Grand Master's chair followed the small stone that shone with beautiful colors, nodding their heads and wagging their tails in unison.

Ding Dong Er shook his beard with satisfaction, bowed slightly, and then retreated to his seat respectfully.

After that, Dingdong Er also stuttered and described his story.

Of course, compared to Ding Dong Ear, the story of Ding Dong Ear is a bit sad. Whether it was pretending to be dead and being caught by a forest cat, or running away and having its tail held down by a ragdoll cat, it seemed a bit miserable in its own story - fortunately, it teased the cats with its good burrowing skills, and made it possible Earn more or less some impression points.

After the two mice in green vests finished telling their stories, the room fell into a deep silence.

The ancestor of the rat clan sat motionless on his large grand master's chair, as if asleep.

After a long time, its head moved slightly.

"A very interesting experience... maybe you made the right choice." The Mouse Immortal's beard drooped slightly, and his voice seemed a little muddy. He sighed and said, "It's a pity. Because my talent is not high, I have never done well in the past. Learn divination...otherwise I wouldn’t be so passive now.”

After that, it was silent for a while.

"The black cat that speaks human language... also has a pair of red eyes." The ancestor of the rat tribe still had his eyes closed, but his head tilted up involuntarily, as if he wanted to look up at the sky.

The orange flames burned happily among the lotus leaf lamps, jumping and crackling from time to time.

"Did someone else choose this path?" It murmured and remained silent for a long time.

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