Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 149: Long time no class

When time rushed to the sixteenth week of school, an anxious atmosphere began to pervade the entire school. ◢自◢梦◢小◢.lā

On the one hand, many students were surprised to find that they only had three short weeks left before the final exams - the fanatical atmosphere of hunting the moon seemed to have just passed one night, and the uproar before the start of the school year was about the monster attack on Four Seasons Square and the admission to First University. The special plane incident seems to be coming to an end. While everyone was wondering where the time was going, they had to run wildly, trying to keep up with the passage of time in the library and study room.

On the other hand, in the next three short weeks, there will not only be a series of festivals and solar terms such as Winter Solstice, Winter Hunting, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Laba, New Year's Day, Xiaohan, etc., but also separate Christmas and New Year's Day. a holiday.

If on weekdays, after studying hard, you can steal two days of leisure, that would be really great. However, now is the final sprint stage, and students are facing huge exam pressure. This leaves many people forced to make a difficult decision between relaxing and seizing the moment.

This is also the main reason why the atmosphere on campus is a bit anxious.

"I don't know who arranged this holiday schedule!" Zhang Jixin grabbed the timetable in his hand and slapped it hard on the table, making the table rattle. "You are simply going against the working people! You said he arranged it?" Why not arrange the holiday during the Hunter Moon Festival? Or the Xiayuan Festival? It’s useless to arrange the holiday a few days before the final exam!”

"It doesn't serve the purpose of a vacation at all." Fatty Xin nodded sadly, and at the same time took out his notebook from his arms, then licked the tip of the quill in his mouth, and added, "I think I have an obligation. To publish a comment on this matter in the school newspaper is an arrangement that does not consider the students’ feelings at all..."

Different from Fatty's "two completes", Zheng Qing habitually found faults in Elder Zhang's words.

"It's the Xiayuan Festival holiday," the young public-funded student lazily leaned on the back of his chair, holding his head in his hands. Although he was talking, the corner of his eye drifted involuntarily to a corner of the classroom. " I remember we had a day off that day... and there was also the Double Ninth Festival. At what age do you think people need to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival? We are the sun at one o'clock in the morning. Is it a bit too much to think about celebrating the Double Ninth Festival now? early."

Before Zhang Jixin could comment on the attitude of public-funded students, the fat man retorted enthusiastically, "This is a sign of your rigid thinking! You only see the appearance of things and fail to grasp the essence!"

"What's the essence? It's that our holiday matching is unreasonable!"

"Besides, even if you mentioned the two is a holiday during the Xiayuan Festival holiday, but we are not allowed to leave the dormitory! What difference does it make if there is no holiday? It is even worse than not having a holiday! We can still go out without a holiday. It’s good to bask in the sun on Xiayuan Festival, because you’re afraid of encountering wild ghosts when you go out.”

"There is also the Double Ninth Festival. We don't need to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival, but the elderly do. The school can take a holiday and let us help the elderly celebrate this festival."

Zheng Qing listened to the fat man's argument and was silent for a few seconds. He couldn't help but admired, "You have said both right and wrong. You are fat and you are right. I am willing to be the loser."

After saying that, he opened his arms casually, stretched his waist, tilted his head and let out a big yawn. In another corner of the classroom, the gypsy witch was burying her head behind several thick reference books, with large burgundy waves hanging fluffily around her side, covering her delicate face.

"If you want to go there, just go there. Don't sit here and sneak around like a thief." Dr. Xiao Da, who had been lowering his head to compete with the black-covered notebook, suddenly said something behind the young public-funded student.

Zhang Jixin and Fatty Xin, who were sitting in the front row, leaned forward and backward with laughter after hearing this, attracting surprised looks from the students around them.

Zheng Qing's face suddenly turned red.

"What's sneaking around, what's being a thief! You're just talking nonsense that no one can understand." He slapped Dr. Xiao's head on the notebook, struggled forcibly, and watched as his companions became more and more suspicious. The kind look in his eyes immediately gave in, and he raised his hands in surrender obediently.

"Don't mess up, big brother, please don't mess up, okay!" The young public-funded student bowed repeatedly, fearing to disturb the gypsy witch who buried herself among the reference books not far away. If he hadn't considered that he couldn't defeat Liu Zhang with two fists, he would definitely not have spared a few talisman papers. He took out a stack of various talismans from the gray cloth bag and slapped them on the faces of these bastards.

"Well, are you two having a conflict?" Fatty Xin raised his belly and took out a small box of chicken popcorn at some point. While eating it with relish, he looked at the public-funded student with leisurely eyes, "I remember you didn't see Yi for a week. Lina, let’s go play…”

To be precise, it was eight days and twelve hours, Zheng Qing corrected in his heart. Thinking of this, he began to feel depressed again. He remembered very clearly that eight days ago, it was snowing heavily in the school, that day was Saturday, and he spent an afternoon happily with the gypsy witch.

Yes, from the perspective of the young public-funded student, that day was really perfect.

Beautiful snow scenery, delicious snacks, wonderful atmosphere, and that heart-pounding moment - if there hadn't been a sudden change on the white tower on the island in the middle of the lake, then his first date with Elena would have definitely been... Very complete.

However, because of that incident, the date between him and the witch ended in a hurry, and finally ended in the school hospital. From that day on, the gypsy witch, who had a somewhat clear attitude at first, slowly distanced herself from Zheng Qing for some unknown reason.

The paper crane flew to her and never returned.

I met him on the road, so he lowered his head and pretended not to see it.

The only direct contact in the past eight days was during the practical class last Friday. The friends of the Forgiveness Hunting Team worked hard to put Zheng Qing and Elena into the same group. But what was sad was that in class that day, Assistant Teacher Hilda asked everyone to review all the spells they had learned this semester from beginning to end.

As the witch's sparring partner, the young public-sponsored student cycled through spells such as 'tied by vines - paralyzed - dizzy'. Perhaps because the effect of Elena's 'Chaos Spell' was too strong, Zheng Qing's mind was blank until the end of get out of class. He could only giggle and couldn't even speak fluently, let alone say something to the witch.

Boys also have tempers.

And when she is stubborn, she is even more unreasonable than girls.

Zheng Qing felt that he had done nothing wrong and did not need or deserve to be treated like this.

I have done everything I can do. If you insist on ignoring me, then I can only remain silent. The young public-funded student thought this way and forcibly suppressed the irritability in his heart. Of course, he also thought about this. I will only repeat it silently in my heart, determined not to tell anyone.


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