"Are you the prosthetics of those four guys?"

"The forest is really big, and all kinds of monsters and monsters are coming out and jumping around!"

Accompanied by a cold and murderous voice, the red cloak hit the snow heavily. The already trembling sandbox space made an ominous creaking sound under the impact, and invisible ripples visible to the naked eye swayed in the air. He bluffed Hilda and other assistant coaches into losing their composure.

However, the young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, because they did not know much about the dangers of the destruction of the sandbox space, were calmer than the older assistants - and the only one in the hunting team who had the knowledge to compete with the assistants Dr. Xiao, who is comparable to us, has been immersed in writing and drawing in his notebook from beginning to end, turning a deaf ear to what is happening outside.

"You three stop her!"

Niutou roared at his companions, and the muscles in his body suddenly doubled in size, stretching out the large black robe it was wearing, making it look as if it had turned into a tights, giving it an already very violent momentum. More and more amazing.

Its plan is very simple, and anyone can see it clearly - let the three companions hold Su Shijun back, while it lets go of the suppression, breaks through the defense line built by the assistants with all its strength, captures the hostages, and puts them to death to survive.

As for the threat of the collapse of the sandbox world, they have long been forgotten.

Anyway, the collapse of space is death, and being beaten to death by Councilor Su after suppressing the power is death. Waiting to die, let's die together.

It must be admitted that these guys who have the courage to fish in troubled waters right under the nose of First University are outstanding in terms of courage and knowledge. Even if these four guys are just some people's prosthetics, the abilities they display are still impressive.

Compared with the bull head, its three companions made very little movement, but their movements were not ambiguous at all.

The moment they received the signal from their companions, three figures, including Beauty Snake and Turtle Back, silently pounced on Su Shijun. The strong wind carried the snow and involved half of the forest in a storm. The red cloak that was originally very eye-catching was drowned by the sweeping snowstorm in the blink of an eye.

Vaguely, the young public-funded student could see the tail of a snake as big as a mountain rolling in the storm, the back of a turtle as heavy as Mount Tai descending from the sky, and the golden light blooming everywhere, like a sharp sword, piercing the space to pieces. , as if it would turn into fragments in the next second.

Only the red dress was buried in the deepest part of the storm, with no trace showing from beginning to end.

Just as the public-funded student was worrying about himself, he suddenly heard a thunderbolt coming from the roaring wind and snow. Following this, there was a clear spell:

"Kanhan! Ru! Xiaoxiao! Tiger!"

The clear spell mixed with thunder broke through the heavy suppression and resounded throughout the forest.

The mutant tree men who had been carrying big wooden sticks and smashing them around suddenly lost their sticks under this spell, lay down in the snow, and began to tremble. The beauty snake and other prosthetic bodies that resisted this spell were even more unbearable. They were already paralyzed on the ground, unable to move.

The bad thing is that this spell seems to be a range attack magic that does not distinguish between friend and foe.

The defensive formation that the assistant coaches had been working hard to support suddenly collapsed under this spell; many assistant coaches, including Thomas, vomited blood and knelt in the snow with pale faces.

Zheng Qing understands their pain very well.

Because he also felt the power of that spell - as if a very timid man was walking over the mountains at night, and suddenly a big, eye-catching white-fronted tiger jumped out of the darkness and roared at him.

Zheng Qing felt that it was a sign of great nerves that he was not frightened enough to pee his pants on the spot.

"...This is too boring." The young public-funded student lowered his head, knelt on the ground, pressed his chest, and gasped for air. Because of the intense heart palpitations caused by the spell, for a moment, he felt like he was completely out of breath. Cold sweat was pouring from his forehead, and at the same time he felt a strong urge to go to the toilet.

Of course, these negative effects come and go quickly. After just squatting down for a few seconds, Zheng Qing felt the heat starting to come out of his body again, and gradually regained control of his body.

"Why doesn't she use thunder spells to deal with those guys?" Zheng Qing breathed, staring at a small snowflake on the ground that turned into ice crystals under the influence of his breathing.

"Because this sandbox cannot bear a more powerful thunder spell." Xiao Xiao was somewhat disapproving of the young public-funded student's complaints: "In fact, I think Goddess Su did a very good job... she chose a spell to shock the mind instead of destroying it. A super powerful spell that can defeat the opponent to the greatest extent while maintaining space stability. If it were me, I can't think of anything better than this..."

The doctor's explanation stopped abruptly.

Zheng Qing did not pursue whether the doctor wanted to say a 'better spell', a 'better choice', or a 'better balance point'. Because he knew why the doctor kept his mouth shut.

Bull head.

The irritable bull-headed man whose eyes were the same color as Zheng Qingyou.

Panting heavily and with red eyes, he stood in front of the two young wizards.

Zheng Qing raised his head and saw such a terrifying scene - strands of white saliva hanging from the corners of the bull's head, hot steam rising from all over his body, and a ferocious expression. Behind it, more than a dozen teaching assistants were lying in pieces on the snow, unconscious, and patches of bright red blooming in the snow could be vaguely seen.

Zheng Qing slowly inhaled the cold air in the air.

He did not stand up, but quietly moved his hands behind his buttocks.

"If I were you, I wouldn't touch that talisman spear." To Zheng Qing's expectation, Niu Tou's attitude was quite tolerant, but its ferocious expression coupled with the words in its mouth wiped out the amusement. Clean and clear: "If you accidentally pull the trigger, I might accidentally crush the head of some guy on hand."

Zheng Qing swallowed and immediately moved his hands in front of him, signaling that he would never act rashly.

Then Niutou turned his head and glanced at where Su Shijun was. Zheng Qing followed its gaze and saw the red cloak standing dozens of meters away, holding the tip of the beautiful snake's tail in his hand and looking cautiously at the bull's head.

"I allow you to leave." Su Shijun said softly.

The implication of her words was naturally that she wanted Niutou to let go of the young wizard beside her.

A strange smile appeared on Niutou's face.

"You let us go...but where can we go?" As it said, it raised its hand, grabbed one of its horns, and gave it a squeeze. While Zheng Qing was stunned, the bull's head pulled out its horns.

Then it puts the tip of the horn into its mouth and bites it.


It spit out the horn residue in its mouth, raised the horn with broken fur and dripping blood at the base to the moonlight, and looked at it.

"What a beautiful horn," it praised, stuffed the horn into its mouth, puffed up its cheeks, and blew hard:




One short, two long, three tones in a cycle.

Niutou seemed to have forgotten Su Shijun's immediate threat, and focused on blowing the horn.

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