Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 251: Account

Sound is a wonderful host.

In ordinary days, people can use it to sing, laugh, and recite love; they can also use it to cry, roar, and pour out their worries; they can also be processed into weapons for detection, communication, and killing.

On extraordinary days, the sound can be the sigh of Melpomene, the whisper of Iris, or a powerful force that bursts out from the horn and breaks the constraints of dimensions.

When the bull's head puffed up its cheeks and blew the horn with all its strength, the entire sandbox world fell into a state of irreversible collapse. As the last straw that broke the camel's back, the sound gushing out from the horn not only shattered this fragile world, but also seemed to break some shackles at the same time.

It looks like a mirror after being hit on the surface with a hammer.

The space in front of Zheng Qing quietly cracked open with criss-crossing lines like spider webs. In just a moment - the shock on Su Shijun's face not far away seemed to still remain on her face - the fragments of space peeled off from the lines, turning into puffs of light and dissipating.

After the space debris, there is a dark 'cave' without any information.

The reason why it is called a 'cave' is because except for the space about two meters in diameter in front of Zheng Qing, which was completely shattered, other places in the sandbox still barely existed. To use an inappropriate analogy, the current sandbox world is like a fine spider web, and a small piece of the spider web in front of Zheng Qing was torn away by invisible hands, leaving an empty gap.

It wasn't that Su Shijun didn't want to stop the bull from blowing its horns.

It's just that the spiderweb-like space cracks seriously restricted her every move. Including her, everyone in the sandbox world is like a small bug caught in a spider web. Every struggle makes the spider web tighter and tighter.

Perhaps the only one who is not affected is the bull head who only needs to blow with his cheeks.


Niutou's eyes widened and he blew the horn as hard as he could.

But what flows out along with the horn is not only the rich and melodious sound, but also its life. In the eyes of others, every time Niu Tou exerts all his strength to take a breath, his body will shrive up. It was as if the horn had sucked the life force out of it along with that breath.

Time passes by second by second.

In the air, those criss-crossing ‘textures’ are becoming more and more fine. Along with it, there was a clear 'click' sound like glass cracking that vaguely sounded in everyone's ears.

But even Zheng Qing knew that it was just an illusion. When the space is shattered, it is impossible for humans, including ordinary wizards, to hear such a 'realistic' sound. The strange noises he vaguely captured were just the soul of a wizard frantically warning their host.

Everyone looked desperately at the increasingly dense cracks in front of them.

This is not a desperate situation that ordinary wizards or registered wizards can escape by relying on the strength of numbers.

Perhaps everyone's only hope is the witch wearing a red cloak. After all, she is the only great wizard here.

Feeling the expectations in everyone's eyes, Su Shijun suddenly sighed and dropped the snake tail she had been holding on to. Even this action was very difficult for her to do.

"I was really tricked by Old Man Yao this time." Beauty Su slowly raised her arms and slowly lifted her long hair around her ears, revealing her delicate face.

Then she turned her head, looked at Zheng Qing, and said softly:

"It's fine at ordinary times. Take it out for a walk more often. Don't let it sleep in the nest all the time. It's not good for your health."

"I read "The Wizard of Oz" to it until Chapter 9: The Mouse Queen... It prefers to listen to Chapter 5: The Tin Woodman, and Chapter 6: The Cowardly Lion. When you read it to it, you can read these two chapters more. Again."

"Su Ya prepared a Christmas gift for it a few days ago, but I haven't found the opportunity... You can go to the mansion to get it for it later. I will ask Su Man to give you the key to the mansion. When you go to the store in the future, you will pass by the mansion. , just stopped by to help clean up the grass sperm in the garden.”

"I probably haven't had a chance to see it in a long time."

"Make it behave."

At first, Zheng Qing didn't realize what the beautiful Su was talking about.

But as the things she explained became more and more obvious, Zheng Qing gradually came back to his senses - "The Wizard of Oz" and Su Ya's gift, all of which were related to Poseidon. Su Shijun was telling Zheng Qing how to educate Poseidon.

As soon as he reacted, Zheng Qing was immediately frightened out of his mind. He did not forget that in this garden, in addition to Beauty Su and the four half-dead prosthetics, there were also more than a dozen assistants from the First University and three other hunters from the Exoneration Hunting Team.

Even though the assistant coaches were beaten to the point of vomiting blood by Niutou's violent attack earlier, they are probably recovering now.

At this moment, I don’t know how many old people with big ears are pondering some terrible thoughts in their hearts.

It's just that this fright disappeared without a trace immediately after the witch said, "Let it behave." Zheng Qing is not stupid, otherwise he would not have been able to get a place as a publicly funded student in Jiuyou College. He is just used to living in an ivory tower and doesn't care much about human relations.

But with a little thought, everyone knows the meaning behind Su Shijun's words.

This is almost like arranging funeral arrangements.

"Are you kidding..." The wizard said calmly, looking at the witch with a pale face, his lips twisted, as if he was trying to squeeze out a smile, but this effort failed, and it only made his lips tremble a little.

Su Shijun made a playful face:

"If you have the chance, remember to help me smash Old Man Yao's office!"

Before she finished speaking, the long red cloak behind her was raised high - as if for an instant, the cracked space around her was no longer an obstacle - at the same time, the three swaying light cyan foxes behind her The tail shadow gradually solidified, and around it were halos like flames and ribbons.

Then the witch bent down and placed her hands on the ground.


Her move caused the entire ground to shake. At that moment, the increasingly solid foxtail behind her exploded into a shower of light. Light cyan raindrops filled the space like glue, bridging the increasingly fine cracks in the space.

Zheng Qing felt his whole body suddenly loosen up, and the feeling of being constrained by space dissipated. He was trembling all over and got up from the ground.

"One minute, retreat quickly!" Su Shijun raised his head, looked at Zheng Qing, and shouted softly.

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