Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 252 The rabbit rises and the falcon falls

After hearing Su Shijun's words, Zheng Qing didn't hesitate at all. He got up from the snow, pulled and pulled Dr. Xiao next to him, and kicked the fat man and Zhang Jixin. The four of them rolled and crawled not far away. The teaching assistants at the office ran away.

When I was a child, I watched too many movies and bloody TV series. Whenever I encountered this kind of life-and-death situation, such as when the male protagonist desperately blocked the killer/behemoth/zombie/eunuch/inspector/boss and other deadly characters, the female protagonist would always be miserable. Qi Qi squeezed out a few unnecessary tears and refused to leave until she was dead. In the end, she missed the best chance to escape, and both of them died without a burial place.

Zheng Qing warned himself more than once that if he really encountered this situation, he must escape seriously and take the victim's share with him so that the victim's sacrifice would not be in vain.

Now, he really encountered this situation.

Moreover, just as he had simulated it thousands of times in his mind, he ran for his life very rationally and seriously.

However, he didn't know why, but he felt confused.

Focus! Focus!

The wizard slapped himself hard twice.

He has to go back and take care of Poseidon! He also wanted to help Su Su smash up Lao Yao's office!

He still has a lot to do now, and he can't let his mind wander at this time.

Zheng Qing's eyes swept across the patchwork of snow not far away - he wanted to find a way to wake up the unconscious teaching assistants, find a way to stop their injuries, and then find a way to cross the broken moon. That temporary passage there—Beautiful Su said that he only had one minute!

One minute, the second hand ticked sixty times and then disappeared.

It’s been ticking four or five times now, right? !

This thought floated through Zheng Qing's mind, but he didn't actually take out his pocket watch to calculate the time. Every second of your time now is precious.

Fortunately, when the bull head attacked the defensive formation of the assistant coaches, several hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team were at the center of the formation and suffered the least damage, so Zheng Qing was not fighting alone now.

Zhang Jixin, who was the fastest, had already run to an assistant who was lying on the ground, lifted him up, and poured some snake oil into him. Fatty Xin, who followed closely behind, quickly dug out a lot of bottles and cans and rushed towards the other injured assistant coaches.

Things seem to be moving in a good direction.

Zheng Qing was thinking this in his heart, and finally couldn't help but look back in the direction of Su Shijun - once upon a time, he despised this kind of indecisive behavior. But now, he suddenly understood that sometimes, the right choice is not necessarily the right choice, and the wrong choice cannot be said to be really wrong.

Then he saw a shocking scene.

A skinny, big hand with six fingers just poked out of the black hole about two meters in diameter blown by the tauren, and made a finger snap.

When Zheng Qing turned around, the middle finger of his big hand popped out quickly.


A rush of air hit Su Shijun hard, causing her to vomit blood and fly up. The space that the witch had held firm had once again made a cracking sound after snapping her fingers.

"What a disappointing result."

A hoarse voice came from the depths of the black hole, buzzing and making Zheng Qing feel numb all over. What's ironic is that this strong buzzing sound also did a big favor for the young wizards of the Sin Hunting Team - it woke up many assistant teachers who were originally in a coma.

However, at this time, Zheng Qing had no intention of running away.

Because he saw that the six fingers of the big hand had been retracted, made a fist, and hit Su Shijun again.

"Get away!!"

The young wizard finally had no choice but to lie to himself any longer. He roared angrily and pulled out two rune guns from his arms, a Colt Python in his left hand and a Remington in his right hand. He shot the big hand regardless. .

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The magazine of the revolver clicked and spewed out runes of rune bullets of different colors.


The Remington's pace is obviously much slower than the Colt's, but its superior power more than makes up for this shortcoming.

The wizard roared angrily, charging towards the big hand with his gun raised.

His self-esteem, his beliefs, and his thoughts cannot and will not allow him to continue to sit idly by.

To live, you have to fight your way out.

If you are really going to die, then die in an upright manner!

"What a... idiot."

Su Shijun was sitting on his knees on the ground, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth and a trace of a smile. The red cloak behind her had become dilapidated and stained with many mud spots. The three fox tails that were originally flaunting completely disappeared.

"Hey... I was worried about you running away just now." The voice in the black hole seemed to be able to detect the movement here. Not only was he not angry at the young public-funded student rushing over, but he was more surprised in his tone. "The process is very easy." Oops... but luck seems pretty good?”

As he spoke, the big hand that had originally been clenched to hit Su Shijun suddenly unfolded again, turned around, and rushed towards the young wizard who was running towards him.

Zheng Qing watched as the talisman bombs hit the big hand one after another, causing at most a few sparks to fly; and Ge Shen, whom he was most familiar with and who claimed to be able to 'bind everything', quickly withered after touching the big hand. , carbonized, and finally turned into streaks of black ash, falling rustlingly on the snow.

The huge palms grabbed Zheng Qing overwhelmingly, and the cracks in the broken space did not hinder him in the slightest.

The young public-sponsored student could clearly see the criss-crossing palm prints on that palm, the slightly burnt marks on the tips of the six fingers, and even the fine hairs protruding from between the fingers.

"Come with me...your future should not be limited to this island."

That hoarse voice was filled with a bit of smile, a bit of pride, and a bit of impatience.


A familiar yet unfamiliar cat meow sounded in Zheng Qing's ears, and then he felt a furry little paw on his belly.


"Hey! Wucao!!"

The young public-funded student clutched his stomach and screamed, flying backwards faster than when he rushed up.

When he got up from the snow with a breath of cold air, he immediately saw the culprit that caused his pain.

A yellow tabby cat with an erect tail and a hunched body was confronting the big hand.

"Hey...Brother Huang?" Zheng Qing hesitated and said hello.

"Ouch!!" The yellow raccoon did not speak, but made a warning sound from its throat. It's just that it's unclear whether this voice is directed at the big hand or Zheng Qing.

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