Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 48 The fight begins

Beta Town is a wizard town with diverse civilizations.

The forest goods market located near the port in the north area of ​​the town attracts representatives of different races, civilizations, and forces because of the complete range of goods and the wide variety of goods. This diversity is mixed together to create a unique style.

The buildings here are not high, most of them are within ten meters. However, there are huge differences in the construction materials of the buildings here, from the commonly seen red bricks, bluestones, and black tiles, to light wooden boards, green bamboo, and brown animal skins, to crystal clear ice cubes, and silver-white Metal, and even buildings made entirely of bones and colored foam.

Moreover, similar to the building materials, the styles of these buildings are also very strange.

Just walking around the perimeter of the market, Zheng Qing saw a boat-shaped restaurant built of wood, a castle-shaped hotel built of bluestone, a bar in the belly of a big tree, a supermarket under a bamboo hut, and a four-four The huge square golden-roofed tent is dizzying and breathtaking.

The building is not high, which Zheng Qing can understand.

Because this market is adjacent to the Silent River Port and is located on the edge of the Silent Forest. It is the most remote area of ​​Beta Town and is not completely protected by the First University - even the community in Beta Town located at the foot of Alpha Castle is not They belong to First University. They were only born because of First University. First University has no obligation to ensure the safety of the town.

Even though First University collected some taxes from the town.

Contrary to this unfounded security protection, the Silent Forest and Silent River outside the town are home to a large number of dangerous magical creatures, many of which are high-risk level creatures approved by the Wizards Alliance.

There are intelligent centaurs, mermaids, goblin tribes, giant tribes, and some ancient dragon beasts. The town can also negotiate some principles of peaceful coexistence. But a large number of wild, unintelligent magical creatures have no such restrictions.

It's okay when there's plenty of food. Those creatures without intelligence will stay away from the area controlled by the wizard under the control of instinct. But in late winter and early spring, when food is scarce, their hunger instinct will overcome all other fears, driving them to raid towns and plunder food.

At any time, a tall figure is an obvious target.

After several rounds of attacks, the residents of Beta Town gradually became more well-behaved. They found that by making their houses lower and smaller, as long as they were no higher than the height of the big trees on the edge of the Silent Forest, they could avoid magical creatures very well. attacks, greatly reducing the level of danger in a specific period of time.

So, now, the buildings in Beta Town show a very interesting pattern - the closer the buildings are to the edge of the forest, the lower and simpler they are, while the buildings closer to Alpha Fort are taller and more gorgeous.

But a low building does not mean a narrow layout, and a simple style does not mean it lacks individuality. In this era of hard-to-reach opinions, learning to be versatile is one of the important reasons why Beta Town ultimately survived.

Wizards from the South Sea like bamboo huts; wizards from the Arctic like igloos; wizards from the grasslands are used to living in tents; wizards from the rainforest live in tree nests; old-school lone ranger wizards like to build a magic tower full of traps. , the old-fashioned wizards of Europa like to live in old stone fortresses.

All of these, gathered together and presented in front of Zheng Qing, did not feel any violation at all.

"Sure enough, human adaptability is the most powerful force in the world." The young public-sponsored student couldn't help but sigh after visiting.

Thinking back to half a year ago, he was still living in a gray city, talking about ordinary things and acting like an ordinary person. Half a year later, he was able to travel through a strange world with a normal expression, looking at all kinds of strange figures and doing all kinds of unbelievable things.

Such changes often give people a sense of impermanence.

"What is powerful is not adaptability, but habits." Xiao Xiao squatted in front of a stall selling magical creatures. While checking the status of the little pigs in the cage, he answered Zheng Qing's words seriously: "... When you raise Once you become a habit, you will naturally lose the feeling of discomfort, and this is not a force... it is a rule.”

"Rules and power are not contradictory." Zheng Qing retorted subconsciously.

Dr. Xiao Da made a suspicious snort with his nose, but did not continue to argue with Zheng Qing on this issue.

Most of his attention now was focused on the cage in front of him.

To be precise, it was the little pigeons in the cage.

Fu Dou is a very typical fire-eating magical creature. Unlike creatures such as fire dragons or fire beasts that can eat humans and meat, Fu Dou's food is only flames, at best plus burning coal and kerosene. Moreover, their excrement is also a flame, but it is different from the entrance. When the flame is excreted by them, it has lost most of its heat.

For example, if it enters blue, it may appear white; if it enters yellow-white, it may appear orange-red; if it enters orange-red, it may appear purple-black; it varies from fire to fire.

But overall, the more powerful the disaster, the higher the requirements for the flames it consumes.

So most of the time, this magical magical creature lives deep in the crater, and rarely appears on the edge of the Silent River. Especially since it is still late winter, the entire nature is very unfriendly to this kind of creature.

The little fudou in front of me were estimated to be only a few months old. They could only lick the purple-black residual flames on the surface of a few charcoal fires and were dying. This made Zheng Qing quite intolerable.

Of course, just because he couldn't bear it didn't mean he wanted to buy these little guys back out of kindness.

Regardless of the fact that the vendor who sells magical creatures opened his mouth when he saw the obvious first-college temperament of the three young wizards; just buying Fu Dou where to raise it and how to raise it is a big problem.

Taking responsibility without any preparation is actually irresponsible.

Zheng Qing considered himself a responsible person.

Therefore, he would not buy it, and he did not recommend Xiao Xiao to buy it.

"Just take a look. Do you really plan to buy it?" Sensing that Dr. Xiao had been squatting in front of the cage for a little too long, Zheng Qing couldn't help but tugged on his collar: "We are going to use it next semester. I haven’t bought all the ingredients for the medicine yet!”

"Leave him here, let's go buy it ourselves!" Fatty Xin also became anxious at the side.

Hearing the urging of the two people, before Xiao Xiao could answer, the vendor selling magical creatures became anxious.

"This is a fudou with a very pure bloodline! I can only sell each one for less than two jade coins... Whether it is kept as a magic pet or used for magic experiments, it is very cost-effective!" Wearing a dragon leather jacket, Dai The vendor in the fur hat said to the two young wizards very seriously: "If I didn't have too many animals on hand to keep them, I would definitely not be willing to take them."

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