Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 49 Many people

In terms of appearance, Fu Dou's appearance is not much different from the local dogs raised by ordinary people.

At best, Fu Dou's fur is a little shinier and his aura is a little stronger.

In Zheng Qing's opinion, the three little Fu Dou that were locked in a cage by the vendor were just three gray little milk dogs. It's just that these little puppies are not playing with ping pong balls, but with red charcoal balls.

The largest one, the little Fudou, had its front legs spread out and squinted its eyes lazily as it looked at the distance between itself and the red coal. Its fur is silver-gray, which is very different from the dark appearance of the adult Hudou. But the same thing as the adult Hudou is its bright red eyes, like two round red gems, shining brightly in the sun.

The other two slightly more lively little buggers did not lie on the ground like their brothers. At this moment, they were leaning against the pile of hot coals, with their heads lowered and tails wagging, licking the hot coals with relish. The faint dark flame. You squeeze me, I nuzzle you, whining and moaning from my throat.

From time to time, a few small flames sprouted from under their tails, and then fell into the sand between the cages, as if burning dripping kerosene, burning the sand until it bubbled.

The vendor guarding the stall was watching and listening in all directions. While he was enthusiastically soliciting the young customers squatting in front of the stall, he would occasionally pick up the excrement rolled in the sand and throw it away with the long tongs on his side. Enter the small stove in front of you.

On the one hand, it prevents fire from spreading and causing bad accidents; on the other hand, it also saves costs and maximizes waste utilization.

After all, those excrements are good fuel, and they are just right for use in small stoves.

The rolling flames heated up the stove and made the vendor's face turn red. In this cold season, this blush is very valuable, allowing the vendors to save money on leather gloves and coats.

"It's really cheap...except for me, nowhere else sells it for only two jade coins!" The vendor was still talking non-stop to sell the products in the cage to the young wizards: "Magical creatures! They are magic with very high-level bloodlines. Creatures, you know?”

Just two sentences repeated over and over again, Zheng Qing was already a little tired of hearing them.

The reason why this hawker is still a hawker is not without reason. The young public-funded student had this thought in his mind. Even if he gave the vendor a fire dragon, he wouldn't be able to sell it at a good price.

"We really should's getting late." Zheng Qing finally tugged on the doctor's back collar.

This time, Xiao Xiao did not refuse.

He sighed and stood up with difficulty. His legs were numb from squatting for a long time, and he staggered when he stood up. Fatty Xin stretched out his arms in time to support the doctor.

"What on earth were you observing just now?" Xin held the doctor's arm and curiously poked his head forward, looking at the little tigers in the cage: "In other words, what on earth did you see?"

"War." Xiao Xiao shook his dizzy head and replied in a low voice: "The flames left behind by the disaster are excellent materials for divination. I just saw the war in those flames."

"In other words, you are looking at shit." Fatty Xin concluded: "In the true sense."

In the cage, the two little dogs fighting for the charcoal screamed and tore at each other, and finally fell into the sand together.

"If I bring Poseidon here, there might be a war." The young public-funded student shook his head vigorously, trying to drive the cute shapes of the two little things out of his mind, then turned around and muttered : "Poseidon will go up and fight for any new gadgets he sees."

Behind him, a few strange figures happened to pass through the long and narrow passage in the forest goods market.

Those figures didn't look much different from ordinary humans, but their short, almost disappearing necks and the flat meat bags bulging on the front and back of their heads clearly marked their identities to the young wizards. .

They are many people.

Multi-brained people are aliens, so the name "Poly-brained people" is more vivid. It's just that for diplomatic reasons, the translator of the Wizards Alliance changed the word "Brain" to "Nao". It is said that it looks better this way.

Whether they look good or not is debatable, but it is undeniable that the Duodu people are a very powerful alien force.

People of this race are no different from humans on Earth when they are young, but as they grow older, their cerebellum will gradually increase until a flat, round bulge forms on the back of their heads. Under this bulge, there is hidden an accessory brain whose abilities are almost the same as those of the brain. Because of this, adult Dochu people have very good physical coordination and are naturally strong in physical skills.

It only has a strong body and is no different from a mutant orangutan. This is not the real reason why the Duodu people stand out from countless alien forces.

The real power of this race is that their 'vice-brain' can be continuously derived as their strength and age increase. From the first one on the back of the head, to the second and third ones on both sides, until finally, it covered the whole head like grapes.

Zheng Qing once saw the appearance of the great elder of the Duohu people in a book introducing alien races.

He felt that the great elder looked like the Tathagata Buddha he had seen in the TV series "Journey to the West" when he was a child. The only difference is that the 'meat bun' on the head of the Buddha is a sign of powerful magic power, while the 'vice brain' on the head of the great elder is a sign of superior wisdom.

Imagine that every polynomial has a main brain and several deputy brains, so that when dealing with problems, they are like bringing a cheating device - also in the examination room, a person with only one brain who uses a calculator will be regarded as In order to cheat, many people with several heads naturally have cheating devices on their bodies.

This conclusion is somewhat depressing.

In any case, in the view of the compilation committee of the "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World", there is no essential difference between humans and humans on Earth. They all belong to the same category of primates, the Homo species - it's just that the universe is different. It is vast, and correspondingly, the ways in which intelligent life exists are also all kinds of strange. Therefore, more alien races have completely different appearances, habits, and other characteristics from us, which is not an essential difference.

But generally speaking, those aliens will stay in their own territory. They are comfortable and the wizards are reassured.

On Phuket Island, the usual residence of these alien envoys is the alien embassy area in the west area of ​​Beta Town. There is a settlement area tailor-made for them by the Wizards Alliance, which is very safe and very closed.

Under normal circumstances, these 'noble' figures would not appear in the outskirts of Beta Town, especially in the northern area of ​​Beta Town where magicians live.

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