Still can't stop it!

Liu Mu's body fell to the ice surface powerlessly, his eyes fixed on the metal box and the cosmic stone in the air.


When Liu Mu's body hit the ice surface.

The cosmic stone was successfully embedded in the groove in the center of the metal box.


The invisible force spread, and the entire Blue Star was shrouded by a mysterious force.


The sound of the ancient bell resounded through the sky.

The metal box burst into brilliant light, and the light dissipated, and the sky of the Blue Star turned into a blood-red color.

And under the blood-red color, there stood a huge bronze gate.

The huge gate had no edge in sight, and behind the gate was like a black hole, terribly dark.

"The gate of the world has been opened. One day later, the king's realm will merge with this world."

Yue Xi appeared in front of Liu Mu, looking down at Liu Mu on the ice and said, "Human, I can understand your feelings, but we are all for our own homes."

Liu Mu heard this and said nothing.

It was useless to say more at this time.

Even if he returned to Keyamu, Yuexi wanted to kill him, and he would still have no way out.

Yuexi's cultivation was at least in the Galaxy Realm, or even higher.

The Level 9 Strength Barrier Tree could not withstand Yuexi's attack at all.

"It seems that you have accepted your fate."

Yuexi slowly raised her right hand and was about to kill Liu Mu.

But at the moment when the power in her body was running, her body stayed in place.

At the same time, her expression became struggling.

"A mere clone, you also want to influence me."

Yuexi's face was extremely ugly.

But she raised her hand, but gradually put it down.

Seeing this scene, Liu Mu's eyes were a little dazed.

The clone Yuexi mentioned was Su Yao.

In other words, Su Yao's emotions could affect Yuexi.

"Well, the gate of the world has been opened, and the ending of this world is doomed."

Yuexi appeared in front of the gate of the world, looking down at Xingyue below and said, "Xingyue, I will give you one last chance. It's not too late to follow me now, otherwise it will be too late for you to regret it when the king descends on this world."

Xingyue ignored Yuexi, but dragged her weak body and walked slowly towards Liu Mu.

Seeing this scene, Yuexi's eyes were cold.

Without saying anything more, she turned and entered the gate of the world.

When Yuexi entered the gate of the world, two figures appeared out of thin air in front of the gate of the world.

"Husband, how did we get here?"

The two figures were none other than Liu Fan and Chen Su.

"Xiao Mu, Xingyue."

Liu Fan did not respond to Chen Su, but looked at Liu Mu and Xingyue below and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"You two, I have always remembered your kindness."

"Now the creatures in this world will face destruction. As a reward for you two, I will take you away from this world."

Yuexi's voice came from the Gate of the World.

The moment they heard Yuexi's voice, Liu Fan and Chen Su's faces changed drastically.

"Husband, this voice is the person from 20 years ago."

"Dad, Mom."

Looking at Liu Fan and Chen Su in the air, Liu Mu's face suddenly changed drastically.

But before he could do anything, Liu Fan and Chen Su also disappeared in the Gate of the World.

"Damn it."

Liu Mu knelt on the ice, his eyes full of unwillingness and anger.

"You should worry more about yourself than your parents."

Xingyue walked up to Liu Mu and said, "You could die at any time now."

"Hehe, die?"

Liu Mu looked down at his pierced chest.

If Yuexi didn't kill him, it would be the biggest mistake.

"Why do you want to help Lan Xing?"

Liu Mu looked at Xingyue and said, "You can obviously leave with that woman."

"No, I can't leave."

Xingyue sat down in front of Liu Mu and said, "Do you know what I meant by saying I can't do it just now?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean by can't do is that I can't take back Regus."

Xingyue said slowly, "My sister may not have thought that Regus was not given to you by me, but you took it away from the madman by force."

"And the way you sealed Regus, even I can't take Regus back by force."

"That's why I said I can't do it."

"So, you don't want to go back?"

Liu Mu's mouth twitched. He thought Xingyue said she couldn't do it because she couldn't bear to watch the creatures of Lan Xing perish.

"The King's Realm is my home, where my relatives and friends are."

Xingyue looked up at the World Gate in the sky and said, "I miss them very much."

Just like that, Liu Mu and Xingyue didn't speak.

The two of them sat quietly on the ice.

Liu Mu could understand Xingyue's struggle. On the one hand, he couldn't bear to see the lives of the Blue Star creatures.On the one hand, he did not want to be an enemy of his hometown.

"Madman and Xuanyuan Wuchen, they should be your people, right?"

After a while, Liu Mu spoke first.


Xingyue retracted his gaze and said slowly, "At that time, my sister and I were both injured and landed in the North Pole at the same time. Not long after, we met a human team."

"That team wanted to get close to us, but was killed by the power emitted by my sister. In the end, only three people survived because they did not move forward."

"And those three people are Su Nantian, Su Wu, and Xuanyuan Wuchen."

"Among them, Su Nantian was confused by my sister's powerful power and became my sister's slave. Although Su Wu and Xuanyuan Wuchen insisted on their original intentions, they also fainted because of this."

"I used up my last bit of strength to take them away from the North Pole and eventually landed at the South Pole."

"And because I was overdrawn, I turned back into a baby and was eventually adopted by your grandfather."

"In the past twenty years, after my strength gradually recovered, I found Su Wu and gave him the cosmic beast Regus and the Chilua cub, asking him to find a container that could hold the power of Regus and Chilua."

"Su Wu's research on animal genetic drugs during this period was also to help me achieve this goal."

"I see."

Liu Mu suddenly realized what he said.

"What do you want to do by looking for the cosmic beast container?"

Liu Mu continued to ask.

"To save your planet."

Xingyue looked at Liu Mu and said, "Regus is called the Thunder Destroyer God, and Chilua is called the Space Destroyer God. They are all king-level cosmic beasts with great power and potential."

"If there are humans on this planet who can become their containers, then they can use their power. Although it still cannot change the outcome of the fusion of the king realm and this planet, with the power of Regus and Chilua, the humans on this planet can be protected."

"Thank you."

Liu Mu took a deep breath and said, "Thank you for everything you have done for Blue Star."

Liu Mu had great respect for Xingyue.

And everything Xingyue did was worthy of his admiration.

"Don't thank me, I'm just doing what I think is right."

Xingyue stood up, staring at the World Gate in the sky and said, "Although the King Realm will merge with Blue Star in one day, before that, countless powerful star beasts will descend on Blue Star to open up the land. The power in my body cannot be restored in a short time, and you are on the verge of death. The only hope left for Blue Star has disappeared."

"No, hope is not gone."

Liu Mu stood up shakily, but a smile appeared on his face and said, "The woman just said that one day in the King Realm is ten years on Blue Star, right?"

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