"So what?"

Xingyue said, "The King Realm is the most powerful world in the Milky Way, without a doubt. The strength of its world rules is incomparable to that of ordinary worlds, so there is a difference in the speed of time flow, and one day in the King Realm will be ten years on Blue Star."

"That is to say, it will take ten years for the King Realm to merge with Blue Star, right?"

Liu Mu's worries completely disappeared.

Let alone ten years.

If he is given another year, or even half a year, he might have relied on killing monsters to become invincible in the universe.

You know, it has only been less than a month since he got the system.

But in such a short time, his strength is already comparable to that of a celestial realm powerhouse.

"If it is based on Blue Star time, it is indeed so."

Xingyue pondered for a moment and said, "But before that, there will be countless starry sky beasts and stars to open up the blue star."

"What does opening up the land mean?"

Liu Mu asked.

"You can understand it as helping Blue Star evolve."

Xingyue said, "As the most powerful world in the Milky Way, the power of the rules of the King Realm is not something Blue Star can bear. In order to better integrate with Blue Star, before the King Realm descends, countless star beasts will arrive on Blue Star with the power of the King Realm's rules, and the star under the King Realm will also be the first to merge with Blue Star, thereby increasing the area of ​​Blue Star and the strength of the rules."

"What are the star?"

Liu Mu continued to ask.

"According to the history of you Dragon people, you can understand the star as the subsidiary star of the King Realm."

"How long will it take for the star and the star beast to descend, and how strong are they?"

Liu Mu looked up at the world gate in the sky.

According to what Xingyue said.

The biggest threat to humans on Blue Star at present is not the King Realm, but the star beast and the powerful creatures on the star under the King Realm.


Xingyue looked at Liu Mu's pierced chest and said, "But you shouldn't be able to hold on until then."

"Are you so sure I will die?"

Liu Mu frowned.

Although his heart was pierced by Yuexi's power, he currently has no other discomfort except feeling a little weak.

"My sister is a powerful person in the galaxy realm. Her power is beyond your ability to resist. For you, it can be said to be a dimensionality reduction attack. Therefore, you were severely injured by her power. With your means and body alone, you cannot heal this wound. The final outcome is only death."

"But why don't I feel anything?"

Liu Mu looked down at his pierced chest.

Yuexi's power only shattered his solar heart.


Xingyue's eyes sparkled with stars when she heard this, and her eyes instantly turned into star pupils.

Her eyes looked at Liu Mu.

Xingyue stayed where she was after seeing this.

In her sight, dragon patterns appeared on Liu Mu's body, and dragons were circling around him, protecting Liu Mu's body.

At the heart, the power of the sun and thunder were disintegrating Yuexi's power bit by bit, preventing it from spreading to Liu Mu's body.


Xingyue opened her mouth wide, and was so shocked that she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"How is it?"

Liu Mu looked at Xingyue nervously.

Although he felt that he was fine, he was a little worried that he would die suddenly after hearing what Xingyue said.

"You are really a monster."

The starlight in Xingyue's eyes faded, and she said with a complicated expression, "I even suspect that you are not a human, but a cosmic beast."

No wonder Xingyue was so shocked.

In addition to looking like a human, Liu Mu's body and heart are not what humans have.

The body is a powerful body that has evolved into a dragon body.

The heart is a solar heart that can absorb the power of the sun.

Both are not ordinary things.

"It seems that I am fine."

A smile appeared on Liu Mu's face.

"I am curious, what have you experienced, why do you have so many incredible things?"

Xingyue looked at Liu Mu with strange eyes.

The incredible things about Liu Mu made her begin to wonder whether Liu Mu, like her, came from another world.

"When a woman is curious about a man, it is the beginning of falling in love with him, so you'd better not be curious about me."

Liu Mu smiled and looked at Xingyue.

All his means come from the system.

The system is his biggest trump card, he can't tell anyone.

"Really? I'm your aunt."

Xingyue suddenly approached Liu Mu, her fingers wandering on Liu Mu's chest, "Do you want me to fall in love with you?"


Liu Mu's face was very calm.

Although Xingyue is extremely beautiful and an alien girl.

But he knows how dangerous Xingyue is.

As Yuexi's sister, a creature of the king's world, she is responsible for cultivating the two great beasts, Regus and Qiluya.The existence of the terrifying cosmic monster, Xingyue is definitely not simple.

And he can't unconditionally believe what Xingyue said.


Xingyue sneered, and suddenly pressed her right hand on the chest where Liu Mu was pierced.

"Men, say one thing and mean another."

Although she didn't fall in love with Liu Mu, she was very upset to be rejected by Liu Mu.


A terrifying force burst out, and countless stars gathered in Liu Mu's chest.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Mu frowned, but at this time, he had no power to stop Xingyue.

"I'll give you a stronger heart."

Xingyue said palely.

Bang bang~

The strong heartbeat sounded, and at the same time, a lot of information flooded into Liu Mu's mind.

When he digested this information, Liu Mu looked at Xingyue with an extremely complicated look.

"How about it, are you satisfied with the heart I gave you?"

Xingyue let go of her hand.

I saw a heart like a star beating in the chest of Liu Mu.

In a moment, the chest of Liu Mu was completely healed.

Xingyue also lost her strength at this time and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Liu Mu hurriedly supported Xingyue.

"Why did you do this?"

Looking at Xingyue with a pale face, Liu Mu's mood became heavy.

The heart Xingyue gave him was half of her heart.

With this half of Xingyue's heart, he will have the power to control the stars like Xingyue.

"Because I see hope in you."

Xingyue smiled and said, "Xiaomu, let me see how much more incredible you can bring to this world."

Liu Mu heard this and said nothing.

Xingyue's kindness is too great.

"I'm sleepy, take me to your home."

Xingyue's eyes gradually closed, and finally fell asleep in Liu Mu's arms.

"Go to sleep. When you wake up, everything will be fine."

Liu Mu looked at Xingyue sleeping in his arms and said to himself.


Heavenly Palace.

Liu Mu put Xingyue on the bed.

Then he appeared above the Heavenly Palace.

Looking up at the Gate of the World above his head, Liu Mu said in a cold voice, "Come on, the more the better."

Liu Mu has figured it out.

Since the end of the world disaster is inevitable.

Then he will treat the starry sky beast as a monster and kill it all the way to the invincible universe.

By then, the king of the bullshit king realm will be killed with one punch.

Withdraw your mind.

Liu Mu disappeared in the sky and prepared to fight monsters today.

On the endless grassland.

Liu Mu appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the dense herd of beasts below, Liu Mu waved his hand casually, and the herd of beasts exploded and died.

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