Monster Musume chapter 25: Rage, Rampage and Result

I approach the guys with completely black clothes that Ruu and the other defeated. Students who hear the uproar surrounded those fellows.

“Will you let me pass”

“What is it, cutting the line ukh!?”

The male student who saw me is moving backward to the rear quickly. Other people who’re also were tempted and looked at me were separated from me all at once. …Aah, is it because there are Ruu and Rin. Perhaps my face also looks a bit scary right now.

I approach the guys plopping down on the ground. All of them are 4 persons, since there’s a lot of spectator over here , I have to bring them somewhere else…. some place to dump corpses, was there’s such a place around here?

As I think where to go, the student who looking at me from a far like surrounding me split, the principal and the teachers group are came.

“Tsuchio-boya..did you beat those fellows?”

“No, it’s my familiars. …Familiars, huh…”

“Is that so. Though, I heard that there are some monster comes out from library, did you also?”

“I killed it , though it’s already become dust”

“Looks like they’re use the forbidden book of the devil summoning. The one who surpress the damage to the minimum is also thanks to Tsuchio-boya right. Thank you”

“Since I only murdered the devil because my personal grudge, there’s no need for reward. More than that, I must thank those fellows properly. (*Irony*)

“Well,There various thing I want to ask, could you hand over them to us for custody?”

“…There is a condition, I’m the one who defeated the devil after all, please hear this little selfishness of mine”

“…Say it”

“You’re will interrogate them after this right?”

“Well, it would be so”

“If, there’s thing about torturing, could you leave it to me a little?”


“I said a while ago, it is my personal grudge. I lost a familiar because of them. I will not satisfied with only this”

The one who take away my precious slime from me …I’d like to kill them right now, but then there’s no meaning for it.

“Although I don’t know the way of the torture, there’s needed the role for make them feel pain right?  That role, let me the one who do it”

“You can’t kill them alright”

“Yes, I understand. If it’s only limb, it’s okay for them to lose it right?”

Even if they didn’t have both hand and legs, they will still alive after all. If I quickly stop the bleeding then there will be no problem right. I must be careful about death from shock.

“… I see, I’ll permit it.”

“Principal! Such thing, there’s no way to let the student do it….”

“Even if he’s first year student, his age is already 17 years old. The person himself said that he wanted to do it, let him do it”


“That fellow murders those fellows now here if we don´t let him do it. Then it’s meaningless. Please call the recovery magic man”

“…I understand”

Although the librarian was holding onto, but he admitted reluctantly. Then, let’s start this slight experiment on human body.

The place changes and is the underground jail at the school. Students call it “The never-opening door”, who would’ve thought that the inside of the one of the schools mysteries, is an underground jail. By the way, the following two are the age of the principal and the librarian’s occupations.

Those black guys are carried and thrown into that one room, only the librarian and I remain in the place. The other teachers seem to see the situation with magic from another room.

While those guys fainted, I tied up both their hands and legs with a tool for magic restriction and take off their masks after confiscating all of their weapons. There’s two pair of man and woman, the girls look alike that they were looks like sisters. The librarian is even checking inside their mouth. I suppose he’s checking for poison for suicide. Somehow because it seems that they’re possessed it, he take it all out.

“Then, let’s start. Tsuchio-kun, you follow my instructions”

“I understand. But why is librarian-san here?”

“In the past, I belonged to the dark side (a.k.a : anbu) of the country. Therefore I am well experienced in trap and torture”

“Why does such a person, working as a librarian?”

“There’s various thing happened and I stop as an darksider, thus at that time I get pulled out by principal you know. He said that he want me to become the guard of the storage of the forbidden book. From the start I like to read the book after all, and then I still didn’t decide what my next work, thus I accept it”

Don’t judge people by their appearance. Though generally speaking, I wonder what they usually do.

“At first it will not begin until waking them up right”

He said so and librarian-san sprinkles water on the spies. They trembled with jolt, the spies jump out of bed. Looking at the surrounding and themselves, it seems they understand the situation.

“…. We will not speak, kill us”(spy leader )

“We cannot afford such a thing right. Which national spy are you?” (librarian-shan)


All members keep silent. Because this is done, they might be trained to be caught naturally. They will be trained to pain.

“Well, you don’t speak. Also, I wait for 10 seconds. If you don´t speak in the meantime, I will use force”


Apparently, there seem to be no choices of speaking from the origin to this fellows. They fell silent like a shellfish, and ten seconds passed in no time.

“…Tsuchio-kun, leave it to you. Sincerely, you must not kill them alright”


Well, let’s start with one, first of all I must obtain information after all, it is necessary to make start to talk right. If there’s no choice of them talking, then I only need to make it. Even the sisters are also favorable for this side, the way one whose face is slightly pale in particular. That probably is the younger sister right. …Yep, the plan was decided. First, I’ll show them my hand.(TLN : as in “show off”)

I stand in front of one of the spy, the leader-like man who answer librarian san.  

“I say first, but I’m not interested in something like your life”

Leader who slightly sees here, as it is I keep on talking.

“I am not interested in the information that you have either, it is the government who want to know it. For me, you are only the party who I take revenge at. It’s also not my hobby to see someone suffering. When you talk quickly, you will be able to die easily”

At the time I said that they can die easily, the younger sister-ish is the one who reacts. Then let’s do the demonstration first.

“…Since you seem to do not want to talk, then I have to make you talk by force you know”

I say so and touch the left arm of the leader. Although this is the first time so I don’t know whether I can do it or not, but I will try as much as I can. Thought even if this failed, I able to think of some way to torture them after all.

“After this, I will make your magic all over your body concentrate into your left arm. Since this is even make dragon dying in pain, you better start to talk you know?  Since this is my first time doing it, I don’t know the measurement. Well, it will not kill you so take it easy okay “


I think the thing where even a dragon is dying is worked. The leader face which look expressionless until sometime ago, some fear started to come into his face. Well then, let’s try it.

The thing that I will do after this, is just like the disease that make that child dragon suffering, in other word reproducing that evil influence. When magical power is concentrated in one place and circulation is got out of order, it seems to be considerably painful after all. Since I don’t know how much a human body can endure, let’s try it while seeing how things are going little by little.

First I make the magic of the whole left arm concentrate at the left hand. Though his hand become big like it was swelling, from his expression looks like he still have composure.

Next I transfer the magical power in the right arm, through his left hand dyed in red but he still completely have composure. Let’s try doing it in one go this time.

I transferred the magic inside his torso. His blood vessel rises and a small popping sound can be heard. Over here a change has come out on the leader’s face. He start to pour cold sweat, close tight his lips.

Moving the magic from his right leg to the left hand. blood flowed out from his fingernail, it start to swelling unnaturally. Sweat is discharged from all over his body, a moan leaked from the tightly closed mouth. Since it’s troubled me if he runs wild, so I have several teachers who were standing by beforehand to suppress him. Carefully, I’ll attack him thoroughly..

I transfer the magic from his left leg to left hand little by little. Finally blood vessel seems to have ripped and internal bleeding occurs, his skin has also begun to tear. “Gaaaaaaa!!!???” Though the leader screams by a loud voice and act violently, but he is supressed by the teachers and can´t move. The other spies see the leader’s appearance as eaten into by a pale face.

When I keep moving the magic slowly, at the time the squeal of the leader has begun to change. Perhaps it’s about the time to stop, or when I start to think like that, his left hand finally exploded from the inside because didn’t able to endure it.


Pieces of meat and the blood splash in the area, it’s also got into my clothes. I have gone too far huh.

“Stop the bleeding, please”

“Ye, yes…”

He got the teacher who suppressing him, to stop the bleeding in his left hand. Magic really is convenience, in this way people will not die easily. The leader´s eyes turn white and he has foam on his mouth. Somehow he faints, and his magical power seems to scattering in the air. The magic of the leader is nearly almost 0. …when saying it conversely, unless I make them burst I can still continue.

“Well then, I had made him faint away by mistake, but I got the hang about it now. Since there will be no cases that I will make you faint anymore, I can torment you for hours you know. How about it, did that bring you guys to talk?”


Even if I look at them now, they doesn’t seems the will talk. Really, they put me to trouble. Well then, let’s do the other one guy. The true show starts from now on.

Thought I had made the leader burst in ten minutes, but the torture of the next man lasted several hours. I came to be able to continue regulating last-minute tuning without breaking it. Even if sometimes I loosen it and asking him whether he will speak or not, but he doesn’t try to confess it at all. He couldn’t endure the pain after all and has fainted. The hand of this fellow is already at the limit and seems to become the opposite hand this time.

“Well, still don’t feel like talking?”

Although the sisters who have kept seeing the current appearance for a long time, but they didn’t look like they will talk at all. In what way, they get trained until this extent. On the contrary I more worried about that thing.

“Then, let’s move to the next person. Emm”

Talking about the sister state, the elder sister keeps firmly staring at me although her face is pale. The younger sister shakes her body tremblingly in contrast and turns her deep pale face down. If I think who shall I choose, it’s same as decided right.

“Then, next is you”


Although my feeling been considerably settle down, but I still boiled with anger. Which either way, because I have to get information, I can’t stopped here.

“Wa, wait! It’s alright even if you torture me first right!”

When I pointing at the younger sister, the older sister will take a stand like I thought. Yosh, she took the bait.

“Why there’s need to protect this one. Aa, is this because this fellow has information”

“No! I have the information!”

“I have no reason to believe that. If you want me to trust you, tell me the information”

“As for that…”

“After all it is a lie. On the contrary perhaps she is the one who know the information”

“Plea ,Please wait! She’s my younger sister! I will do anything, so please overlook my younger sister!”

“Elder sister, I can’t you do that! I’ll talk! Therefore please let my older sister go! Please!”

“What are you talking about! Hey, do you hear me!? I’ll do anything, so please my sister…”

“Ahh really, it’s noisy. It’s not really I am care, about the fact that you guys are sibling”

I catch the head of the younger sister. Well, will they smoothly follow it or not.

“You already look your leader hand right. If you don’t want to see your sister head like that, quickly tell the information”

“Wha!? Th, this fiend ! Doesn’t you feel any guilt, you’re going to take somebody’s family llife you know! ?Even so are you still human!”

“The sense of guilt to taking away the life of the family? Which mouth says that, the one who killed my familiar is you guys right!”

“…..just because of you familiar? Don’t kid with me!”

“just because a familiar? Bullshit!”

I catch the head of the older sister and fling it against the floor. This fellow, I can´t forgive her. Since when is Lime only a familiar!?

“Though for you guys perhaps she is just one or two familiar, but to me she was one of my important families! Who do you call fiend, the one who fiend is you guys right! You killed my family and then you asking  me to help your family. Did you make a fool out of me!?”

“Fa, family…?”

“Yes, it’s so! For me who have neither parents nor siblings, all my familiars are same as my family! Do you know the word karma? It is the punishment that killed my family that your younger sister dies”

“Bu, but my family is already…”

Although I separated my hand from her head, the elder sister doesn’t try to get up. Her eyes become hollow and murmuring something under her breath. Shit, it is disgusting….

“The road that you can choose is two. One, keep silent and get tortured until finally died. Another one, you tell us your information obediently, which is the road bet on the possibility of surviving even a little”


“Although I don’t what they told you, but if you released as it is right now then they will kill you for shut your mouth you know. It is the safest to have the kingdom protect you in the form of a criminal slave or something like that. What will you do?”

“…will my younger sister be saved?”

“I don’t know such a thing, ask the other guy”

“… I understand. I speak”

“I, I will talk too.Therefore, about older sister!”

“Like I said, tell it to the other guy. Librarian-san”


The librarian who stood at the entrance of the jail all the time as an spectator.

“May I entrust you about this afterward?”

“…Yes, it’s okay. Thanks for your hard work, you go back to the room and take a rest at ease”


I go out from the entrance. And then, as it is I just went up to the first floor.

Before I know the rain begin to fall. The cleaning around the library is also stopped and there are no silhouettes of people in the outside.

It was only Ruu and Rin who have been waiting for me who went out of the school building. Perhaps they’re keep waiting over there, their bodies were completely wet and become completely chilled.

“…You guys didn’t need to wait for me you know?”



They move closer to me, Ruu and Rin who rubbing their head to me. At this time, they can’t do anything except fawning like that.

“Hey, Wouldn’t you like to go to the place where Lime is?”



In front of the library, roughly putting everything in order has already been over. The piece of the broken door was collected and the body of the Lime disappeared, too.

“…it got washed by this rain huh…. even though I wanted to bury her properly”

The anger until a while ago went down and it is only emptiness that filled my chest. Gaping wide because an important thing is gone, that kind of feeling.

“Shit, Lime…. If I had more strength, I might helped you…”

If I had received the divine protection of the dragon, this might not happened. Such what-if-situation thoughts, run through my head.

“Lime, Lime…. Uuuu”

At the time when I said that Lime was died, the fact that I pretend to not see as I entrust myself to anger, it was thrust before right in front of me. Tears overflow from my eyes ,along with the rain it flow down to the ground.

Suddenly, in front of me who sitting down, I feel some presence like someone stood there. As I slowly raised my face, the one after that is… the usual figure of Lime stood there.


“…!?” Purupuru!?

Lime which runs up to me, wipes my tears. Eh,why Lime is!? As for a liquid metal slime, there only exist one and thats Lime! Eh, eh, eh!?

“Eh, Lime is it you?”


“Even you, when you were hit by the devil and collapsed I thought you died… “

“… ” Purupuru, purururu

Oh, did you say last time? Unless your core is get caught up,it isn’t the blow threatening at all!?

“Then, why did you collapse in that way!”

“…!” Purupuru!

Play dead!? Eh, all the things were acted!?

“Wai wai wai, because you waited and tried put it in order. It is look like that Lime is dead, but actually you’re not dead at all?”


“You, and what did you think how we felt!? Because I wasn’t satisfied even if the devil was killed, I also tortured someone! I am!”

“… ” Purupuru…

“Good grief, you little!”

I hug Lime with all my might. Lime takes a stance thinking that she will got hit, but she got surprised.

“…That’s a relief, that you live….  Although I went berserk, I was really sad to think even if Lime died…. For me, you are like family. Please, don’t do such a thing again…”


Lime hugs me tightly back and Ruu snuggles up from the side. While being poured down by rains, I felt the presence of Lime for a while.


Author note: Well, she wasn’t dead! I have come from saying that it’s okay when a blow doesn’t catch a stone just in case. It is hard to understand, sorry.

I wanted to let you emphasize hostility or the cruelty to the person who injured Tsuchio´s familiars, is it done successfully? Because I have not written serious stuff very much, I would like an impression and indication if it is good.

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