Chapter 26: The next day, dealing with the aftermath and the matter about the spies

The next day after the library devil assault case, I was called to the principal’s office. When I reconsider my action of yesterday, I think about how I could run wildly to that extent when I consumpt to my anger. Especially the torture, so I am one of those people who are able to do such kind of thing huh …. Even when I saw the spies screaming I felt nothing, even though I didn’t have that kind of preference……… Because from the start I didn’t remember any feel of guilt even after killing a person, thus it means perhaps I got deteriorated? even more right. In short, it means that the screw in my head become more loose. Well, I wouldn’t hesitate to do such thing for the sake of Ruu and the other, that kind of thought didn’t change. Even now, I have no regrets about yesterday.

I knock at the door of the principal’s office. I open the door after being called and bow, before I close the door calmly.

“Aa, Tsuchio-bou. It seems you have done an outstanding job yesterday” -Principal

“It’s nothing, it isn’t so much” -Tsuchio

“I heard that your familiar is actually safe right, isn’t that a relief” -Principal

“Really, I ran out of control recklessly alone like a fool. I also did bad things to the spies” -Tsuchio

Although yesterday I didn’t think anything about it, now that I think about it I really went a bit too far he~h. As expected, blowing someone’s left hand is a bit too much.

“Well, it was important that you made them confess quickly for their sake too. Tsuchio-bou, you should think that you were able to help all those fellows only by sacrificing a left hand you know. If I let someone else do it, then one person will be death after all ” -Principal

“When you can say so, I feel at ease” -Tsuchio

“Nevertheless, Tsuchio-bou, aren´t you really well experienced with these things” -Principal

Is that so? Well, because I have seen it in a movie and such, although I think that my skill is better than a complete beginner.

“You skillfully used the younger sister, to draw information out of the elder sister. Even the talk changed when you make the older sister yield, you cleverly hit at her weak place”  -Principal

“No ,that was my real feeling after all. I just got the blood raise to my head…” -Tsuchio

“Rather than words with cheap lie, a natural voice with compassionate feeling in it. As Tsuchio-bou take it from your inside, it was one of the best moves, you know” -Principal

“Haa…” -Tsuchio

No, like I said it was out of my consciousness…. Haa~h, I don’t care anymore, let’s quickly finish this business.

“Then, what business do we have today?” -Tsuchio

“As for that you know…” -Principal

Knock knock someone knocks on the door. Was someone also called beside me?

“Excuse me. Aa, Tsuchio-kun, did I have kept you waiting?” -Librarian

“No, I just came a little while ago” -Tsuchio

“Just now, I was going to get to the main point. You came at the right time” -Principal

Librarian-san enters inside. What are they gonna talk about? That Librarian-san is here too….

“Then I get to the main point. I have called you today, because of yesterday’s spies” -Principal

“Don´t they become crime slaves?” -Tsuchio

Slaves also exist in this world, but I have never seen one inside the school. There are two kinds of slave, a general slave and a criminal slave. A person who couldn’t pay a debt anymore etc drops their social status to a slave. Their treatment is comparatively good, there aren’t much who are used for physical labor. I think that they were used for helping inside the shop or such things.

By crime slaves, their status are dropped to a slave so that those who perpetrated a crime may expiate the crime. Those fellows who can fight, work as a slave for adventurers, even the guys who can’t fight are made to work in severe places like mines. The spies, even though they will become crime slave, they have nothing to do with me right.

“Although it is so, Tsuchio-bou is the one who take care almost everything in this incident. There is no way that we can’t give you a reward” -Principal

“And that, is a slave right” -Tsuchio

“Well, if we let them as it is, they will be made to work for the dark side of the kingdom, but if you want , I can somehow accommodate if it is about 2 person you know” -Principal

…Dark side huh. If I am not mistaken, I said for them to ask protection from the kingdom or something like that though …. But if it’s like this, then there’s no difference with the thing until now right. Does the principal want to tell me that I receive those sisters?

“I don’t really need any slave in particular…” -Tsuchio

“Tsuchio-bou is still young right? It’s not something you need to be embarrassed to talk about you know” -Principal

The principal who smirks, sandwiches his thumb between his forefinger and middle finger. Oioi, is that also available at this place? or rather that’s principal´s common phrase.

“No, I don’t really need one, I don’t have any hobby to forcibly do “that” if my partner hate it you know” -Tsuchio

“No No, you don’t need to hold back okay” -Principal

“No No No, I said that I honestly don’t need it” -Tsuchio

“No, No, No, No” -Principal

“No, No, No, No, No” -Tsuchio

“If you are man, show your ability to support one or two women!” -Principal

“Eeeh…although I already have three familiars with me you know” -Tsuchio

I don’t need them I said! Damn, aah it’s hard for this side to reject, though if the things continue as it is surely I will get used and then be crushed. …Ah, perhaps I can do it this way.

“It can’t be helped, okay then. I’ll take them” -Tsuchio

“…Even though you were unwilling to take it to that extent some time ago and now you became awfully obedient heh” -Principal

“If you say such a thing, I won´t take them you know. It’s not like I need any slave in particular after all” -Tsuchio

“I understand I understand. Well then, henceforth receive them” -Principal

“I understand. By the way, from what country were those spies?” -Tsuchio

“About that, I’m the one who will tell you”- Librarian

Librarian-san steps forward. Because I left everything to Librarian-san after that, he will know better right.

“They were spies of the empire. In the storage of forbidden books, they seemed to come to steal the spare of the blueprint of the fortresses in various places throughout the kingdom” -Librarian

“So the spare is keep in this place … ” -Tsuchio

A flag rose from the talk of the day before yesterday.

“In the imperial capital, the security is severer than here after all. Well, though it’s not like the security is lax in this place … ” -Librarian

“The magic barrier that I set up, it seemed they passed it smoothly. That younger sister seemed to be a master of magic somehow. I have to strengthen it or else right…” -Librarian

“Well, that’s how they were able to pass through my magic barrier and invade the library. I was restrained at that place, and after they made me release the trap in the storage of forbidden books, I pretended to be asleep” -Librarian

“Pretending sleeping?” -Tsuchio

“Yes, they seemed to have tried to make me faint with magic, if it’s just that as expected I won’t faint. After confirming that those fellows left, I activated the barrier for urgency and lock them up” -Librarian

Well, his way to dealt with the situation isn’t wrong huh. It’s hard for him alone to take all of them on after all.

“But that barrier, it was partially destroyed by Tsuchio´s unicorn…”-Librarian

“It’s amazing that you can destroy that barrier, to that extent you know” -Principal

“Rin and the other also went berserk after all. And my support magic was also the strongest one I’m able to use right now” -Tsuchio

“It was Thunder right? Such a high magic, didn’t they still teach you about it right?” -Librarian

“I learn it personally at the library. I wanted a trump card you know” -Tsuchio

After reinforced by lightning’s magic power, my thunder magic pursued it. The magic power consumption is no joke and the control is also considerably hard, but it seemed I was able to successfully control it under my anger. My blood boiled, because of the headache from the chill after all.

“Well, at any rate, no one has died, including your familiar” -Principal

“Yes, that’s really a relief. Then, I take my leave” -Tsuchio

“Aa, I’m sorry to get you involved. Since your slaves should be at the entrance, so please receive them” -Principal

“Okay” -Tsuchio

“Then, I leave, too. I will give the report later” -Librarian

“Please do as soon as possible. The top is annoying” -Principal

“I understand” -Librarian

I and Librarian-san leave the principal’s office together after bowing. I have to take charge of the slaves quickly.

After coming out from the room, Librarian-san hands a small bag to me. Inside it, there was a good amount of coins put in it.

“This is?”

“More or less, it is the reward from the academy. I think it’s not good to only receive slaves as reward you know, consider this as something like cooperation cost okay”

“Yes, thank you”

“…Thats right, there was something I wanted to ask to Tsuchio-kun you know”

“What is it?”

“That torture method, although I understand that you manipulate the magic power inside the body…but I don’t know the details”

“You already guess it right you know. I concentrated the magic power into one spot, then making the body suffer . I have seen a slightly similar symptom, then I thought if it can be reproduced again with evil influence?”

“It seems to be painful right…. I’ll take it as reference”

Yep, it’s slightly scary when Librarian-san says so….

At the entrance, there’s a slave merchant-like person putting the slaves inside the cage. I let Librarian-san convey the circumstances and making me the owner of the sisters.

“Then, drop your blood over here” -Slave Trader

I drop my blood, on the paper with magic square written on it. The magic square shine for a moment then immediately faded.

“The contract is completed by this. Please pass on the content directly to the slave” -Slave Trader

“Content?” -Tsuchio

“It’s the thing that prohibited you know. That they aren’t supposed to commit suicide or such” -Slave Trader

“Aa, such a thing. Thank you, doing such a thing for me ” -Tsuchio

“Don’t lose the contract paper okay, because the reissue costs considerable a lot of money” -Slave Trader

He said so and the slave trader left on his carriage. Then, let’s finish this quickly.

I approach the sisters. The younger sister who saw me, for some reason bows before me.

“Ah, umm…” – lil sis

“That’s, what…. I am really sorry for killing one of your family. I’ll give you this body as my atonement. Therefore, please don’t lay hand on my sister”

“What, it is fairly admirable”

“Originally, it was something that they made us to do by force. Our parents were caught because of groundless crime, to lighten the crime even a little, I was made to do work for the dark side”

“He~, so it was like that”

“Though, our parents seem to have been already murdered…”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. Then, I will tell you the content”

“Ah, yes”

“Both of you are freed, that’s it”


The sisters make blank eyes and are befuddled. Yosh, I already done what should I do, let’s head back to the monster stable.

“Then, live healthily”

“Please, wait a minute! Why do you free us!?”

“Well, I don’t need any slave in particular”

“The, Then why did you receive us!”

“I have to do that, because the principal didn’t seem to give up on it. Even I didn’t want to receive you actually. Come on, go away go away” (TLC: I think he said it like when someone says it to a stray cat)

With this the trouble is over without a trouble in the future. Now, I’ll go to the monster stable.

“Please wait! We are penniless you know! Even if we are freed just as it is, that would be a problem!”

“I will give you a little money you know? If I let you dying a dog’s death, it will give a bad aftertaste after all”

“It isn’t such a thing!”

Haah, what do they want to do?

“We have killed your familiar! Let me atone for my crime!”

“…Aa, It’s no problem then, because my familiar is alive”


“It was my misunderstanding she didn´t died. I’m sorry, I took a strange accusation”

“…That means, my younger sister was nearly killed by a misunderstanding!?”

“Well, it is so!”

“This fool ! “

“Big sis!? You must not act violently!”

To the elder sister who is trying to hit me, the younger sister pinioning her as trying to suppress her.

“Don’t stop me! I am not satisfied if I don´t hit him at least once!”

“You mustn’t do it! Please suppress it!”

“Then that´s it, in the first place there are no crimes you need to atone for. Do as you like”

“Ah, yes, we will do so! Let’s go!”

“Bi, big sis…”

The elder sister quickly went to the outside. While the younger sister is looking at me and her older sister, she flustered. Aa, yes.


I throw the bag with the money which I got from Librarian-san a while ago to them. The little sister’s complexion change after she is checking the content.

“Eh what, is this money!? If we use it wisely, you can live half year you know!”

“Aren’t you penniless? I’ll lend it to you without interest indefinitely, be sure to return it in the future”


“I don’t know how you will live after this, but you have the ability. How about both of you become adventurers? A freed criminal slave shouldn´t have any problem.You will have to buy a weapon too after all, so take it. If you don´t go quickly, you will be left behind by your elder sister you know”

“…I will certainly return your kindness. I am Lewin and my elder sister is named Suwin”

“You only need to return the money you know. Now go quickly”

“…Thank you very much!”

After she gives a quick bow, Lewin runs after her elder sister.  …Well, that’s the compensation since I tormented them because of an misunderstanding. I don’t know about the leader and the other one, although I feel bad for them.

“Well, let’s go to the monster stable quickly. I hope Ruu and Rin´s bodies are okay…”

They overdid it plenty to defeat the devil. I will treat them kindly.

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