Monster Musume chapter 27: Evolution, several months later, it is summer vacation!

“Are you serious…”

After the call from the principal and releasing the sisters from slavery, I went to the room of Ruu and the other in the monster stable. What were waiting over there…were the figures of Ruu and Rin which seemed to have evolved..




Ruu’s scales changed its color into red, and the arms which never been there has grown. Therefore Ruu whose posture looked like she was crouching all the time, although the example is bad, the posture became similar to a gorilla. Her body became considerably bigger and didn’t seem to be able to enter the room without bending her body. As a whole…might she be about 3m? Even her arms itself were big, it became able to rely on them in a close combat more. Though, it is regrettable that she wasn´t a dragonoid. Well, as for it, there is no helping it. Furthermore her legs and wings became bigger, so her mobility will rise, too.

“Well, I will hear the details later. Rin evolved too, right?”


Rin didn’t change very much from her time as a unicorn, her horn and body became one size bigger, a lightning like pattern appeared above the hair on her legs. Umm, she seems still far from becoming a human type.

“Rin didn’t change very much…”


“Yes, I know that you have become stronger. Please show it to me later”


Even so, if they evolved at this time, then….

“Since you guys killed that demon, you guys evolved right. It was quite strong after all”

“Buru, burururuu”

“Huh, so you evolved yesterday night huh?”

Why won’t they evolve in front of me….even though I want to see it once.

“For the time being, let’s go to the outside.  Please show  me, what are you guys able to do”



Since the academy is still clean, I go outside and get away from the academy a little. If it’s at this distance, there’s no need to worry about eyewitness right.

“Hmm, Let’s start from Ruu”

When Ruu puts magical power in her hand, her fist is wrapped in a flame.  Hee, already an attack specialized enchantment huh. Since it’s not magic, it’s probably an ability or a similar thing.

Ruu, who put out the flame on her fist, begins opening her jaw and starts to gather magical power. Eh, is she also able to do a breath!? Though I thought that she is not just a normal berserk drake, but to think that she is able to do breath …….

A flame ball is launched from the jaw of Ruu. The breath landed on the ground and it makes explosion sound as a pillar of fire rises. Uoo, what a terrible power….

“You are even able to do a breath now huh…that’s good, Ruu”


As if to say praise me, praise me, Ruu rubs her head against mine. I’m rubbed by her head with the size of my body, my body got little unsteady. Th, though she was cute but rubbing her is difficult…..

“Then, shall I see Rin’s this time. What kind of thing you became able to do?”


When magic is gathered at her horn, crack crack crack! A blue electric current runs through. Oh, it is absolutely stronger than before.

Moreover when she gathers her magic in her legs, the thunder pattern emits blue light. Her hoof struck the ground, the ground dented and the weed got burnt to ash. Her physical and magical attack is strengthened in each aspect.

“Isn’t that great, the pattern on your legs is also beautiful after all”

“Bu, bururu!?”

“Yes, it is beautiful you know”

Is it because she’s hiding her embarrassment, but Rin is grinding and pressing her head into me. After she evolved, she became more honest than before huh~.

“However, you seem to be still far from becoming human type. We must kill more monster, for the sake of gathering more magic right- “

“Gururu, gurururu!”


“…!” Purupuru!

“Yes. Let’s work hard to the extent of not dying “

We will lose everything if we die after all!

Several months passed. In the blink of an eye summer came after spring, from tomorrow on the academy will enter summer vacation. Most of the students return home and spend those two months with the family.

“Now I remember, how about Tsuchio-kun?”

Lucas asked so at breakfast. Fufufu, I already thought that someone will ask me something like that, I already have my own plan you know!

“As expected since I can’t make a round trip to my home in two month, so I will not return home “

“Eh, what will you do then?”

“I will go on board of an acquaintance’s ship, I’m going to go to Shiano´s various islands”

“So you have such an acquaintance is it so! But, if it’s an acquaintance’s ship, perhaps he is a merchant, is that so?”

“No he is a Knight commander”



One month ago, I was summoned to the principal’s office suddenly. Have I done something? I remember the me who go towards it while trembling.

“Excuse me…”

“You are late, Tsuchio-bou!”

“It’s been a long time, Tsuchio-dono!”


Just after I have come to this world, I helped the ship of the knight order against a pirate attack, then the one who gave me recommendations to enroll into this academy, this kingdom’s knight  leader, it’s Kisato-san.

“What happened today?”

“I was around here by chance because of duty you know, thus I came to greet the principal. Over there, the principal called Tsuchio-dono you know”-Kisato

“I think that you must want to talk about various think”-principal

“Is that so..I thought I messed up something you know”-Tsuchio

“Hou, it seems Tsuchio-dono also did something”-Kisato

“No, it’s not like that…”

The thing about the attack at the library, even now it still left a trail, you know….

“Well, let’s listen about it slowly. Tsuchio-dono is, if I remember right is a person who comes from a pretty far place right”

“…Yes, that’s right”

Which reminds me, I made up that kind of setting right….  I have totally forgotten about that.

“Summer holidays are in one month…I wonder what will Tsuchio-dono do, or so I thought, you know ?”- Kisato

“Because of that, you traveled all the way to this place!?”- Tsuchio

“Well,I also wanted to greet you”-Kisato

Are you serious…. To care about a total stranger to this extent…you’re becoming too good of a person you know…!

“I’m sorry, for someone like me…”-Tsuchio

“You mustn’t say such a thing okay. We were helped by you, please be attentive”-Kisato

“…Thank you”

“And, what will you do? Will you go home?”

“Emm, as expected since it’s too far I can’t come back. I’m thinking about going to a bit closer place, and perhaps hunting monsters, I am thinking about such a thing”

“In that case then it’s just right. We and others from knight orders will set sail for Shiano nations to trade. Won’t you go with us?”

“Shiano nations?” (TLC: now that I think about it … this Shiano nations sound like Sun nations in other word japan)

Where is that? I never heard about it….

“It is a country where small islands in the South Seas gathered. They’re famous for the marine product and fruit which can only be found at that place you know. And one island which was discovered is the dwelling of a lot of monsters”-Kisato

“Do you trade there too?”-Tsuchio

“That’s right, Tsuchio-dono is a tamer right? Also it seems that there is a monster which can only be found at that island, if you want, will you join us aboard the ship? The trip will be dangerous, so think carefully…”-Kisato

“I will go”-Tsuchio

“No, think about it more properly…”-Kisato

“Anyway I will only go hunting. It is basically the same thing, but only in a different place you know”-Tsuchio

“Is that so! No, it is good! If there is an excellent tamer like Tsuchio-dono then I’m also relieved at the journey! Departure will be on the next day after the graduation ceremony, so please get ready on time!”-Kisato

“Okay. Umm, is there something, which I must certainly have with me? “-Tsuchio

“No, it’s the same as an ordinary travel. You can share things with me or others if necessary after all”- Kisato

“I understand”-Tsuchio

The island country in the South sea…. I look forward to it~.


“And thus, I will go to the Shiano nations. I seem to arrive approximately in one week”

“Tsuchio-san, do you plan to go to that island which is the dwelling of monsters?”

“Yes, that’s my intention. I heard, the research still haven’t progressed at all, so they seem not to know anything inside it. I will try to advance as deep as I can“

“Be careful. The fact that the research still didn’t progress at all, Is because the island is dangerous right? Please don’t do anything dangerous okay!“

“I, I know. I don’t want to experience that thing again after all…”

That thing about the demon, left a little trauma inside me. I never want to have such a sad feeling again….

“Then it’s fine, please enjoy yourself!”

“Yes, Lucas too okay”

Well then, it will be early in the morning tomorrow, so I’ll be careful not to oversleep.

And I came to the port of the academy city with my familiars the next day. It is in front of me, the same ship, as when I came to this land, is anchored. Its name is Silver Horn, cool right!

“Hey, it’s been a while, oi-!”

“Didn’t you get bit more burly from the first time we met, didn’!?”

“Ye, Yes, various thing happened”

“I thought you would say that, hahahahaha!”

“Your looks also changed you know!”

The others from the knight order, seem like still remember about me, and bang bang they strike my back. Though Lime is staring at them from my back …..(TLC: Yandere slime is yandere…)

“Hey, is that your wyvern from before?”

“Probably…it changed very much”

“It even grew arms…but how did it become like this?”

People knowing Ruu from her time as a grapple wyvern are surprised at her way of excessive change. Well, her only trace as a wyvern is just that big wing of her right.

“Yaa~h , to think the wyvern at that time have become like this… this is really unexpected you know”-Kisato

“Well, because she made plenty of effort. This is the result of her effort”-Tsuchio

“That’s true, when the result is seen, you also become motivated. Then, please enter the ship”-Kisato

“Ah, where should I place my familiar?”

“That’s true…you can keep your slime in your room,though I feel bad for it but when the weather is clear the rest will sleep on deck, but if it rains, they will be put somewhere in the storage”

Well, I guess that’s true. Is there any room she can enter with that size. Although I feel bad for Ruu and the other, I will have them endure it on deck.

“Okay, let’s sail! Hoist the front sail!”


“The weather clears and it is an ideal day for a perfect voyage! Let’s go ride on the wave!”


With the shout of the vice-leader, sailors raise a cry. Uoo, awesome….

“Is there anything I can help with?”

“Umm, there isn’t anything in particular now. Please act leisurely”

Even if I help without understanding how it’s done, It’ll only become troublesome huh. If there’s any monster attacks, I’ll fight first. …Until then, let’s enjoy the voyage leisurely.

Several hours passed since we started to sail and at last, the ship started to calm down. Because Ruu and Rin were curled all the time in a corner, I suppose it will become painful soon. Let’s have her expand her wings for a moment.

“Excuse me, may I expand the wings of my familiar for a moment?”

“It is good. I mean they don’t need to curl themselves in a corner. You must bring them to a larger place you know”

“Thank you. Ruu, Rin come!”



Ruu and Rin move to the middle of the deck and Ruu widens her wings and Rin stretchesherself.Lime sits down on my knee and embraces me.

“Hahaha, you guys got awfully stuck together! You look like parent and child you know”-Someone from the ship

“Eh, is it so?”-Tsuchio

Parent and child, parent and child huh….when he said so, it’s hard for me to lay my hand on her….

Ruu who stretches her wings, as it is flaps her wings and flies away. Because she was free after all, perhaps she was going to hunt some monster right.

I am also quite free….  Umm, should I do something. Maybe I should do some magic practice, I want a book at the time like this.

As I see Rin, she launch an electric ball into the sky and move it in a complicated orbit.

“Fire arrow”

I omit the aria and shoot a fire arrow. It hit’s it target the electric ball, “PAN” the electric ball which pop.


Rin who sees that, move the ball in more complicated orbit that’s hard to predict.

Fufufu, my hand is itching!


Author note: There is no sense of seasons right!

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