Monster Refining System

Chapter 998: Very sick

The majestic power of the galaxy flooded the space between the heavens and the earth, and while reflecting on the void, it also tore through the void. A sense of oppression that made Yang Yang feel suffocated was permeating Xia Fukun's body at this time, and this entire space was completely shattered at this moment.

At this moment, Xia Fukun and Yang Yang's two figures are all standing in this endless void with their feet.

Xia Fukun was able to ascend to the realm of quasi-god. To be honest, even Yang Yang had never thought of it. After all, how long did Xia Fukun cultivate?

If the realm of the gods is an end, it is the most powerful level in the world, then this realm of quasi-gods is the second in the world. And not all powers in the realm of God Emperor are qualified to enter. The reason Xia Fukun saw only those monsters entering this level before was not because humans could not enter this level, but because humans wanted to enter this level and had to pay more than monsters...

But now, without saying a word, Xia Fukun has reached this state...

Although Yang Yang could tell, this Xia Fukun should have used some kind of secret method. If it is based on its true strength, let alone this quasi-god realm, even the realm of the **** emperor cannot be reached now.

"If you use that misty system like this, can your bones survive?"

Yang Yang asked subconsciously.

After hearing Yang Yang's words, Xia Fukun became angry.

What does it mean that one or two people are both concerned about their own bones? Would you like to try?

The misty system asks itself, forget it. Yang Yang asked the same?

"Oh, can you control it?"

Xia Fukun expressed his arrogance.

"Then change the topic, how long can you last in a state like this?"

Before Yang Yang said this, Xia Fukun ignored the question, but after saying this, Xia Fukun laughed.

This Yang Yang is really a good person! He even took the initiative to remind himself!

"It won't take long to solve you, it's enough."

Xia Fukun's voice fell.

In this void, there was a "buzzing" sound.

Yang Yang glanced around and found that even this void was torn apart by Xia Fukun.

Although they are all in the realm of quasi-gods, Yang Yang asked himself, he still couldn't do this...

"The Bliss System plus the Misty System, the strength is so powerful..."

Yang Yang gave a wry smile.

It was also when that Xia Fukun came to him, he suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed it on Xia Fukun's forehead.

Xia Fukun was a little confused by Yang Yang's sudden move.

what's the situation?

Do you still play acupuncture points?

It means I can’t move now, right?

Who moves and who is the king?

But now he is not the first time he has entered the holy relic, Yang Yang glanced at himself, and he couldn't move the ant anymore.

After Yang Yang's instructions were given, he didn't even react at all!

"what are you doing?"

Xia Fukun asked suspiciously.

"do not fight."

Yang Yang said lightly.

Xia Fukun: "???"

So I spent so many ethereal points for nothing? Yang Yang, if he doesn't fight, he won't fight?

"It's a joke, right?"

Xia Fukun was angry. Today, between Yang Yang and herself, there must be a victory and defeat, there must be a life and death, and there must be endless death!

Seeing Xia Fukun so angry, Yang Yang said lightly:

"Look at it, can you release your free power?"

It was also when Yang Yang's words fell, that Xia Fukun was shocked to discover that when Yang Yang pointed to his forehead, his self-extreme power quietly disappeared.

No matter how you drive, there is no way to perform this self-extreme power...

"what did you do to me!"

Xia Fukun's eyes were red.

He has tasted the sweetness of ZiZhiYiGong.

It was even a bit ugly. At this moment, Xia Fukun felt that the Free Extreme Yi Gong was much easier to use than the ethereal divine power. If he doesn't have this golden finger in the future, then... Xia Fukun can't imagine.

"Actually, I thought that after giving you so long, you should be able to wake up..."

"But, it seems that I overestimated your IQ..."

As Yang Yang spoke, his palm stretched out, and on top of his palm, there was an illusory figure of a small figure floating on his palm.

"Brother Lian?!"

Xia Fukun saw the villain in Yang Yang's palm and took a deep breath. Almost all of them were about to lose control of him, and desperately wanted to compete for the villain in Yang Yang's palm.

"Do you call it Brother Lian?"

Yang Yang grinned.

"but I."

"Before that I don't know how many years ago, I called it...the way of bliss."


When Yang Yang said these words, Xia Fukun was astonished at the moment. He didn't understand what Yang Yang was talking about.

It was also at this time that Yang Yang's face began to change...

On one side, it was Yang Yang’s original face, while the other half of the face became the face of another strange man...

"Originally, I never thought about taking this Bliss System back again, but I'm afraid of you, I can't resist the Grand Shrine."

"However, after seeing that you got the Misty System, I feel that some of the worries are actually unnecessary."

"You must really want to know my true identity, right?"

Yang Yang looked at Xia Fukun with a smile.

Xia Fukun is not the kind of person who likes to praise, now he wants to say something that he doesn't want. But I was afraid that after he finished speaking, what if Yang Yang took the Bliss system and ran away? Then I can't catch up! So after biting his lip, Xia Fukun didn't speak.

"I don't know how many years ago... I was in the Great Shrine, serving as the Deputy Palace Master."

"People who know me like to call me...the **** of bliss."

"But later, I had some disagreements with the Grand Shrine. But when I was about to leave, I found that some of the water was already deep."

"You don't have to think that if you can release the quasi-god realm in the realm of the gods, you can already walk sideways in the first ten realms. Even those master fathers have things he fears."

"The reason Yang Yang has been looking for the Bliss System, the people in the Great Shrine have never been able to find me..."

"Yang Yang" looked at Xia Fukun with a grin.

"that is because……"

"After that battle..."

"My soul is already attached to Yang Yang's soul... Every time his rebirth is my rebirth..."

"You can call me Yang Yang."

"You can also call me the **** of bliss."

"Of course, to sum it up..."

When the "Yang Yang" said this, there were two voices in his mouth, "You can call me, the God of Bliss Yang."

Xia Fukun: "..."

Long ago special. Well, I heard that some people have dual personalities, but I have never seen them.

Unexpectedly, the inability to immortal respect Yang Yang that I thought in my heart is such a dual personality...


Xia Fukun looked at "Yang Yang" who was laughing wildly in front of him, and suddenly became a little speechless.

Is this guy very sick?

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