Monster Refining System

Chapter 997: Is it enough?

At this moment, neither Xia Fukun nor Yang Yang knew, a delicate figure was approaching them.

At this moment, after feeling the terrifying aura on Yang Yang's body, Xia Fukun couldn't help but retreat a few steps...

"Quasi-God Realm..."

An incredible voice came from his mouth.

He always thought that this quasi-god state could only be reached by monsters. After all, he had never heard of a quasi-god state among human beings...

This Yang Yang is regarded as the first quasi-god human powerhouse he has ever seen...

After Yang Yang's breath broke out, he slowly calmed down, and he glanced at Xia Fukun who was not far in front of him.

"The quasi-god means that you have touched the threshold of the Celestial Realm. It's just that a few passes are missing, and this pass is the system. Now I, if the seal of the Bliss System is unlocked, I can enter the Celestial God at any time. In the ranks of the realm."

Yang Yang glanced at Xia Fukun and said faintly:

"Don't you really naively think that I can't even reach the realm of Quasi-God for hundreds of millions of years?"

"The Bliss System, the Misty System."

"I really didn't expect you to come to me and give me such a gift one after another."

"But don't worry, I told you that I am a close friend with the original owner of your Bliss System. After I have your Misty System, I will go to the Grand Shrine to seek justice for him."

Hearing what Yang Yang said, Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

His eyes were as cold as a blade.

"Speaking such a big thing, you are not afraid to choose your tongue. Don't you think that I am still who I was before? Don't you think that I am still the same as before, like the fish on the knife board. Are you slaughter?"

Yang Yang laughed.

"Say those who don't get it, it's better to try to attack me. If you can win, I will let you take away this bliss system."


Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

Once upon a time, this Yang Yang was his nightmare.

But when he thought that the gap between himself and Yang Yang had been reduced infinitely low, he suddenly discovered that the realm of the **** emperor was not the end of Yang Yang...


Regardless of whether it is the father of the gang or Yang Yang, there is one sentence that is correct.

What deserves him is his.

He does not deny that if this bliss system is in Yang Yang's hands, at this moment, Yang Yang can release the greater light of this bliss system.

But it is a pity that this bliss system has the surname Xia!

The clenched fingers suddenly loosened at this moment.

Immediately after--

In this entire cloud and mist, there was a sound of howling a violent wind.

The silver light, shockingly, turned out to be a tornado-like wind.

Around the tornado, all the surrounding space collapsed and shattered.

Waves of breath coercion filled the tornado.

Xia Fukun was not at all polite. He didn't care what Yang Yang was thinking about, but it would be ignorance to hit him on the head of Xia Fukun.

Body shape into this tornado.

Xia Fukun was not at all polite, and all his power was blasted wildly from the tornado.

Looking at the silver tornado in the mist, Yang Yang's expression became more serious.

"Where is this kid's limit..."

"If I push him again, will he bring me even greater surprises?"

Thinking of this, Yang Yang licked his lips.


His body didn't even retreat.

Instead, he stood directly in front of the tornado, spreading his hands flat, and looking like that, he actually wanted to use his body to pick up the silver tornado created by Xia Fukun.


Xia Fukun in the tornado couldn't help but twitch his eyelids. However, this Yang Yang is going to die, has half a dime to do with him?

Without a second word, this silver tornado directly engulfed Yang Yang's body.

What Xia Fukun didn't expect was that this tornado, nearly one hundred feet tall, came in front of Yang Yang. After Yang Yang's hands touched it, the silver tornado was forced by him!

Although there were continuous cracks and cracks on the ground under his feet, but Yang Yang's body abruptly did not take a step back on the spot!


Xia Fukun was also a little dumbfounded.

With this attack of his own, I am afraid that even a strong person in the late stage of the **** emperor can't fight it, but this Yang Yang, relying only on physical strength, actually blocked his own attack...

"Five thunders!"

"Tornado rain strike!"


Xia Fukun was a little anxious for a while, and seven or eight Heavenly Rank skills bombarded Yang Yang's body.


Yang Yang actually only raised his eyelids slightly, and did not take advantage of the heavenly skills that Li Xia Fukun had displayed.

These celestial skills quickly fell on Yang Yang, and it didn't hurt or itchy. Except for a few pieces of clothes falling off, they didn't cause any harm to Yang Yang!

"What kind of monster is this..."

Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

"Are you capable of this? If this is the case, I advise you, the best, or not to waste energy here. This bliss system, you are afraid that you won't be able to get it back."

Yang Yang's voice sounded indifferently.

It fell into Xia Fukun's ears, like a knife cut.

Originally, if you didn’t know that Yang Yang had reached the realm of quasi-god, then maybe Xia Fukun could still be able to conceal it, but he couldn’t beat it, and would withdraw after a big deal. However, after knowing that Yang Yang was already a strong person in the realm of quasi-god, Xia Fukun Knowing that there is no other way except for the First World War.

If he leaves, then after the Bliss system seal is removed, Yang Yang will definitely rebind it directly...

"Piaopiao, can you increase your strength?"

Xia Fukun bit his lip and asked the Misty System.

"Host, on your side, the ethereal point is almost insufficient, and with your current body, the late stage of the **** emperor is already at the limit. If you want to rise to the quasi-god realm, I am afraid that it is your bones. , Can't bear it!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Xia Fukun let out a low growl.

"Why don't you rest assured, I will give you tens of thousands of ancient dragons when you look back, but the problem is, you now, quickly raise my strength to the realm of Quasi-God."

"But this way, you will fall into a period of weakness for a long time after the host."

"It's okay."

Xia Fukun had made up his mind, and upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, Misty System had to sigh.

"That's okay, but the host, I said in advance, this is your wish, in addition, the owed misty point, hurry up to make up for it, this will be upgraded to the quasi-god state, one minute, but it will cost a hundred thousand points misty point. !"

The moment Xia Fukun heard the words of the Misty System, Xia Fukun suddenly did not want to improve.

But there is no way. At this time, he must improve.

Even if the flesh hurts, even if the heart hurts, it must be improved!

It's almost an instant effort-

Xia Fukun felt that the strength in her body was constantly rising...

The river behind that has already started to flow continuously...

The whole body is full of inexhaustible strength...

This feeling……

It's like heaven and earth, all held in the palm of your hand.

"Quasi-God Realm, is this the Quasi-God Realm... Even if I stepped into it temporarily, I felt that way. I really don’t know what the God Realm was like that day."

Xia Fukun licked his lips.

He turned his gaze to Yang Yang in front of him.

"Now, is that enough?"

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