Monster Refining System

Chapter 996: Two kinds of exercises

"Mission Magic..."

With the spread of these four words, Yang Yang's eyes couldn't help but condensed.

"Mission Magic..."

He is definitely not unfamiliar with this great skill.

Because of this skill, it came from the palace lord of the Grand Shrine.


Didn't it mean that Xia Fukun joined Fulinmen? Isn't that Fulinmen is an old enemy with the Great Shrine? How come, this Xia Fukun actually obtained Misty Magic?

At this point, even Yang Yang never thought of it...

"Host, although I can't be the same as the Bliss system, summoning a cross-level summoned beast for you. However, I can raise your strength to the realm of the emperor. However, every minute, it only needs to consume a thousand points of ethereal. point."

The voice of the misty system came slowly.

Falling into Xia Fukun's ears, Xia Fukun wanted to scold his mother!

This misty system, the blackmailer is also a bit too obvious, right? !

What kind of good name you just need...


Although there is a misty magical skill close to him, Xia Fukun felt that Yang Yang's methods were weird and varied. Even with this misty magical skill, he might not have many wins.

The reason is very simple, Yang Yang, but even the Monster Beast of the Quasi-God Realm such as the Swallowing Monster Beast is sealed up by a terrifying stranger.

In this juncture, Xia Fukun didn't want to lose the Bliss System again because of his carelessness.

Therefore, he did not hesitate at all, and directly chose to let the Misty System raise his strength to the realm of the **** emperor.

Although this increase was only temporary, Xia Fukun's original nebula power had already flown into the galaxy power, which was even more obvious at this time.

At this moment, the power of the galaxy, which was originally like a winding ditch, suddenly exploded! Really, there was a feeling like a river rushing into the sea.

Looking at the undulating colorful galaxy behind Xia Fukun.

Yang Yang couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

"That's right..."

"How can one bliss system alone be enough..."

His lips moved slightly, but Xia Fukun didn't hear these words.

He only saw that Yang Yang showed a sly smile at him. Although he felt something was wrong, Xia Fukun didn't know what was wrong...

Xia Fukun knew that Yang Yang had a close relationship with the previous owner of the Bliss system, but he also asked the Bliss system. The Bliss system had told himself that he was not the previous owner of the Bliss system.

Xia Fukun was curious at that time.

If the bliss system tells himself that Yang Yang is like this because he is his former best friend, then Xia Fukun can still understand a little bit, but from the situation told to him by the previous demon refining system, it seems that this is not the case. what!

In this case, the ghost knows what kind of fancy things Yang Yang is doing!

"Starting from the seventeenth domain, I began to pretend to be gods and ghosts, until this first domain, I still pretend to be gods and ghosts here.

At this moment, in the surrounding space, Xia Fukun's misty magical skills have been shrouded.

That cloud has completely enveloped the whole world.

"Mission Divine Art plus Freedom Extreme Yi Art. In addition, now my strength has also risen to the realm of God Emperor."

The corners of Xia Fukun's mouth raised slightly.

"I really want to see, you lawless Yang Yang, what can you do to stop me!"

Xia Fukun's voice fell, and the whole figure disappeared in this cloud.

From Yang Yang's point of view, the entire cloud may be Xia Fukun or none of Xia Fukun.

He attacked Yunwu and actually had no effect on Xia Fukun.

However, all he can attack is clouds and mist.


It's misty magic!

The figure is vague and uncertain, if there is no targeted skill, there is no way to see Xia Fukun's figure!

Different from Free Extreme Yi Gong, Free Extreme Yi Gong is a combination of passivity and initiative, and Misty Magic is equivalent to a footwork. Of course, this is only the first layer of Misty Magic.

Just like Xia Fukun, when he first learned the Free Ji Yi Gong, he was just taking the free Ji Yi Gong as one of the most common defensive exercises, but as time went on.

Only then did he realize that this freely utmost effort...

It can be continuously upgraded.

Just like him now, he has further upgraded this Free Jiyi skill.


In this cloud and mist, there is a touch of weird silver.

And this silver is abundant in every corner of the cloud...

"Two systems, two exercises, combined into one, I look down upon you a bit."

Yang Yang glanced at the clouds in front of him that had already wrapped himself in.

The corner of his mouth raised.


Yang Yang's originally narrowed eyes opened in vain.

"You still overlooked one thing."

"Do you think……"

"Even if I can't enter the realm of God that day, will I still be the realm of God Emperor?"

Yang Yang's voice fell.

In an instant.

The violent galaxy power erupted from Yang Yang's body!

The power of the galaxy burst out, as if overwhelming!

The surrounding space, at this moment, showed traces of cracks. Things that are closer are all turned into powder at this moment.

The entire Yang Temple, also at this moment, began to tremble.

"what's the situation……"

In the Yang Palace, countless disciples were a little panicked.

This level of vibration, is it... an earthquake? !

But, don't be kidding... This Yang Temple has an enchantment arranged by their head teacher Yang Yang, even if there is an earthquake, what about it?

At the same time, in the little black room where Xia Fukun had been staying before, the little fairy's eyelashes trembled slightly, and immediately opened her eyes.

Feel the vibration of this Yang Palace.

"Couldn't, it was the movement made by that guy..."

It is said that a woman's sixth sense is very accurate. This little fairy doesn't know Xia Fukun's strength, but she doesn't know why, she just feels that the current chaos is very likely to be created by Xia Fukun.

"It feels like, underground..."

The little fairy frowned. After all, Xia Fukun was let go from her own hands. She felt that she was obliged to get something back for Yang Temple.

After hesitating for a moment, the little fairy headed directly towards the source of the earthquake...

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