Monster Refining System

Chapter 1137: Kill is

"Fulinmen, was destroyed?"

After hearing Xia Fukun's words, the fathers of the gang couldn't help but froze for a while.

To be honest, because of the Destruction God Nabirus, the helper father, after coming to this first domain, sank into the deep well where the Destruction God Nabirus was to arrange the enchantment.

As a result, he knew nothing about what happened in the third domain.

Now, when I heard Xia Fukun saying that Fulinmen had been wiped out, the eyes of the fathers of this group of masters also turned gloomy.

The reason why Xia Fukun’s attack was stopped was not to save the Yunliao Palace Master and Zhong Jieyi, but simply because...

Xia Fukun's offensive was too sharp, if he really allowed the light group of silver, purple and blue to explode.

Then, at that time, not only this first domain, even the several domains around this first domain, will be completely annihilated.


But now, Fulinmen was destroyed.

Turning his head, the helper father looked at the Yunliao Palace Master and Zhong Jieyi with cold eyes.

"You guys, dare to kill my blessing?"

"Have you forgotten that the blessing is my power?"

To be honest, the previous helper father did not show how strong in front of everyone. However, at this moment, Bangzhu's father did not deliberately suppress his own power.

The terrifying aura of the ancestral realm was released without reservation.

Then help the terrible breath of the main father.

Both Zhong Jieyi and Yunliao Palace Master felt that they were a little unstable even standing.

The violent wind that was created by the gang master's father was swept away, and both of them couldn't help but stare at the gang master's father dumbly.

Especially that Yunliao Palace Master.

The Yunliao Palace Master at this moment already knew that there was a more powerful realm above the realm of God that day.

And looking at the breath released by this group of master fathers, it is obvious that this group of master fathers seems to have already detached from the realm of the realm of gods...

"Ha ha…"

"Yunliao, do you think I can't kill you?"

"You are like an ant in my eyes. If you want to kill you, it's as simple as crushing a bug. The main reason for not killing you and not destroying your Grand Shrine is that you have nothing to do with you."

"If you keep a low profile, maybe, after taking your system back, I won't do anything to your Grand Shrine, you can still save a dog's life. But—"

The gang master's father looked at the Yunliao Palace Master.

"Thousands of things shouldn't, you shouldn't seek your own dead end."

"The blessing is also you, which can be touched?"

"Since you have touched the Fulinmen, then, return all the systems in your hands to me..."

Gangzhu's father didn't conceal his identity anymore.

One hand.

Suddenly, Zhong Jieyi was horrified to discover that the system in her body involuntarily floated out of her body. I was not under his control at all, and floated directly into the hands of the master fathers.

"As for the two of you, since that Fulinmen has been destroyed, then you, also follow Fulinmen and be buried."

At this moment, the helper's father is really angry.

If he sits in the Fulinmen, unless the opponent is a strong man from the ancestral realm, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to treat that Fulinmen.


Because of Nabirus, the leader's father has no way to take control. It's just that he originally thought that none of the gods in this great temple had gone to Fulinmen, and that Fulinmen should be able to hold it.

It was also this time that he reacted.

Among the blessings, there should be traitors...

If there is no eye, then why does the Great Shrine attack the Fulinmen Gate in one fell swoop as soon as he left the Fulinmen Gate?

Holding that Zhong Jieyi’s system in her hand, he threw it to Xia Fukun, and helped the father’s father to glance at Xia Fukun. At this moment, Xia Fukun’s strength reached the realm of the gods, and the power of the galaxy had also transformed into only reaching When the ancestral realm was able to transform the power of the sea of ​​stars.

The father of the gang leader already knew that the system in Xia Fukun's hands should have been added.

Moreover, this Xia Fukun's strength has also been greatly improved.

"This system is in hand. The task I gave you should be almost completed, right?"


Xia Fukun glanced at the helper's father.


"This Zhong Jieyi's system is the last one."

"it is good."

The helper father nodded.

"You are faster than that summer."

"Is it!"

Xia Fukun had just experienced the news that Fulinmen had been destroyed. The news of helping the main father's father is good news to be added later.

"Then turn around..."


The helper father nodded.

"I will find a way to help you enter that ancestral realm."


"It will take some time to enter the ancestral realm. Moreover, your current cultivation base is not stable. You need to adjust it."

"How to adjust?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

"When you return to the third realm, I will call summer back. At that time, you will enter the system of ten thousand realms and sink your heart for a while. When you come out of the system of ten thousand realms, basically, time is almost the same. ."

"Then, how do these two people solve it?"

When Xia Fukun was chatting with the master’s father, the Yunliao Palace Master and Zhong Jieyi over there were trapped by the master’s father with a magical liquid.

The bodies of two people are floating in the void. Turn around in the mass of liquid. It looked extremely embarrassed.

"Kill it."

The father of the helper glanced at the Yunliao Palace Master and Zhong Jieyi, their expressions were indifferent, as if they were looking at two dead dogs.

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