Monster Refining System

Chapter 1138: Small price

As the helper father said, he didn't even look at Zhong Jieyi and Yunliao Palace Master, holding his palms.


The liquid that originally trapped Palace Master Yunliao and Zhong Jieyi at this moment trembled suddenly, and then shrank.


Both Zhong Jieyi and Yunliao Palace Master in the liquid showed painful expressions on their faces.

Along with the contraction of the liquid blisters, the bodies of the two of them were constantly crushed and shrunk.

If it had been before, perhaps the father of the helper would not have killed the two of them.

Because as he said.

no need.

The two could not pose any threat to him, and he didn't have to, because he took them too seriously.


Because of that Fu Linmen was destroyed, the father of the helper was completely murderous.

Moreover, he originally didn't come to this first domain because he was afraid of loosening the barrier seal of the Destroyer of Birus, but now, that seal has been loosened by Xia Fukun. In addition, in the past few days, he has strengthened the enchantment again, and it will take more than a hundred years for the Destruction God Birus to get out of the deep well.

A previously unstable factor has become stable now.

Since this is the case, there is no need for the helper father to keep the Yunliao Palace Master and Zhong Jieyi.

Even the Great Shrine, if the helper father thinks about it, it may be annihilated by snapping his fingers.

This is the ancestral realm powerhouse...

No matter how powerful it is in the realm of the gods.

The supreme powerhouse in the realm of the gods cannot be the opponent of the ancestral realm.

after all--

The difference between ten systems and one system is too big.

There is also a huge difference between the skills of the gods and the skills of the big ones.

It’s just that what the helper father didn’t expect was--

That Zhong Jieyi, directly under his operation, and the liquid blisters, disappeared into this world directly.


Arrived at the Yunliao Palace Master.

The bubble is under distortion and contraction.


In this sky.

An electric arc of black and purple ran across.

Immediately afterwards, this black-purple arc fell directly on the liquid bubble where the Yunliao Palace Master was.

Seeing the appearance of this black and purple arc, the eyes of the master fathers couldn't help but condensed.

"Be careful!"

Subconsciously, he dragged Xia Fukun back fiercely.

Xia Fukun's whole body flew thousands of feet upside down. After stabilizing his figure, he looked at the group of master fathers a little dazedly. He didn't know what kind of wind the group of master fathers had, and why they suddenly threw himself so far away.

It's also this time.

The black and purple arc cut open the liquid bubbles arranged by the main father. It fell on the Yunliao Palace Master.

Soon, the Yunliao Palace Master disappeared.

The black and purple arc still hovered in place for a while, and in the end, it seemed that it had found the target and fell directly on the gang of master fathers.

Helper father gritted his teeth.

In front of him, his hands instantly formed a seal.

A transparent disc is condensed in front of it.

It was also when the transparent disk had just condensed, the black-violet arc fell directly on the transparent disk.

There is no sound.


When the black arc fell on the transparent disk, the transparent disk quickly dissipated between the world and the earth.

And the black arc, without even pausing, fell directly on the gang of master fathers.


The body of those master fathers was hit by the black electric arc, and a muffled sound came out, and the whole person flew out suddenly, and blood was sprayed out of his mouth.

Seeing that the gang leader's father was knocked into the air by a black purple electric arc, Xia Fukun was completely trapped.

The reason is simple. This Xia Fukun has never seen the helper father fail.

In his eyes, these master fathers existed like the **** of war.

But now.

Just a small electric arc, unexpectedly, directly knocked the main father into the air.

So, does it mean...

Xia Fukun frowned and the corners of his eyes twitched.

He looked at the black arc.

The breath from this arc seems, a bit, familiar...

"this is……"

Xia Fukun just opened his mouth.

The black and purple arc returned to the sky, and then in the sky.

A figure resembling a Sphinx cat (commonly known as a hairless cat) appeared in the sky.

"Tsk tusk, helper, you have done my good deeds over and over again, and you have strengthened the barrier. Don't think, I don't know. Haha, but it doesn't matter."

"One year, two years, it doesn't matter to me. The important thing is that after a hundred years, you are all over."

"These thirty-two universes, at that time, there is no need for them to exist."

"Hehehe, cherish the time of the last hundred years, this time, just to teach you a little lesson."

"In addition, what is this human being called, Yun Liao, right? Ha ha, since you want to kill him, then I will save him."

The figure in the sky slowly dissipated when it came to this.

And those master fathers also wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths.

As he said before, there is a certain gap between him and Nabirus.

Moreover, right now, there is no system in his body.

Naturally, even a clone of Birus could make him a little embarrassed.

Turning his head, he glanced at Xia Fukun, who was already blank behind him.

"Go back to the third domain first."

"Ah, oh, good..."

Xia Fukun reacted and nodded quickly.

This time, the helper father didn't kick Xia Fukun back. On the contrary, he stepped forward, took Xia Fukun's collar, and left the first domain with Xia Fukun directly...

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