Monster Refining System

Chapter 1141: Pay first


Xia Fukun looked at the mess around here.

To be honest, he didn't feel the breath of life in this blessing.

He had already guessed what kind of battle he had experienced in the previous scene just by seeing this remnant look like this.

Took a deep breath.

Xia Fukun smiled embarrassingly at these master fathers.

"You said, there are still people alive around here."


The helper father nodded.

"But why didn't I find out?"

"Hehe, it is normal for you not to find out. If you find out, doesn't it mean that you are better than me?"

Xia Fukun murmured when he heard the words of Gangzhu's father.

Although this is a big fact, after these master fathers said it, why did he feel so twisted?

It is also at this time.

The helper father waved his hand.

"I think it should be earlier that the Great Shrine sent a lot of powerful people over, and it just so happened that there were traitors among us. Therefore, after seeing the people who lost to the Great Shrine, the Master Tsing Yi sent everyone They were all sent to a safe space."

"The casualties you have seen are real."

"It's just that not everyone died tragically in this battle."


Xia Fukun didn't ask the fathers of the gang, where the rest of the people had gone.

On the contrary, when he heard the word traitor, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.


The helper father nodded.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this traitor's status in Fulinmen is not low. It should be that when I left this third domain and went to the first domain, this guy informed the Great Shrine. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Grand Shrine to attack Fulinmen so quickly."

"Could it be..."

Hearing that the gang leader's father said that the traitor's status in Fulinmen was not low, a figure quickly emerged in Xia Fukun's mind.

To be honest, when he first came to Fulinmen, Xia Fukun had a holiday with some people.

And because of the holiday, Xia Fukun also discovered that those people seemed to have ghosts in their hearts and were uneasy and kind.

And now, the gang leader's father talked about traitors and said that the other party's status is not low. Soon, in Xia Fukun's heart, the identity of the traitor was matched with the person.


"It should be Cai Niao."

The helper's father didn't hide it, and said straightforwardly.

"To be honest, I actually found that Cai Niao was in collusion with the people of the Grand Shrine, and I also had a point with Tsing Yi, but Cai Niao and I were not equal, so I didn't go to clean him. It's just that. Unexpectedly, this guy turned out to be the final key, causing the entire Fu Linmen to become like this."

"I knew this. At first, I should wave my sleeves and get rid of that guy."

Xia Fukun frowned when he heard the helper father say this now.

"Then Cai Niao, where is it now?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, he should have gone to the Great Shrine by now."

Xia Fukun squinted his eyes when he heard the father's words. As soon as his figure was about to move, he saw the father's hand reaching out to block him.

"What? I'll get this traitor back."

Xia Fukun gritted his teeth.

"Not urgent."

The helper father waved his hand.

"This Cai Niao is just a small character, and as long as he does not leave the thirty-two universes, he will be caught sooner or later. Besides, the current situation of the Great Shrine should not be good."


Xia Fukun didn't know what the helper father meant by saying that.

It was also at this time, that group of master fathers smiled.

"Did you forget that when you fought before, you were in the first domain. If it weren't for me to go, your last attack would be completely detonated. I'm afraid it was not only the great god. Gong, the first domain, the surrounding domains and spaces will suffer."

"Although the last attack did not detonate, the Great Shrine should not be much better now. After all, the fluctuations in your previous battles were enough to affect the entire first domain."

Xia Fukun gritted his teeth when the helper father said so.

"However, I am extremely sensitive to the word traitor."

"Haha, no hurry."

Helping the master's father waved his hand, the same sentence.

"Traitor or something, just turn around and get rid of him. I said, he can't run away."

"Now, let's take a look at the guys in Tsing Yi. How is the situation now. If you are disabled, I am afraid that you still need to use the Bliss system in your body."

The Yunliao Palace Lord once had the Bliss system, and naturally knew that through the refining point, he could exchange some elixir from the Bliss system.

Although he was filled with righteous indignation, although he was very sympathetic to this blessing.

However, Xia Fukun couldn't help coughing when the helper father hit his own side.

"Papa, it’s okay for me to use the bliss system, but you also know that to use the bliss system, you need refining points. In my previous battles, the refining points have been spent almost, you see, otherwise , Give me some natural treasures or something?"

Seeing the appearance of Xia Fukun's Yin test, the helper father couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

This guy, did he get his idea on him?

There was no way, he gave a wry smile, and immediately waved his hand.

"Don't worry, how many refining points you spend, I will give you the equivalent treasure."

"Give me money first."

Xia Fukun stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Haha, are you still afraid that I won't be able to make mistakes?"

Helping the master's father said something without a smile.

"It's not like that. The main reason is that I don't have refining points now. I have to exchange some refining points first."

Xia Fukun replied with a blushing face.

The father of the helper cursed in his heart, and immediately took out some treasures of heaven and earth from his own space container and threw them to Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun saw the treasures thrown out by the helper's father, but he didn't directly throw them all into the Bliss system.

After all, the things that these master fathers brought out were not ordinary products. Xia Fukun picked out some things that he might need in the future, threw them into the space bracelet, and threw the rest to the bliss system.

"Oh, let's go take a look, what happened to the palm of Tsing Yi to teach them!"

Xia Fukun looked very concerned.

The helper's father gritted his teeth, and was a little bit speechless by Xia Fukun's anger.

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