Monster Refining System

Chapter 1142: Jealous

The helper father took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

He warned himself inwardly not to have the same knowledge as Xia Fukun.

He told himself that this Xia Fukun was an evil pen, and he couldn't be the same as this Xia Fukun.

Be yourself a person with culture, connotation, and accomplishment.

Soon, the helper father waved his hand.


Not far in front of the two.

A green ball of light appeared.

This green ball of light, with such a turquoise light emerging from the outside, covered all the conditions inside the ball of light.

It feels like a reflective film is attached to the outside of the car. From the outside, you can't see the inside.

"this is?"

Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

"This is the wild decision of the Tsing Yi leader. Although the wild system has been given to Xia, the leader of Tsing Yi can still perform this wild determination. From the situation of the green light ball, this Tsing Yi should be used. The second level of the Wild Judgment. This is also the case, so that it will not be discovered by those in the Great Shrine."

"The strong gods of the Great Shrine are all restrained by me, why are they not the opponents of the Great Shrine?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's question, the helper father smiled.

"Didn't you see it before? The Yunliao Palace Master has spent tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years, refining so many puppets from the Divine Emperor Realm."

"This Tsing Yi gave the wild system to Xia Xia, and his own strength has already fallen a large part. In addition, Cai Niao rebelled, and, if I guessed correctly, Cai Niao should be hatched in Fulinmen. Part of my colleagues and traitors."

"Fighting inside and outside the Great Shrine, this Tsing Yi can protect some people and bring them into the space opened up by this savage decision.

"Then, can we get in here now? I see it like this, as if someone is coming, this green ball of light won't open the door?"

"Ha ha."

The helper father smiled.

This Xia Fukun was sometimes smart, sometimes very confused.

Although the savage decisiveness of the Master Tsing Yi was powerful, the former master of this savage system, but he helped the master father!

Not to mention, this group of master fathers are strong in the ancestral realm.

Mastery of these systems.

Take the Bliss system as an example.

The master of the bliss system, the father of the helper, is even deeper than that of Xia Fukun.

He didn't even take into account the energy fluctuations rising above the cyan light ball.

The father of the helper pointed directly at the cyan light ball.

Suddenly, a crack appeared on the cyan light ball, and then immediately. The cyan light ball dissipated directly.

And the hundreds of figures in the cyan light ball also directly fell out.

Before Xia Fukun had time to speak, he saw a qingyi rushing towards the two of them inside.

"The dog offal of the Great Shrine! Since you are going to kill them all, don't blame me, with you, the fish died and the net broke!"

That Tsing Yi, not far from before Xia Fukun and Yunliao Palace Lord, radiated a bright light directly on his body.

"What is he doing?"

Xia Fukun saw clearly that the person was the head teacher of Tsing Yi, and couldn't help but ask the fathers of the gang.

"I do not know……"

The leader's father was also taken aback.

"Looking like this, it looks like you are going to blew up?"

Help the main father to add something.

Xia Fukun: "..."

"Then don't you stop him quickly?"

Xia Fukun said silently.


The helper's father gave an angry smile, and immediately coughed at that Tsing Yi.

"Tsing Yi, what are you doing?"


The Tsing Yi figure was also agitated just now. He didn't notice who the two figures that appeared were. He thought it was his own wild decision, which was broken by the people of the Great Shrine. Therefore, at the moment, it seemed extremely excited.

But by this time.

He only reacted after hearing the words of the main father.

It was not the people from the Great Shrine that broke his wild decision, but the gang of master fathers who came back!

"Helper father!"

At the moment, the master of Tsing Yi, the bright light on his body dissipated, and his whole body, like a flash of lightning, ejected in front of the father of the gang leader and Xia Fukun.

Then, like a child, he hugged the thigh of the father's father.

"It's been too long since you left..."

"Fulinmen, I have no place to protect..."

The head teacher of Tsing Yi is hundreds of millions of years old, but at this moment, Lao Lei is directly born.

Seeing the appearance of Master Tsing Yi, even Xia Fukun, at the side, couldn't help biting his lip.

And the fathers of the gang also squinted their eyes.

Like a kind father, he touched the head of Tsing Yi's head teacher.

"Ha ha."

"Tsing Yi."

"What you did is already pretty good."

"Everything, blame me."

"If it weren't for me, let you give the wild system to Summer, at least, Fu Linmen, it wouldn't be so tragic."

"But it's okay."

The father of the helper took a look at the disabled Fulinmen disciples and elder disciplines behind the Tsing Yi master teacher.

Although there was a smile on his face.

However, only Xia Fukun could tell that the bodies of the master fathers were shaking. And with the trembling of the bodies of the main fathers, the whole world was trembling.

Could not help.

Xia Fukun thought of a classic line in a movie I saw on the earth before--

I know that this day will be angry.

But do you know that you will tremble this day?

Xia Fukun had never thought that one day, he would be able to witness this man who made the world tremble.

At this moment, this man is standing in front of him.

Xia Fukun was able to feel a wave of hostility from the body of the helper's father, and it continued to evaporate.

This hostility.

Xia Fukun had already felt it when the two of them saw the tragic Fulinmen.


At that time, the helper father was very well suppressed.

but now--


Seeing them blessed, from the previous million disciples, to now, when there are only a hundred people left.

This anger, this tremor.

The helper father no longer deliberately pressed on.

Actually Xia Fukun knew.

To help the master father's strength.

Ancestral Realm Powerhouse...

Let alone this third domain, or a mere area of ​​space.

Even if it is the entire thirty-two universe.

If the helper father wants to, he can destroy it at any time.


Make sense.

Xia Fukun has never seen the helper father angry.

But he could see it.

this moment--

This bunch of master fathers...


Because of the cause of the anger of the helper father-

This world, also follow, trembling...

This is the man who really dominates this world!

Ancestral Realm...

Involuntarily, Xia Fukun licked his lips. For this realm, he began to be full of yearning.

It is also at this time.

He took a step.

"Helper father."


Helping the master's father glanced at Xia Fukun, he didn't know, this Xia Fukun suddenly called to himself, what is he doing.

At this time, Xia Fukun grinned.

That smile.

Under the shining of the sun, it looks so warm.


"Didn't you say it."

"With your strength, with your status, there are some things you can't do."

"Since you can't do it, then just so, let the juniors do these things."


Xia Fukun paused when he said this.

Soon, in this Xia Fukun's body, unexpectedly, that monstrous hostility also appeared.

"It just so happens that I am also jealous of hatred..."

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