Monster Refining System

Chapter 1148: Take back the system

"Rumor? What sound transmission?"

Xia Fukun asked curiously.

"What do you care about so much? Whatever I ask you to do, you can do what you do."

The helper father rolled his eyes.

This Xia Fukun, why is there so many scenes?

"Well... where are the remaining three systems?"

Xia Fukun asked the helper's father.

"The second domain, the fifth domain, and the seventh domain."

Xia Fukun nodded when he heard the helper father's words.

Immediately, frowned slightly.

"However, speaking of it, those people, shouldn't they hand over their system easily?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the helper's father laughed at the time.

"What you said was as if you had obtained the consent of others when you took other people's things before."

Xia Fukun: "emmm......"

This group of master fathers, to say something, is not pleasing at all. What can I tell the truth here!

"However, this time, if you want to make a quick decision, I will give you three days, three days, to bring back all three systems."

"Three days..."

Xia Fukun glanced at the helper father, thoughtfully.

If he is still in the realm of the **** emperor, then perhaps, three days' time has been a little hasty for him.

after all--

In these three days, what he wanted to shuttle through was not just a domain space.

However, now this Xia Fukun is after all the supreme powerhouse in the realm of the gods.

Three days, it seems to be quite short.

However, a squeeze is still enough.

"Three days later, still here, I want to see that you are carrying eleven systems."

"If you don't have time to complete, I will feel that your strength, potential, maybe, just like that. And if that's the case, maybe, I will take out these systems in your body again and give it to Summer."

This sentence, the father of the helper, said very lightly, but when he said this sentence, he also pointed to the summer beside him.

In Xia Xia, I didn't hear the father of the gang leader, but seeing Xia Fukun's face darkened, he knew that the father of the gang didn't say anything good.

"I see, don't threaten me at every turn."

Xia Fukun rolled his eyes at the helper's father.

"Don't you just get the remaining three systems back."

Xia Fukun murmured, and after a glance at Xia Fukun, his **** touched his forehead.

The whole person's body disappeared from this space with a "swish" moment.


This skill, Xia Fukun could do before.

However, before reaching the realm of the gods, the speed Xia Fukun was able to teleport was too close. Can not switch back and forth between space and space teleportation. This is a bit like the "flash" in King Pesticide, which makes sense and is very tasteless. So Xia Fukun generally doesn't use it much.

But now, when Xia Fukun's strength has risen to the realm of the gods.

Although it is only the realm of the small gods. However, Xia Fukun was able to shuttle directly between the two adjacent domains.

When the leader's father and Xia Xia had just looked at each other, Xia Fukun had already come to the second realm.

And here, the meeting has just finished.

The major forces in the top ten regions of those thirty-two universes have just left one after another.

Organizing this meeting is Sanshuimen, the top force in this second domain.

The head of the three water gates is a supreme powerhouse in the realm of gods.

When Xia Fukun came to this second realm, these three water gates had just sent away all the strong men from other forces.

The head teacher of Sanshuimen was a bare-chested old man with a banana fan in his hand.

But when he sent the others away, he stared at the stars and sighed.

"Fulinmen hasn't appeared at this time. It is estimated that it was really annihilated by the Great Shrine."

Hearing what the old man said, a disciple among the three water gates fisted him, and then asked in a puzzled way:


"Patriarch, if the Grand Shrine had really eliminated Fu Linmen, how could it be so quiet according to the urinary nature of the Grand Shrine? Shouldn't they tell the world?"

"Have you seen the gods of the Grand Shrine?"

The old man glanced at the Sanshuimen disciple who asked.

"no, what happened?"

This Sanshuimen disciple asked awkwardly.

"That's not right."

"I suspect that the gods of the Grand Shrine may have been either seriously injured or fallen. Of course, these are just my guesses. I am not sure what the situation is with the Grand Shrine and Fulinmen."

"It's just that, I still hope that this blessing is better not to cause any major incidents, otherwise, according to the temperament of the Grand Shrine, we forces, I am afraid, they will all start against..."

After the patriarch of Sanshuimen had finished speaking, the disciples of Sanshuimen couldn't help taking a breath.

"However, today's meeting is an annual meeting. It stands to reason that Fulinmen shouldn't be absent. But they are absent. Then, can't it be said that Fulinmen has already..."

"What's going on?"

It was also this disciple who just said it.

A head came out between the two disciples and asked curiously.

"Which disciple of the sect?! I wait for the chief disciple to talk to the ancestor, and have you qualified to speak?!"

Those disciples, even though they were very obedient in front of the ancestors of the Sanshui Gate, they were fully stance in front of the newly-appearing disciple.

Upon seeing this, the disciple who emerged also smiled at the group of people.

"Ancestor Sanshui, were you talking about Fulinmen just now?"

As soon as this disciple said something, the surrounding disciples, including the Sanshui ancestor, all suddenly raised their heads and cast their eyes on this person.

"You... are not my disciple of Sanshuimen?"

The Sanshui ancestor took a deep breath and said to the weak figure in front of him.

"Ha ha,."

This figure is not someone else, it is Xia Fukun.

At this moment, seeing that Sanshui ancestor recognized his identity, he smiled.

"Ancestor of Sanshui, my name is Xia Fukun, Fulinmen, the first holy son."

"By the order of the main father, take back the system in your body."

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