Monster Refining System

Chapter 1149: Believe


Including the Sanshui ancestor, all the Sanshuimen people present were shocked.

In the last second, everyone was still discussing whether this Fulinmen was cold, otherwise, how could it disappear?

As a result, in the next second, a guy who claimed to be the first son of Fulinmen appeared.

Besides, what else does this guy say?

Take back the system in their Sanshui ancestors?


Is this Xia Fukun making a joke?

So is the Sanshui ancestor.

When he heard Xia Fukun's words at first, he was stunned for a moment.

After observing Xia Fukun for a few glances, he remembered that this Xia Fukun indeed seemed to be a holy son of Fulinmen.

However, even if Xia Fukun is the Son of God, he can't ask himself to ask for the system as soon as he comes over, and he can't even give it to him if he asks for it!

"Ahem, this son of Xia Fukun, what did you just say..."

The ancestor of Sanshui glanced at Xia Fukun.

"You said, you came by the order of the master father, then, what about the master father?"

Xia Fukun smiled when he heard the words of the ancestor of Sanshui.

He knew what the Sanshui ancestors meant.

I just want to take a look at myself and see if these master fathers are still alive.

"Yes, you are just a saint, a disciple, what qualifications do you have to ask my ancestors to ask for a system?"

Aside, a disciple of Sanshuimen spoke.

And hearing this disciple's words, the Sanshui ancestor was stunned for a moment.

Why does it sound like the gang of master fathers are here, and they are about to hand over the system?

Can't help but glared at the disciple.

As soon as the ancestor of Sanshui was about to speak, Xia Fukun laughed.

"Ancestor Sanshui, I don't have time to chat with you here, you ask me where is the helper father, just because you think that I, Xia Fukun, are not qualified, ask you for that system, right?"

Xia Fukun grinned.


No more nonsense.


That majestic star and sea power appeared directly between the world and the earth at this moment.

Seeing the overwhelming power of the stars appearing from Xia Fukun's body.

The ancestor of Sanshuimen, his entire face was shocked and astonished.

And those Sanshuimen disciples, directly under this powerful pressure, directly bowed down.

The voice of the ancestor of Sanshui seemed to be trembling...

"The galaxy transforms the sea...the power of the star sea...impossible, even if you become the supreme powerhouse in the realm of the gods, it is impossible to show your power in this way..."

"Hehe, you think it's impossible, but there are so many possible things."

Xia Fukun sneered.

The helper father gave him a time limit, so he didn't have too much nonsense with these Sanshui ancestors.

"In addition, I can tell you that the system in your body originally came from the father of the gang, but the father of the gang does not want it anymore. Therefore, you are fortunate to be able to obtain those systems. Otherwise, you think, this universe Where did your system come from?"

Xia Fukun chuckled.

"You mean... our system, the former owner, is that group of master fathers?"

Xia Fukun's remarks shocked the Sanshui ancestor.

"Not bad."

Xia Fukun nodded.

"I think, in fact, you should be aware of it a little bit, and I can be considered as a solution for you."

"You can also see that my strength is above you, so you don't have to fight back. Give me the system, you three water gates, what should you do, or what. You don't have to worry about balance, other I will pass over the systems in those forces one by one and let them hand over."

"and so……"

That Sanshui ancestor was also acquainted, and didn't mean to cling to the system and refuse to hand it over.

"Then the blessing, did not destroy the door?"

"Hehe, who told you that the blessings were destroyed?"

Xia Fukun frowned.

He suddenly thought of the sentence he said earlier to help the father's father.

There are just some rumors from the outside world that your presence can make this sound transmission self-defeating.

It now seems that what the fathers of this group are referring to is the situation of Fulinmen.


After the Great Shrine launched an overwhelming assault on Fulinmen, Fulinmen suffered heavy casualties, and until now, the gang leader's father has not allowed Fulinmen to contact the outside world.

It is normal for the ancestors of Sanshui and his party to have such a guess.

"No, I just guessed..."

"Hehe, guess what..."

Xia Fukun smiled. Immediately:

"Fulinmen didn't kill the door, but that big palace is coming soon."

"The Yunliao Palace Master and his party have all been killed by me. Therefore, in that big divine palace, until now, no strong man in the realm of the gods has come out to speak, right?"


The news of Xia Fukun was a hit.

After these Sanshui ancestors heard it, the shock on his face was beyond words.

The strong **** of the Great Shrine was annihilated by Xia Fukun? ?

"You brag, even if you..."


This time, the Sanshuimen disciple had just spoken, and before Xia Fukun could speak, the Sanshui ancestor waved his sleeve and shot the disciple away.

"Holy Son Xia Fukun, what you meant just now..."

Xia Fukun glanced at the Sanshuimen disciple who had been photographed flying. In fact, these Sanshui ancestors had already expressed their attitude in disguise.

After all, Xia Fukun was only a saint son of Fulinmen, and now, all saint sons have entered the realm of heavenly gods. Moreover, he also possesses the power of Xinghai that even Sanshui ancestors dare not imagine.

"We are blessed, there are some things that need to be dealt with, so we don't bother to contact the outside world. However, the realm of the gods of the Great Shrine has fallen clean. The rest are a bunch of small characters that are not worth mentioning. So I didn't do them because the helper father felt that they were too low in price. Therefore, I could only let me do it. But you can see it too."

Xia Fukun smiled vaguely at these Sanshui ancestors.

"I am very busy now."

"When I'm done, the great palace, in this piece of heaven and earth, will be gone."

Xia Fukun grinned, that smile was full of confidence.

To be reasonable, at this moment, the Sanshui ancestor believed...

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