Monster Refining System

Chapter 1216: Terrifying

Cai Niao is a strong man in the realm of **** emperor.

When Xia Fukun was still in the realm of the gods, he was a strong man in the realm of the gods.

Now, Xia Fukun has reached the supreme realm of the gods.

And he is still a strong man in the realm of the **** emperor...

Speaking of it, it is also a bit interesting.

At the beginning, the guy who regarded Xia Fukun as an ant and was too lazy to make a move by himself, now, in Xia Fukun's hands, there is no power to parry him.

At this moment, Cai Niao's body had already floated in front of Xia Fukun.

Behind Xia Fukun, the disciples of Fulinmen, when they saw Cai Niao, flames burst out of their eyes.

The reason is simple, because Cai Niao's body is labeled as a traitor.

As for traitors, no one has always liked them.

That Cai Niao not only betrayed Fulinmen, but also reunited with the big divine palace while Xia Fukun and his father's father were away. Otherwise, the situation at Fulinmen would not be so tragic that time.

Looking at Cai Niao in front of him.

Xia Fukun grinned.

"Guardian Cai Niao, we have met again."

Hearing that Xia Fukun's words, Cai Niao's eyes showed a panic.

Immediately, he looked at Xia Fukun, and his voice trembled.

"Xia, Xia Fukun, you can't kill me, I, I am the protector of Fulinmen."


Xia Fukun let out a sneer. The sneer, as if coming from the abyss, and as if coming from the bottom of the ice. That kind of coldness.

"The guardian of Fulinmen."

"Do you deserve it?"

Xia Fukun stretched out his hand.

Suddenly, thunder struck across the sky.

Cai Niao closed his eyes in fright.

There was even more fishy liquid flowing out under him.

It's just Xia Fukun's wave of his hand that directly caused Cai Niao to pee.

At this moment, the thunder in the sky fell, but it did not fall on Cai Niao's body, but on various places in the Great Shrine.

Suddenly, in the Great Shrine, another scream came out.

"Er wait, betrayed the sect in the past, and with this Cai Niao, the inside should be combined with the outside, causing the sect to be severely injured, convicted, and condemned to death."

Xia Fukun's voice was extremely cold.

But at this moment, in his eyes, apart from murderous, no other look was seen.

Looking at the sky, Xia Fukun's silver light leaked out from time to time.

The gang leader's father not far away couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

Before, their thoughts about Xia Fukun were that Xia Fukun was too soft-hearted.

Including the bliss system, they are all consistent with the idea of ​​the gang leader's father. They feel that it is too soft-hearted and difficult to become a powerful weapon.

On the path of pursuing power, sometimes, it just requires no compromises, that is, needs, cruelty.

It was also at this moment when they saw that Xia Fukun had no mercy and wiped out all the traitors.

The helper's father suddenly realized.

Xia Fukun was not really soft-hearted.

In Xia Fukun's heart, there seemed to be such a balance.

Na Xia Fukun, he can measure the weight of the day.

If it is within the scope that Xia Fukun is willing to accept, Xia Fukun will give the opponent a chance.


If it is flat on the other side that day.

Xia Fukun couldn't accept it.

Or in other words, after breaking Xia Fukun's bottom line, Xia Fukun would directly attack, without any emotion at all.

There is love and righteousness.

At a certain time, it really can't be compared, is that iron-faced and selfless?

At this moment, even the main fathers of the gang were suspicious.

He stepped from the realm of the gods to the ancestral realm and experienced the cycle.

He chose iron and blood.

Like most of the ancestral realm powerhouses, on the road to becoming a powerhouse, something has been abandoned.

But he can guess.

This Xia Fukun, it is very likely, not so.


This Xia Fukun will open up a new path to the strong.

"Xia Fukun, interesting."

The gang leader's father has given such a high evaluation to Xia Fukun more than once. And this time, he praised Xia Fukun from the bottom of his heart.

And that Xia Fukun, after annihilating those Fu Linmen traitors, turned his gaze to Cai Niao again.

The small fish and shrimp, at this moment, have all been cleaned up.

Next, the mastermind Cai Niao, or the guy who played a leading role among these traitors, should also accept his fate.

Xia Fukun grinned.

"Cai Niao."

"You were the protector of Fulinmen before."

"However, in the position of protector, he failed to perform what a protector should do, and it encouraged other deacons and disciples in the sect to betray the sect."

"If you say that those other disciples are sentenced to death, then you, the death penalty, is too light."

When Xia Fukun said this, the corners of his mouth raised again.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, suddenly, a thunder in the sky struck Xia Fukun's palm directly.

Xia Fukun stretched out his hand and shook it, and the thunder, in amazement, turned into a thunder whip.

And Xia Fukun did not hesitate at all.

A whip was drawn directly on Cai Niao's body.


After this crisp sound, Cai Niao's primordial spirit was at this moment, flashing light and dark. The expression of Cai Niao's whole person also froze in an instant.

Because of this whip, the whole world suddenly darkened...

After this whip, Xia Fukun did not stop.

The thunder and lightning whip in that hand was constantly beating Cai Niao's body.

All around, whether it is the Great Shrine or the disciples of Fulinmen, when they see this scene, they are inexplicably a little worried, or in other words, their chests are extremely dull.

They can all feel the primordial spirit in their body, there are waves of fear, fear, and trembling...

At this moment, Cai Niao's breath is constantly disappearing. It was also after the whole spirit was sluggish, Xia Fukun lashed down again, the breath of Cai Niao recovered again, and then down again, and the breath of Cai Niao wilted again. Loop like this...

This Cai Niao seemed to be a target for Xia Fukun.

Was constantly twitched by Xia Fukun.

And the soul, and the flesh, are also experiencing something more terrifying than death.

Continued to be destroyed, and then reorganized...

This kind of pain is unimaginable for outsiders.

Cai Niao didn't even have the strength to speak, and he couldn't even make a scream. The whole person can only feel the pain of tearing and breaking with the soul that is constantly sweeping.

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