Monster Refining System

Chapter 1217: Evil

"Cai Niao, you used to protect the Fa for Fulinmen, but you did something like this."

Xia Fukun grinned.

"Here, I pronounce judgment."

"You, never live beyond birth."

Xia Fukun's voice fell.

Another thunder whip fell.

As the whip was swung down, Cai Niao's whole body trembled violently, and then, the whole person could not even scream.

The whole person's body instantly turned into powder and dissipated in this world.

Different from the other fallen people.

Cai Niao's body was marked by Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun said...

Never live beyond birth.


It means that one cannot be overborn forever.

Unless, Cai Niao's primordial power is stronger than Xia Fukun, of course, this is impossible.

After being tempered by thousands of worlds, Xia Fukun's current primordial spirit is not much more powerful than the supreme powerhouse of the ordinary heavenly god.

This year, Xia Fukun is equivalent to ten years later.

Although, there is still a certain gap between it and that ancestral realm. However, Xia Fukun, the ordinary realm of heavenly gods, is already possible, so you don't need to look at it...

After eradicating all those traitors.

Xia Fukun slowly turned his head to those powerhouses in the Divine Emperor Realm in the Great Palace.

"Now, those traitors are all done. Next, it's time to calculate, the matter between your Grand Shrine and my Fulinmen, right?"

Hearing what Xia Fukun said, the faces of everyone in the Grand Shrine paled at this moment.

Although Xia Fukun was only a holy son, the things he showed just now were enough to prove his power.

"in fact--"

Xia Fukun looked at the millions of disciples in the Grand Shrine, and the corners of his mouth twitched in disdain.

"Your Grand Shrine has always been just cocooning yourself. Do you think that by extending your hands and eyes to the territories after the first ten regions, you can completely hold these thirty-two universes firmly in your palms? You think that there is no power in these thirty-two universes, and it is your opponent, right?"

Xia Fukun looked at the people in the Grand Shrine, and those people in the Grand Shrine, at this moment, were also on guard.

After all, this Xia Fukun was too scary. Today, perhaps it is the end of this great shrine.

The hearts of all the people in the Great Shrine are bleak.

However, desolate to desolate, even if they know that their opponents are difficult to deal with, they cannot wait to die in place...

Therefore, quietly, the puppets previously made by the Yunliao Palace Master had already appeared unknowingly, and were inserted among the disciples of the Great Divine Palace.

And all these small movements, Xia Fukun, had a panoramic view.

After all, the level of each other is so different.

More than...

Xia Fukun saw the clues at a glance.

The corner of his mouth, with a slight sarcasm, looked at the group of people in the Grand Shrine.

"Oh, no."

"A puppet?"

"Who still has it, no..."

Xia Fukun's voice fell.

Beside him, an equally terrifying breath appeared.

After the breath appeared, the power slowly rose.

Immediately afterwards, this entire first domain could feel an incomparable icy cold.

"Is that, puppet..."

At this moment, even the head teacher of Tsing Yi at Fulinmen, at this time, couldn't help but look at the figure beside Xia Fukun in a bit of astonishment.


At this moment, the wild system in his body is in Xia Fukun's hands. Without the system, he felt that the figure that appeared next to Xia Fukun was astonished and as powerful as he was!

And, what you need to know is that that figure is just a puppet!

Master Tsing Yi was silent. He suddenly subconsciously realized that Xia Fukun had grown to a level beyond his reach...

"Lord of Ice."

And looking at the puppet that appeared beside Xia Fukun. The fathers of the gang were also slightly taken aback, but they didn't have much surprise.

He is so knowledgeable, so it is not strange to know this Lord of Ice. Moreover, he previously took back Xia Fukun's system, and by the way, he also took back the cold ice system.

Seeing the Ice System, naturally, I thought of the Lord of Ice.

But now that the Lord of Ice appears, naturally, the helper father also thinks of a lot of things.

Looking at the appearance of the Lord of Ice, it seems that there is some discrepancy with what he thought.

Before the helper father came to these thirty-two universes, these thirty-two universes were equivalent to a barren land.

And when the gang leader's father came, these thirty-two universes were gradually developed.


Later, the father of the gang leader did not notice the intrusion of other powerful men.

Judging from the appearance of the Lord of Ice, he has at least been in these thirty-two universes for a certain number of years.

And this Lord of Ice can come to these thirty-two universes, which means that other strong men can also come to these thirty-two universes...

"It seems that the frontline universe can no longer satisfy those guys..."

The helper's father shook his head slightly, but didn't say anything. After all, soon, he will leave the thirty-two universes with Xia Fukun.

Moreover, even if it is the realm of the gods and the ancestors in the front-line universes, even if they have taken a fancy to the thirty-two universes, it will take a certain amount of time to come to the thirty-two universes.

It's not that you can come.

Moreover, the Heavenly God Realm may be better, the strong of the Ancestral Realm can move the whole body when they pull it, so they can't just go to other universes casually.

It was also when the helper father had already begun to think about this.

The Lord of Ice has already entered the crowd in the Great Shrine. He didn't attack the disciples of the Great Shrine, on the contrary, the puppets of the Divine Emperor Realm all became his prey.

In less than a minute, those puppets in the realm of the gods were completely paralyzed.

Upon seeing this, the confidence in the hearts of those in the Great Shrine was even weaker.

"In addition."

It's also this time.

Xia Fukun licked his chapped lips.

"Not only a puppet, a pet, I also have one."

Xia Fukun snapped his fingers when he said this. Suddenly, from his body, the figure of the boy named Viseh appeared slowly.

At this moment, the Vishe boy, along with Xia Fukun’s continuous strength, although the strongest among the monsters can only reach the realm of quasi-god, at this moment, the feeling that this Vishe-boy gives people, even if it is seen in the realm of gods , I can't help but shrink my pupils.

Because this boy is too evil. Contrary to his gaze, even in the realm of ordinary gods, he will feel a burst of mental confusion...

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