Monster Refining System

Chapter 1265: Your karma is very deep!


Hearing the sound behind him, Xia Fukun's body trembled suddenly.

The next second-

He turned around and found out.

Behind him, a figure, grinning, came slowly towards him.

While this figure was walking towards his side, on the palm of his hand, he also weighed a bunch of light **** of different colors.

That light group is a fusion of more than a dozen colors.

When he saw this figure, Xia Fukun couldn't help taking a breath.

the reason is simple……

At this time, in this place, appeared...

Except for Murong Yunhai, the Lord of the Five Halls of the Blood Palace, who else?


Xia Fukun gritted his teeth, subconsciously trying to distance himself from this Murong Yunhai.

It is also at this time.

That Murong Yunhai's eyes locked on Xia Fukun.

Suddenly, Xia Fukun only felt that he could not move.

The situation on Xia Fukun's side was also noticed by the Great Devil.

But the big devil at this time was overwhelmed. After all, the old bald donkey was not something to deal with.

There is an old bald donkey in front, and Na Murong Yunhai behind.

The Great Demon King couldn't help gritting his teeth.

But he knew clearly, if Xia Fukun was really taken away by Na Murong Yunhai...

So, this Xia Fukun is basically over...

The reason is simple, Xia Fukun has too many secrets in his body.

In particular, the Sacred Tool Village was definitely what Murong Yunhai wanted most and wanted most.

As for Xia Fukun, after depriving him of all the benefits worthy of exploitation, then Xia Fukun will also lose the slightest interest in front of that Murong Yunhai.

In this way...

This Murong Yunhai, it is very likely that he will attack Xia Fukun...

And once Xia Fukun was shot, if Xia Fukun belched, then the self who followed that Xia Fukun would disappear without a trace in this world.

the reason is simple……

Because of myself, I am also called Xia Fukun...

And this Xia Fukun are one person, but from the time and space of the future...


If the previous Xia Fukun is gone, can the Xia Fukun afterwards still exist?

Impossible, okay!

Thinking of this, at this moment, the Great Demon King was extremely anxious.

Looking at the wine and meat monk who was holding the Fudo Ming Wang's body, he continued to attack his side.

The big devil snorted coldly.

"Fuck off labor and capital!"

As the Great Demon King said, ten more celestial skills were merged together.

At this moment, it can be seen that this great devil is really ready to go desperately!

after all--

If he was taken away by the Five Hall Masters of the Blood Palace, it might be better. The reason is very simple. After all, he is a powerhouse in the Ancestral Realm. If he wants to run, his success rate is even higher than Xia Fukun’s. Much bigger.

However, although Xia Fukun has been improving since this time, this Xia Fukun, after all, only has the strength of the realm of heavenly gods.

If he were really caught in the Blood Palace, hehe, Xia Fukun would basically be cold.

The Jiurou monk also didn't expect that this great devil would suddenly appear to be beaten with blood.

A variety of offensive and sharp skills of the gods, constantly smashed towards him.

The appearance of Na Murong Yunhai, the wine and meat monk, had actually discovered it, but after he saw that Murong Yunhai, he did not care about Murong Yunhai. On the contrary, his sight was still focused on this great demon king.

What he said is true.

Karma is karma.

The reason why he rushed here was not for the immortal panic system, but for breaking the karma of this great devil.

"Haha, it's no wonder my blood king palace ancestor realm powerhouse will be killed. Unexpectedly, your colleague will be able to fuse ten great celestial skills into ten-star divine rank skills."

Xia Fukun knew that the star rating of the magical skill was based on the number of the fusion of the magical skill. But now, hearing this Murong Yunhai speak, Xia Fukun also frowned, he was wondering what kind of method he should use to break free of Murong Yunhai's shackles.

To be reasonable, if you are really caught back to the Blood Palace and want to escape, it will be extremely difficult.

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun took a breath and squeezed a smile at Murong Yunhai.

"Senior, don't you hear the joke?"

Murong Yunhai was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at Xia Fukun.

"At this moment, can you still laugh?"

Three slender black lines above Xia Fukun's head slipped off.

Haha, this Murong Yunhai, it is simply!

Isn't there any humorous cell? ? ?

I asked him if he listened to the jokes, but in the end, you can still laugh at this time when you give yourself a whole piece of this product?

What labor and management are telling is a joke! Is it to show you a smile? !

Xia Fukun felt that he and this Murong Yunhai really couldn't talk to each other.

Na Murong Yunhai saw Xia Fukun's face suddenly turn blue, and his head was low.

Then he nodded.


Is this what a captive should perform well?

What does it mean to have a smile?

At this time, Murong Yunhai could have left with Xia Fukun, but he was not in a hurry. The reason was simple.

Because he personally felt that neither the Great Demon King nor the Wine and Meat Monk were his opponents.

Since he is not his opponent, why is he walking in such a hurry? Isn’t it happy to watch the excitement here?

Moreover, this Murong Yunhai has basically been determined, and it should be the Great Demon King who killed their blood king palace ancestor realm powerhouse. At this moment, he didn't want to get involved in the battle between the big demon king and the wine and meat monk.

It just so happened that after the big demon king and the wine and meat monk were about to fight, he would come out and finish the game again. This way, it would be a lot easier.

After all, this great demon king can integrate ten kinds of great celestial skills, and the genius skills that integrate ten kinds of great celestial skills are reasonable, even if he bears it, it will be a little uncomfortable. Therefore, he might as well wait until the big devil and the wine and meat monk are tired from fighting!

It was also at this time that the great demon king saw that the wine and meat monk was still struggling. Although there have been eye-catching cracks on the body of the monk Fudo Ming, but the cracks give people the feeling that they will crack at any time, but they have been maintained in that state, and there is no real fragmentation. Open.

"Ah, Dan's!"

The eyes of the Great Demon were red, and the gray glow wrapped around his body also became irritable at this moment.

"Donor, your karma is really deep!"

Upon seeing this, the Jiurou monk folded his hands together and said lightly to the Great Demon King.

Big Devil: "Cao!"

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