Monster Refining System

Chapter 1266: Join hands!

"Is it endless? Isn't it endless?"

The Great Demon King looked at the wine and meat monk in front of him, and his whole person was going crazy. To be reasonable, this was even more tortured than letting him see someone that he couldn't beat.

Because this monk of wine and meat, to be honest, just like a brown candy, always sticking to himself. To be honest, it feels really uncomfortable for me!

And hearing the words of the great devil, the wine and meat monk also smiled.

"Donor, what you said is wrong."

"Donor, have you ever made others so crazy?"

Hearing the words of the wine and meat monk, the great devil was stunned for a moment, and immediately snorted coldly.

"Fart! I was always approachable before."

Wine and meat monk: "..."

"Oh, is that right, donor, if your heart is really so open, why not let Lao Na remove your karma for you?"

Hearing the words of the wine and meat monk, the Great Demon King gritted his teeth and glanced at Xia Fukun who was caught by Murong Yunhai. Taking a deep breath, he suddenly rolled his eyes and said to the wine and meat monk:

"Old bald donkey, I have something to discuss with you?"

"Please tell me the donor."

The wine and meat monk said with a smile.

"You and me, defeat that guy first, and then I let you break the karma on me, how about?"

The great devil pointed at that Murong Yunhai secretly.

After hearing the words of the Great Demon King, the Jiurou monk was also stunned for a moment. Immediately, without the slightest evasiveness in his eyes, he glanced at Murong Yunhai.


The wine and meat monk also felt that if it continued like this, it might not be easy to do. Moreover, even though this Murong Yunhai seemed to be more difficult to deal with than this Great Demon King, after all, he was teaming up with this Great Demon King.

And, the most important thing is.

To get rid of the karma of the great demon king, if the promise of the great demon king is not passed, it would be a very laborious task.

Of course, if the Great Demon King agrees, it's another story.

After all, in this way, the body of the Great Demon King would not resist, and it would be very easy for him to get rid of the opponent's karma.

In the ancestral realm, everyone, who wants to improve their own strength, in addition to constantly collecting super artifacts, that is, the system, there is another road that belongs to them.

For example, Xia Fukun, what he was looking for was that, the way of great freedom.

And this monk of wine and meat, by breaking the karma of others, he can improve his own strength and turn the karma of others into his own strength.

And the strength of this great demon king is similar to that of the wine and meat monk, that is to say, if oneself breaks this great devil king's karma, then one's own strength can also be sublimated.

That's why, the wine and meat monk has been chasing after the great devil.

For this monk of wine and meat, this great devil is just a piece of fat, a sweet and sweet existence.

And as the Great Demon King and the wine and meat monk reached an agreement, their eyes were locked on Murong Yunhai at the same time.

Na Murong Yunhai, who was still holding his hands behind his back, coldly watched the battle between the great demon king and the wine and meat monk. At this moment, he was suddenly locked in by the eyes of the two, and he was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


"and so--"

"Is this an idea, it hit me?"

"Tsk tusk, let me see what you can do, dare to challenge, the authority of this blood palace."

After Murong Yunhai sneered, eleven kinds of light appeared in his palm in an instant.

And saw the eleven rays of light jumping on the palm of Murong Yunhai.

Whether it was the big demon king or the wine and meat monk, the eyelids of the two people twitched crazily.

"It's worthy of being a powerhouse in the Blood Palace. It turns out that it has been able to fuse eleven great celestial skills and display the eleven-star magical skills!"

The wine and meat monk couldn't help but complimented.

And hearing the words of the wine and meat monk, the big devil couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Old bald donkey, now you and me, but on the same front, don't raise the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige, right?"

Hearing the words of the great devil, the wine and meat monk gave a grimace.

"Hehe, since we are all on the united front, then you, don't call me any old bald donkey, is it ugly, right?"

"Then what do you call you?"

The Great Devil was stunned for a moment, and asked the wine and meat monk.

"Lao Na, law name: Fahai, you can call me, Brother Hai."

"Ha ha!"

The big devil sneered.

Want to take advantage of yourself, isn't this a foolish dream? !

"It's really not possible, Brother Fa, it's also possible."

Fahai quickly added an unhappy expression on the face of the Great Demon King.

"First defeat the person in front of you. He is the lord of the Fifth Hall of the Blood Palace. Be careful."

"Got it!"

Fahai changed quickly. After responding, he looked towards Murong Yunhai, the Lord of the Five Halls of the Blood Palace.

"These eleven-star magic skills, can you parry it?"

Hearing Fahai's question, the Great Devil was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.


In fact, he was able to parry the eleven-star sacred skill, but after the parry, he would be extremely embarrassed. Therefore, if this is the case, it is better to tell Fahai that he can't resist it!

"Since you can't fight it, let's come behind Lao Na. Although this 11-star supernatural skill is incomparably powerful, Lao Na should be able to fight it with just one move."

The Great Demon King was waiting for this sentence from Fahai. As soon as the other party's voice fell, the figure of the Great Demon King appeared behind Fahai.


This speed is a little faster, right?

It was also at this time, when Na Murong Yunhai saw the great demon hiding behind Fahai, he gave a cold snort.

"I have already seen the skills of your talents, hehe, if you want to stop my attack, I am afraid it will not be so easy..."

It was also the voice of Murong Yunhai that fell.

Those eleven kinds of light have instantly merged together, a dark golden light, surging! A dragon chant appeared from the dark light, resounding through the world...

Then, a dark golden dragon shadow appeared in front of everyone.

The dark golden dragon shadow whizzed, spreading his huge paws, staring at the big devil and Fahai in front of him.

Without the slightest waste of action, the dark golden dragon shadow directly roared and rushed towards the great demon king and Fahai.

"Donor, be careful!"

When Fahai saw this, he couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

It's also this moment--

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