Monster Refining System

Chapter 1343: Who will hit the head?

Also after Xia Fukun and Lord Billus left, the group of people headed by the "firefly" man in the cement room couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Immediately, the toad-headed man whose eyes were puffed by Xia Fukun just now resisted the severe pain from his body, and said to the "Firefly" man beside him:

"Big Brother, are we just being bullied by this guy named Chang Yuxuan? I can't bear this tone!"

Hearing the words of the "Toad Head" man, the "Firefly" man gave a cold snort and immediately spoke:

"Of course you can't bear it, haha, don't you forget, we are not without a backer, this guy is nothing more than his own means, but compared with the backer behind us, it is not worth it at all Mentioning."

It was also after hearing the words of the "Firefly" man that the local people around were all bright.

"Are you talking about Big Brother Blue Rhino?"

Hearing the speculation of the people around, the "Firefly" man sneered and nodded immediately.

"Yes, it's Big Brother Blue Rhino."

After the firefly man nodded, he said:

"Big Brother Blue Rhino is different from us. Not only does he have a real system in his body, but his strength is still in the stage of the Great Perfection of the Gods, and the most important point is..."

The "Firefly" man squinted his eyes, and immediately said:

"Big Brother Blue Rhino, but Master Xiangpa's servant, haha, that kid named Chang Yuxuan, it's over!"

After hearing the "Firefly" man say so, everyone was relieved. Although some of them have not fought against Xia Fukun, and have not been cleaned up by Xia Fukun, all of them here have been robbed by Xia Fukun!

This is tolerable or unbearable!

If it's just a beating, it might be fine, but if it involves money, it can't stand it at all, okay? !

Skin and flesh are things outside of the body!

Wealth is to follow a lifetime!

Soon, with a lot of resentment, everyone followed the "firefly" man to find the blue rhinoceros in their mouth.


When they saw the Big Blue Rhino in front of him, they couldn't help but froze for a while.

the reason is simple……

Because at this moment, the blue rhinoceros has his head covered with gauze...

Seeing how tragic the blue rhinoceros was, the "Firefly" man and others touched the gauze on their heads and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"You are..."

"Cos me?"

Hearing the words of the blue rhinoceros, the firefly men gave a grimace and waved their hands and explained:

"No, Brother Blue Rhino, we have also encountered an enemy!"

After hearing the firefly man's words, the blue rhino couldn't help but frowned:

"When is the injustice reported?"

"So I suggest that if you have any grudges, just kill each other at once."


Hearing the words of the blue rhinoceros, the firefly man gave a wry smile.

"Brother Blue Rhino, we also want to, but the skills are not as good as humans... Hey, let's not talk about us, Brother Blue Rhino, what are you doing? How can anyone beat you like this?"

"Hi! Don't mention it!"

The strong blue rhino sighed, then smiled bitterly:

"I drank too much before and started fighting with Master Xiangpa!"

That's right... This blue rhino was the one who was swept to the ground by the thought of Master Xiangpa before and he was vomiting blood. It was also the one who fell in love with the elf girl Kagome with Xia Fukun.


This firefly man and his party are all the little brothers of this blue rhino, so in front of the little brother, the blue rhino also has to save face, and can't say that he makes Master Xiangpa unhappy. Master Xiangpa taught himself to be like this, right?

Hearing the words of the blue rhino, the firefly men took a breath.


"Brother Blue Rhino, you are too fierce! Even Master Elephant, do you dare to make a move?!"

Seeing the respect and fear in the eyes of those little brothers, the blue rhino sneered.

"Hey! What's this, I'll go down in twos and threes, I'm not afraid of the king."

Although the Blue Rhino likes bragging a lot, he also knows that some bragging pens can't be blown at all. If it gets into Master Xiangpa's ears, then it will not be such a simple punishment to greet him. So, he changed the subject and said:

"Let's not talk about it, you are looking for me, should you want me to get you back? What is the origin of the other party?"

The Blue Rhino asked faintly.


The Blue Rhino is so straightforward, and the little brothers are ashamed. After all, they have troubled the Blue Rhino again, but there is no way. Who can make them worse than others?

So, they talked about the characteristics of Xia Fukun again.

Then, the firefly man added:

"Oh, by the way! Big Brother Blue Rhino, that kid, seems to be called Chang Yuxuan!"

"Chang Yuxuan?"

The Blue Rhino froze for a moment.

Immediately, he grabbed it from the air, and suddenly, in front of him, a light group appeared, and in that light group, there seemed to be something like a tiny microphone.

The blue rhino said lightly to the ball of light:

"Little Si, please check for me to see if there is a foreigner named Chang Yuxuan. It shouldn't have been long since he came to Sky City. Now he is in the arena.

After the Blue Rhino finished speaking, he directly crushed the light.

And seeing the operation of the blue rhinoceros, the "Firefly" man and his party were also very envious.

"Brother Blue Rhino, presumably, this is Thousand Miles Sound Transmission!?"

The Blue Rhino smiled faintly, but didn't say much.

In this third universe, he followed Master Xiangpa. Although his strength had not yet been raised to the ancestral realm, he still said that it depends on the owner to fight the dog. No matter who it is, when you see the blue rhino, you don't dare to be too presumptuous. After all, standing behind the blue rhino, but Master Xiangpa!

That is, now the ruler of the third universe!

As for the pattern of the Third Universe, everyone is actually very clear, and even said that not only the Third Universe, but any of these universes, if Lord Quan wants it, is the personal property of Lord Quan King. It's just that Lord Quan Wang didn't seem to have such a big desire to conquer the world.

Including this third universe, he also handed over to Naxiangpa to manage it. Otherwise, it's like Pa, and it won't be the story of the third universe.

Soon, the light that had been crushed by the blue rhinoceros condensed again in front of the blue rhinoceros.

The Blue Rhino waved his hand, and a voice came from the light:

"Brother Lan, are you sure you made a mistake? In our third universe, we didn't find a person named Chang Yuxuan!"

Hearing the words in the light, the blue rhino frowned and looked at the group of "Firefly" men. Immediately, he coughed, and before he could speak, he heard the "firefly" man slap his head violently.

"Ma Dan's! That kid must have lied to us! Big Brother Blue Rhino, you have to call us the shots!"

The blue rhino looked at his forehead. The wound that had healed exploded again, and the blood was flowing down. He squinted and looked at the "firefly" man.

"You, who hit the head?"

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