Monster Refining System

Chapter 1344: Big brother mighty


Hearing the words of the blue rhinoceros, the "firefly" man put his hand back in embarrassment.

I was so nervous just now that I accidentally patted the blue rhino on the head. It was also after the blue rhino became angry that he reacted.

"Big Brother Blue Rhino, it looks like that kid has a fake name, heh, this cunning guy!"

It was the man with the toad head whose two eyeballs had exploded.

After hearing the words of the toad-headed man, the blue rhinoceros man frowned.

"Hehe, you don't need to remind you, everyone knows it."

After the Blue Rhino finished speaking, the "Firefly" man gave a sad smile and whispered:

"But we are not human..."


The blue rhino hit the "firefly" man's head with a punch, and immediately, the "firefly" man was directly hit by the blue rhinoceros.

"Bibi babbles, Bibi babbles, it's annoying to me."

The blue rhino frowned.

Immediately, he spoke to the remaining demons and ghosts:

"The outsider, besides reporting his name as Chang Yuxuan, besides the characteristics you just described, are there other characteristics?"


Hearing the words of the blue rhinoceros, the surrounding demons and ghosts hurriedly said:

"Beside Chang Yuxuan, there was also a person who looked like a hairless cat, but we look at him, he should be a local..."

"and many more…"

After hearing the other party's words, the blue rhino took a deep breath, and immediately covered the other party's mouth.

"The hairless cat you mentioned, bah, **** it, I should learn from you, what hairless cats are not hairless cats, do they look like this?"

The blue rhinoceros's voice fell, and with a wave of his palm, a light curtain appeared in front of everyone, and on that light curtain, it was the head of Master Xiangpa that appeared.

And seeing the head of Master Xiangpa, the monsters and ghosts became excited at once.

"It's him, it's him!"

"No, it's not him, a lot thinner than him."

"More than a big circle? It's a few laps!"

Hearing the words of those monsters and ghosts, the blue rhino took a deep breath, and immediately, the figure in the light curtain became thinner. Also, after losing weight for several laps, the monsters and ghosts hurriedly said:

"Yes, it's him! It's him!"


The strong blue rhino took a deep breath.

"I know who it is."

Although these monsters and monsters always talked about Master Xiangpa, as their status and status, they had never seen Master Xiangpa.

So, they don’t know...

The first person that the blue rhino showed up was the Master Xiangpa...

And now...

This is a few degrees thinner, although it is not like Master Pa, but...the identity is equally prominent.

"Brother Blue Rhino, who is this person?"

The monsters and monsters looked at the blue rhinoceros's complexion, and they didn't seem to be pretty, and they all asked the blue rhinoceros.

It was also at this time that the "firefly" man had climbed up from downstairs again. When he saw this light curtain, he quickly pointed to the "light curtain" and shouted at the blue rhino:

"Big Brother Blue Rhino, it's him! It's this dog day!"


The "firefly" man hadn't finished speaking yet, the blue rhino punched again in the air, and directly shot the "firefly" man flying again.

After the "firefly" man was shot into the air, the blue rhino took a deep breath.

"I think this place, you guys, shouldn't be able to find it back."


In the eyes of these monsters, the blue rhino is omnipotent. After all, the blue rhino followed the Master Xiangpa. Now, even this blue rhino can't handle it, then...

"The first template you just saw, that person is Master Xiangpa..."


The demons and ghosts couldn't help taking a deep breath, Master Xiangpa...

The hairless cat they were pointing at is Master Xiangpa? ? !


The toad-head man wondered and said:

"This is Cos Elephant Master?"


The man with the toad head hadn't finished speaking yet, and was punched again by the blue rhinoceros.

The Blue Rhino took a deep breath and said:

"The one you see now..."

"His name is Birus-sama... and Xiangpa-sama are brothers, and similarly, a super powerhouse in the ancestral realm, but—"

"Billions of years ago, Lord Birus left this third universe, and only recently came back. I also met Lord Birus a few days ago, but I didn’t expect that what you said was actually this. Master Birus... As for the person beside Master Birus, the Chang Yuxuan in your mouth, I think, I should also know who it is..."

The blue rhino squinted.

For Xia Fukun, he was also sorrowful, but when this toad and his party described Xia Fukun, he didn't think about Xia Fukun. After all, he and Xia Fukun had only one side. Describe it, it must be hard to remember.

"Brother Blue Rhino, that person, are you friends...If so..."

"That's our interruption, let's say goodbye..."

Toad's head and his party gave a wry smile, preparing to leave.

At this time, the blue rhino raised his hand.


He yelled to stop the toad and his party, and then faintly opened his mouth:

"Friends, not counted."

"If you insist on speaking, it's still a little holiday."

"Moreover, what I just said is not false."

"You really can't find this place by yourself, but I can."

"If you have a conflict, it's Lord Birus, then maybe even me, there is nothing I can do, but if it's just that kid..."

The blue rhino squinted his eyes.

"I can find a place for you. Of course, it can only be in that arena. That kid, who came to the Third Universe with Lord Billus, wants to come, but also for that arena. The reward is here. With that kid's strength, you don't need to think about winning the championship. He should just want to harvest some ordinary systems."

The Blue Rhino spoke faintly:

"Don't worry, this time, I will find it for you, huh, Chang Yuxuan? People who dare not even report their real name. Tsk tsk..."

The Blue Rhino sneered, and there was a bitter cold wind in that glare.

After hearing the words of the blue rhinoceros, the group of demons and ghosts couldn't help but squinted their eyes. Although excited in their hearts, they just said politely:

"Thank you, Brother Blue Rhino!"

"Brother Blue Rhino is mighty!"

"Brother Blue Rhino is domineering!"

"Brother Blue Rhino, handsome!"

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