Monster Refining System

Chapter 1345: Everyone knows Xiangpa

"Hahahaha, hahahahaha!"

The blue rhino enjoys such flattering very much. The reason is very simple, because before that, the blue rhinoceros was by the side of Master Xiangpa. This blue rhino could only flatter the Master Xiangpa, only in this "toad head" and "firefly". This blue rhino can only enjoy the treatment in front of the man, which is like the treatment enjoyed by Master Pa.

……the other side.

Xia Fukun followed Lord Billus to stroll around the periphery of the arena.

He discovered that this arena is really like a tourist attraction.

All the things that were peddled around this time were sold around the things in the arena.

Even closer, some scalpers would come over and ask Xia Fukun if he needed a seat ticket for the arena.

It was also because Lord Nabirus released his breath that the scalper vendors left in embarrassment.

after all……

What can't be offended, how can it be offended.

They could feel the aura radiating from Lord Birus, that Lord Birus was an ancestral realm powerhouse.

As for the seat tickets they peddled, someone who was an ancestral realm powerhouse could get them at will.

the reason is simple……

The ancestral realm is an existence beyond the realm of the gods...

Even in this third universe, even in this sky city arena, strong ancestors are rare.

"Master Billus, it's almost time to go shopping, let's go to register."

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, Lord Birus nodded.

He brought Xia Fukun to the surrounding area for a stroll, the reason is simple, that is to let Xia Fukun get familiar with the surrounding environment in advance.

This Xia Fukun’s character is very unpopular, so...

He felt that if Xia Fukun offends someone in the future, even if Xia Fukun is running away when he is not beside Xia Fukun, he knows in advance which direction he should run...

I have to say, if Xia Fukun knew about it, he would really have to thank Master Birus for his hard work...

Soon, Lord Birus brought this Xia Fukun to the registration office.

Because there are more people around, Lord Birus hides his strength. but……

After registering information for Xia Fukun, the person at the registry directly stopped both of them.

"Hey, that guy who looks like a hairless cat, why, don't you need to register?"

Hearing what the person at the registry said, Lord Billus was taken aback.

Immediately, he pointed his finger at himself.

"Hehe, you say, me?"

The person at the registration office also didn't know the sky was high and the earth was thick, and sneered at the arrogant appearance of Lord Birus.

"Nonsense, or am I talking about ghosts? It's you! Name, gender, age!"

Hearing what the other party said, Lord Belus was about to laugh with anger.


In a small celestial realm, he dared to speak to himself like this.


It is still the realm of the heavenly gods in this third universe.

"Ahem, I think, if I were you, I should be quiet at this time, so it's good for everyone."

Seeing that Lord Birus was about to have an attack, Xia Fukun coughed and kindly reminded the man holding a large brush at the registration office.


The man at the registration office glanced at Xia Fukun and sneered.

"Do you think I will bow to the evil forces?"

"Even if this hairless cat is a strong man in the ancestral realm, this should be registered, but it should also be registered!"

"This is the rule left behind by Lord Quan King."

"Hehe, do you see the moon on my forehead?"

Xia Fukun was stunned when he heard what the other party said.

To be honest, if the other party hadn't said anything just now, Xia Fukun really hadn't noticed that there was a moon on the other party's forehead. Because this guy's skin is really too dark.

It's the same as black charcoal, as if I just dug back coal...

And on the other party's forehead, as the other party said, there is a mark of the moon.


The mark of the moon is not your crazy capital!

How to drop it, on behalf of the moon to wipe out everyone?

"Hehe, my moon is a righteous moon. Where there is unevenness, there is me, Qingtianbao, I am a person who never bows to evil forces!"

Xia Fukun took a deep breath when he heard what the other party said.

Immediately, he glanced at Lord Billus.

Why did you meet an acquaintance again...Qing Tian Bao, ha ha ha... The name is reversed, thinking you don't know him anymore?

But there is no way. It should be reminded. Xia Fukun has reminded him that if someone insists on committing death, how can he stop it or drop it?

Coughing cough.

Xia Fukun only hoped that Lord Birus would not make things too much.

after all……

He still wants to participate in the competition, he still doesn't want to be so fast, it will attract too many eyes.


Lord Billus, this person...

Say that he has a good character, he is indeed okay.

At least it's much better than that of Xiangpa.


If you want to say that he has a bad personality...

His character is so explosive.

Just like now...

Losing someone at his door, is this Lord Birus, how can he bear it?

At the moment, a breath of ruining heaven and earth exuded from his body slowly.

"What? Do you still have to do something if you don't agree?"

The Qingtianbao sneered, and immediately clapped his hands. Suddenly, behind him, several monsters and ghosts with weapons appeared.

Xia Fukun really took it.

In this third universe, almost most people are in the shape of half-beasts, with upper-body monsters and lower-body people.

To be honest, if you get used to it, it's just like that, but Xia Fukun just came here, and he really feels a little uncomfortable.

"Just you guys?"

The Qingtianbao sneered, not afraid of Lord Birus.


Master Billus sighed.

At this time, he waved his hand.

In front of the blue sky bag, a light and shadow barrier appeared.

"Do you know him?"

Seeing the man appearing on the barrier, the Qingtian Bao, including the thugs who were shouted by the Qingtian Bao, were all taken aback, because the person who appeared on the light screen was not someone else, but Master Xiangpa.

Qing Tian Bao frowned and sneered.

"Why, isn't this Master Xiangpa?"

"Then what do you think is the difference between me and him?"

Upon hearing Lord Billus's words, Qing Tian Bao was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered.

"Hehe, don't think that you and Master Xiangpa look a little like, you can despise the rules of this arena!"

Lord Billus: "???"


In the eyes of others.

Is he a person who needs to rely on cos elephant to survive?


For him.

It's an insult...

An unforgivable insult...

"Hehe, good good."

"Billions of years."

"I, Billus, left this third universe for billions of years. I didn't expect to come back again."

"I was treated like this."

"Everyone knows the elephant, but they have forgotten me Birus."

"Never mind, today..."

"I will let you recall memories."

"At the beginning, on top of the elephant, there was another person named Birus."

Lord Billus's voice fell, and the ground in the entire arena had already begun to tremble violently.

And that Bao Qingtian, after hearing Lord Billus's words, was also shocked.

The three words Birus...

It reminds him a lot...

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