Monster Refining System

Chapter 1350: Join hands

It was also after Master King left, Master Billus took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, I said Billus, Navis and Bados will be back soon."

"I know, my ears are not deaf."

What Xia Fukun didn't expect was that after Lord Quan King appeared once, the situation of Lord Birus and Lord Xiangpa, as if they had never quarreled before, started to communicate normally.

And although Lord Quan left, Lord Birus and Lord Xiangpa are here, and the residents of the Third Universe around or the contestants who came to this arena to participate in the competition still bow down on the ground. Dare to move.

"However, according to Lord Quan, you should be deprived of your identity as the God of Destruction soon."

Master Xiangpa grinned, and the row of teeth was like a blade.

Master Birus snorted coldly after hearing the words of Master Xiangpa.

"It's just that you have a lot of nonsense, have we beaten it? Huh? Haven't we? Haven't beaten you Bibi so much for what you are doing? I don't know who will kill you!"

Upon hearing Lord Birus's words, Master Xiangpa sneered:

"With the strength of your chicken, if you can beat me, you still need to use this arena as a threat? Ha ha, accept your fate, Billus! You are not my opponent. How, dare you bet, the last one? The winner must be me!"

Lord Birus sneered when she heard the words of Master Xiangpa.

"What if it wasn't for you?"

Master Xiangpa was taken aback for a moment. Seeing what Master Birus meant, he seemed to really want to bet with himself?

After a sneer, Master Xiangpa said confidently:

"If it wasn't me, hehe, I'll live upside down and eat Shi!"

Upon hearing the words of Master Xiangpa, Master Billus was taken aback.

"So cruel?"

"It's so cruel!"

Master Xiangpa said with confidence.

"Let's do it, you are sure to eat this!"

Master Billus sneered.

The two did not quarrel too much. After all, there are still many people gathered around here, so you can't let others watch the jokes of the two gods of destruction, right?

Soon, Master Xiangpa left.

It was also after Master Xiangpa left.

Lord Nabilus glanced at Xia Fukun who had already stood up after Lord Quan King left.

Grabbing Xia Fukun's shoulders, his figure jumped.

Immediately, he took Xia Fukun and disappeared.

It was also after Lord Billus left that the surrounding crowd slowly dispersed after a sensation, and those previously damaged by Lord Billus' attack were also restored at this time.

And Xia Fukun also didn't expect that he would be dragged directly into the independent space created by him by Lord Na Birus.

"Master Billus, what are you..."

Xia Fukun looked at the green mountains and rivers around him, and couldn't help but put his hands on his chest.

This view is very pleasant. With such a pleasant view, does Lord Birus want to do something to himself? !

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun couldn't help being a little scared.

After hearing that Xia Fukun's words, Lord Billus rolled his eyes.

What is Xia Fukun thinking about? !

"Boy, I don’t want to talk so much nonsense to you. This registration is because Lord Quan Wang has also appeared just now, and I made such a fuss. You are also registered. After all, so many people just saw it. , You are by my side."

\"But, Lord Quan, I think you should have heard it too? If, in this competition, I lose to that Xiangpa, then my identity as a **** of destruction will be lost.\"

Xia Fukun was taken aback when hearing Lord Birus' words.

"No, Lord Billus, you let me stroke it."

"If you can't beat Master Elephant Pa, this has something to do with me???"

"I can't get involved in battles at your level! Besides, you said, there is no shortage of strong people in the ancestral realm among the contestants. Then..."

"Whether I can advance to the end is a question..."

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, Lord Birus gave him a blank expression.

"You must advance to the end."


Xia Fukun looked at Master Billus's attitude, not as if he was joking with himself, but when he said this, wouldn't he be joking?

Must advance to the end?

Is this what Billus-sama can talk about?

Among the contestants, there are still many strong ancestors, okay? This Lord Birus, doesn't care about reality? What's the point of Yy here all the time?

"I know, it may be a little difficult for you, but you have to win the first place in this arena competition, because only first can you join the battle between me and Xiangpa."

"Should you hear what the elephant said just now?"

Upon hearing Lord Billus's words, Xia Fukun looked embarrassed, immediately coughed, and said:

"Well, I heard it."

\"But I think it’s that Master Xiangpa is jealous of Lord Birus your beauty. I think, Master Birus, how could you not be the opponent of Master Xiangpa? It must be Master Xiangpa bragging. , Huh. It must be so.\"

"Master Billus is mighty and handsome!"

"It must be Master Xiangpa planting and slandering you, Master Birus!"

Xia Fukun said indignantly.

Looking at the expression, it seemed that I was angry for Lord Billus.

And seeing Xia Fukun like this, Lord Birus was also taken aback.

This Xia Fukun, what happened to this sudden wave of flattery?

Right now, Lord Billus scratched his head awkwardly.

"Ahem, in fact, what Xiangpa said is true."


Xia Fukun was taken aback when hearing Lord Billus's words.

Are all true?

This Lord Birus actually admitted that he was inferior to the elephant?


Although Lord Billus admits counseling, there is a prerequisite for acknowledging counseling.

"Before I went to the thirty-two universes, my strength was not as good as Xiangpa, and even stronger than that of the Xiangpa. But there was no way. I was sealed in the thirty-two universes by billions. In the past few years, in these billions of years, my strength has been stagnant, and the Xiangpa has improved a lot."

"So, when it comes to fighting, I am not his opponent. In this case, it's the only one."

Master Billus squinted his eyes.

"You won the first place in this competition in the arena. Then, the two of us teamed up to get rid of the elephant."


Xia Fukun couldn't help taking a deep breath when hearing Lord Billus's words.

"Master Billus, you really can count on me..."

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