Monster Refining System

Chapter 1351: Weiss

"Hehe, it must be."

Lord Billus grinned after hearing Xia Fukun's words.

"After all, you are that person."


Lord Birus said this last sentence very lightly, so Xia Fukun just listened to it roughly, but didn't hear it very clearly.

And when he asked Lord Billus, Lord Billus just smiled and shook his head.

"The reason why you are brought here is that this competition in the arena will last for a month."

"In this month, I will compete for the first place."

"And before the start of the competition in this arena, there are less than three days left. As you saw just now, there are already many strong players who have come to register one after another. In these three days, I want to Give you intensive training."

"Intensive training?"

Xia Fukun couldn't help being taken aback when hearing Lord Birus's words.


Master Billus nodded.

"Although I can't directly promote you to the ancestral realm, there is no problem with strengthening you. You have still lacked combat over the years, so your strength, even though you have reached the realm of the great heavenly god, has entered the realm. During that journey of reincarnation, you also failed to advance to the ancestral realm, mainly because your foundation is unstable.

After hearing the serious nonsense of Lord Nabirus, Xia Fukun really wanted to ask Lord Nabirus.

Haha, Lord Billus, do you really know everything? Is it right here to say nonsense? The reason why Xia Fukun failed to enter the ancestral realm, only Xia Fukun himself knew, he was definitely not so unstable as he had said to Lord Billus.

It was because during that journey of reincarnation, he bumped into the secret of the three hall masters in front of the Blood Palace.

The one who expelled himself from the journey of reincarnation, Xia Fukun estimated that even if he was not the master of the third hall, he was probably the master of the other two halls. Otherwise, Murong Yunhai would not be able to see through his identity, but he could see through it at a glance, and there was also the power that was so strong that he couldn't even resist the courage.

It is estimated that these characters are only owned by the Hallmaster of the three front halls of the Blood King Palace, right?

Of course, Xia Fukun didn't know, Master Quan King, if compared with the three hall masters in the front of the Blood King Palace, who was more powerful.

Of course, although Xia Fukun knew it well in his heart, it was undeniable that this made sense as Master Bilus said.

Being able to reach the current height by leaps and bounds is inseparable from the bliss system. The real battles he has experienced are indeed much less than those of the strong at the same level.

and so--

If Lord Billus said that he lacked combat experience, it was not impossible to say.

"Actually, Lord Billus, there is no way I can get the first place in this arena competition."

Hearing Xia Fukun's sudden opening, Lord Birus was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at Xia Fukun.

"Oh? Do you have a good idea?"

"Hehe, it's not a good way. It's just—"

"If you lent me your system first, Lord Billus, wouldn't I be able to stand out among the crowd? Lord Billus, do you think what I said... "


Before Xia Fukun finished speaking, Lord Billus slapped Xia Fukun on the forehead.

Suddenly, an obvious big hull bulged out.

And Xia Fukun, after being slapped on the forehead by the Lord Birus, the tears of pain also rolled in his eyes.

"It hurts! Lord Billus, what are you doing!"

"Oh, you know that you are doing these fancy tricks. No wonder your strength has not been improved. Have you forgotten what I said before? It is because your foundation is unstable, so your strength is stagnant. You are now Still thinking about playing these little tricks, ha ha, do you want to stay in this ancestral realm for the rest of your life?"

Xia Fukun gave a wry smile upon hearing Lord Billus's words.

Well, he admits, this makes sense as Master Birus said.

"Then where do we start?"

After hearing Xia Fukun's words, Lord Birus was just about to speak.

Just heard, a soft voice came.

"Oh, Lord Billus, I'm still looking for you everywhere. I didn't expect that you opened up a space to take a break!"

When hearing this voice, Lord Billus and Xia Fukun looked back at the same time.

It was also at this time that they saw a figure with a light blue head in a uniform, a staff in his hand, and a smile standing behind them.


Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

He has seen the Dragon Ball Super, so he knows that the image of Weiss is just that, because the image of Lord King is very different from the image in his mind, he instinctively feels that Lord Birus It's just a coincidence that it is the same as Master Xiangpa and the Dragon Ball Super, but unexpectedly, this Weis, unexpectedly, is exactly the same as the one drawn in the Dragon Ball Super...

And when Xia Fukun yelled "Weiss" just now, Lord Billus was also obviously taken aback.

Because of this Weis, he had been by his side all the year before, and after that, because of his being sealed, he returned to the Lord Quan King's side.

Therefore, according to common sense, it is impossible for Xia Fukun to have seen this Weis...

So, how did Xia Fukun know Weis?

"Oh? I didn't expect that Lord Billus would also have friends..."

Navis smiled and said something.

And after hearing what Weiss said, three long slender black lines fell on Nabirus-sama's forehead.

"Weiss, what do you mean by that? Am I so hated?"

"No, it's just the character of Lord Birus. I am afraid that ordinary people will not dare to be friends with you, right?"

Xia Fukun took a deep breath after hearing Naves' words...

It's really exactly the same as in that Dragon Ball Super...

By the side of Lord Birus, it is estimated that only this Vis was the only one who dared to respond directly to Lord Birus, and Lord Birus did not dare to be angry...

Because Lord Billus knows very well in his heart that he is not the opponent of this Vis...

It was as if he knew that he was not the opponent of Lord Quan King.

It's just that the relationship with Weiss is relatively good, and we are also teachers, friends and servants. Therefore, we don't need to be as restrained as Master Quan King.

"Weiss, haven't seen you for so long, do you have to make the atmosphere so stiff when you meet?"

Lord Billus bit the bullet and said.

"Oh, roar—"

"Lord Billus, look at what you said, I just talked about it casually. I haven't heard the introduction of Lord Billus yet, who is this?"

Weiss looked at Xia Fukun and said with a chuckle.

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