Monster Refining System

Chapter 1352: Too slow

"Uh, Weiss, you just came here."

Lord Birus was still worried about how he should teach this Xia Fukun.

After all, I am only good at fighting, and I am not very good at teaching others to fight, but Weis is different. Basically all of his skills are taught by Weiss.

and so--

Asking Weiss to open a "cram school" for Xia Fukun is definitely Ok.

And hearing the words of Lord Billus, Weis was also taken aback.

"What do you mean by Lord Billus?"

"No, I just want you to teach this kid before the start of this competition in the arena."

"Let his strength be improved."

Upon hearing Lord Billus's words, Narvis was taken aback for a moment.

"teach him?"

He pointed at Xia Fukun with the staff in his hand.


Master Billus nodded, because he believed in this Weiss enough, so Lord Billus talked about his plan to this Weiss.

After hearing Lord Billus's words, Navis also frowned.

"No, Lord Billus, if you want to find a helper, don't you just find a strong person in the ancestral realm? I remember, then Hit, didn't you still show good things to you?"


When hearing Hitt from Weiss, Lord Billus frowned.

This hit is a cosmic killer. It is to live through the entire universe. As long as the commission is high enough to impress him, he will go to the universe where the employer is.

Moreover, the strength is also extremely strong, to put it bluntly, this Hit's strength is indeed much stronger than the current Xia Fukun.

"Forget it, I'll let this kid go."

Hearing what Billus-sama said, Weiss was stunned for a moment.

Although Lord Birus didn't say it clearly, he could also see that Lord Birus was very fond of Xia Fukun.

a But to be honest,

With the strength of Weiss, he just saw that Xia Fukun's internal system was quite numerous, and there was also a central system, but he couldn't see that there was something in Xia Fukun that was particularly shiny.

In the eyes of Weiss, the system is a little bit lucky, and it is all available. In terms of quantity, it is proportional to time.

As long as you spend enough time to find it, you can definitely find it.

He didn't know why Lord Birus liked this Xia Fukun so much.

Shook his head.

"Finally, since it was from Master Billus, then I will teach you, but—"

Weiss paused and said:

"After all, there are less than three days left before the start of the competition. In these three days, there is not much I can teach you. Your natural skills, right?"

Hearing Weis, he could tell that his natal system, that is, the central system was the Bliss system, and when the skills of the Bliss system were free and utmost, Xia Fukun already knew the best of Weis.


In the impression of Xia Fukun.

In Dragon Ball Super, Sun Wukong's free and extremely minded skill was also learned by this Weisman.

Therefore, Xia Fukun nodded to this Weis.

"Hehe, then, in the next three days, I will teach you how to skillfully use this Freedom Extreme Yi Kungfu. If this Freedom Extreme Yi Kung is used properly, ordinary ancestors will not be able to get close to your body. , And besides—"

Wes glanced at Xia Fukun and continued:

"You are so valued by Lord Billus. If you think about it, your aptitude and understanding shouldn't be too bad."

"I can see that you should be able to use magical skills, right?"


Xia Fukun looked at Weiss dumbfounded.

This little angel is too cowhide, right? Why does it seem to know everything?

"If you are able to master the Free Ultimate Skill skillfully within three days, I will teach you how to use the magical skills. How to integrate more magical skills."

"Haha, Lord Birus has stupid aptitude, so I taught him for so long. He can only integrate nine divine skills at most. Although you haven't reached the ancestral realm yet, because of some opportunities in your body, so , You can fuse magical skills, let me see, in this limited time, can you try to fuse more kinds of great magical skills, and display higher-quality magical skills."

Listening to the calm words of Weiss, Xia Fukun felt very excited. He took a deep breath and looked at Weiss in front of him.

"Then, when do we start, Teacher Weiss?"


Weiss was stunned for a moment and took a look at Xia Fukun. He didn't expect that Xia Fukun would enter the state so quickly.

After smiling, Wes looked at Xia Fukun in front of him and continued to speak:

"You can start now."

"You use your free and extreme mind power, and then you attack me."

Weiss smiled and said to Xia Fukun.

And Lord Billus on the side, after hearing the dialogue between Xia Fukun and this Weis, his eyes were also narrowed.

Between him and the elephant pagoda, it is indeed the strength of the elephant pagoda. At present, it must be stronger.

But it's a bit ugly.

The strength of the elephant pagoda is very strange, so if Lord Birus really fights the elephant pagoda, he won't be happy.

However, if this Xia Fukun, under the guidance of Weiss, can really go to the next level...

At that time, I can have a discussion with this Xia Fukun, and have a hand addiction.

Thinking of this, Lord Birus also licked his lips and looked at Xia Fukun and Weis in front of him.

"Xia Fukun, you have to come on."

"Don't let me down..."

Xia Fukun, who was shining in Master Billus' eyes, took a deep breath at this moment.

Then, wrap that free extreme mind power on the surface of the body.

The same as before.

Xia Fukun felt the echo of himself and the surrounding space after this self-exposure to his best use.


Xia Fukun can still clearly feel it.

The power in the surrounding space is constantly converging in his body.

This feeling is very beautiful.

Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

Although knowing that the strength of this Weiss is unfathomable, he is much stronger than he is now.

However, Xia Fukun still grinned at Navis. Immediately opened his mouth and said:

"Teacher Weiss, be careful, I am going to attack!"

"bring it on."

Weiss nodded, holding the staff in one hand, and hooked at Xia Fukun with the other hand.

Seeing this, Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes, and immediately—


Xia Fukun exhaled a murky breath, and his whole body turned into a whirlwind.

Attacked towards Naves.

And I saw Xia Fukun coming towards me.

Navis also shook his head.

"Too slow."

"This self-explanatory power, in your hands, does not show its brilliance at all."

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