Monster Refining System

Chapter 1369: sorry

"Oh, sorry, I'm afraid of getting sick."

Xia Fukun glanced at the slowly falling female contestant, squatted down in obscurity, and put away the opponent's space container from the opponent's wrist.

What makes Xia Fukun a little pity is that none of the strong people in the realm of the gods he encountered has a system in his body, and finally encountered the system in the body of the blue rhino, but he did not expect that he would abstain at the critical moment ...

And when I saw Xia Fukun's actions.

Off the stage, all the audience was fascinated.

"What is that guy doing?!"

"I don't know! I think every time he kills someone, he has to fumble for a while on the other person."

"Should this be a heavy taste, necrophilia?"

Beneath the stone platform, waves of discussion sounded.

At this moment, everyone was a little afraid of Xia Fukun.

It's not only cruel, but also has a tough taste.

Such a person is a werewolf and cannot be offended!

Xia Fukun on the stage, unaware of the people in the audience, arranged such a persona for himself. He put down the body of the female contestant and immediately glanced at the pillar incense above his head. At this moment, the pillar incense There is almost a third.

In other words, just now, another third of the time has passed.

"It's really troublesome..."

Xia Fukun gave a wry smile.

It was also at this time that he saw that Nahite had just solved a contestant who was about to attack him, grinned, and flew towards Nahite.

"Brother Hitt!"

Seeing Xia Fukun who was grinning towards him in front of him, and the ghost was still coming, Hitt frowned.

To be honest, he had deliberately avoided Xia Fukun, but he didn't expect that this guy would still follow his side.

But there is no way, reach out and not hit the smiley people! This Xia Fukun smiled vigorously at him, and he couldn't directly attack the other party, right?

Hitt looked in the direction of the box where Master Xiangpa was.

At exactly this time, Master Xiangpa was standing in front of the French window.

Two people, two eyes facing each other.

Master Xiangpa directly wiped his neck at Nahite.

the reason is simple……

If it were before, he might stay with Xia Fukun for a while.

However, the more decisive Xia Fukun started, the more he felt that the threat Xia Fukun brought to him became greater and greater.


The key is.

The blue rhino was dealt with by Xia Fukun's thunder, which made him very shameless.

There is a comparison between him and Lord Billus.

To put it simply.

This Xia Fukun represents the face of Lord Billus.

And the blue rhino also represents his own face.

However, now, this Xia Fukun easily got rid of the blue rhinoceros, so at this moment, he couldn't hold his face anymore.

Master Xiangpa is a face-savoury person, and he definitely can't stand this situation.

After seeing the movements of Master Xiangpa, Hitt took a deep breath.

To be reasonable, he didn't want to act on Xia Fukun so quickly. Because, it’s kind of ruthless...Although, he has no feelings, even though, he is a killer...

It was also when Hitt's thoughts were struggling, Master Xiangpa on the floor-to-ceiling mirror frowned slightly, and he pointed to Hitt, and immediately made a wiping motion of his neck.

Seeing this, Hitt couldn't help but tremble.

It was like Master Pa's action, he understood it.

Nothing more than...

If you don't kill Xia Fukun, then, like Master Pa, you will kill yourself.

Threats... outright threats.

But unfortunately, Hitt hasn't the ability to resist this threat yet.

He took a deep breath.

In my heart, at this moment, a certain decision was made.

It is also at this time.


Xia Fukun put a hand on Hit's shoulder.

"Hit, you are amazing."

"Those strong in the realm of gods, I didn't expect you to solve them with one punch."

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, Hitt took a breath and immediately squeezed a smile at Xia Fukun:

"You are not bad, it is clearly in the realm of the gods, but even the blue rhino does not have the power to fight in your hands."

Upon hearing Hit's words, Xia Fukun smiled "hahahaha".

Don't mention how obvious the expression of Dese was, he pretended to say:

"Haha, it's not that I am too strong, but the opponent is too weak..."

Hit: "..."

Does this Xia Fukun really have something like this?

It’s not that I am too strong, but the opponent is too weak...

In this case, what did Xia Fukun say?

Hitt originally put both hands in his pockets, but at this time, one of his hands quietly stretched out, and power was quietly running in that hand.

It is also at this time.

"Pata" Xia Fukun grabbed Hitt's wrist all at once.

Hit: "Hiss——"

He was shocked, and immediately squeezed a smile at Xia Fukun:

"what's happenin?"

Xia Fukun shook his head:

"It's okay, I just want to see what Hit your hand is made of, how can one punch is so powerful."

Hit: "..."

He wanted to get rid of Xia Fukun quietly, and didn't want to confront the opponent in front of Xia Fukun. Now, Xia Fukun grabbed his hand, and the power running in his palm instantly dissipated.

He smiled awkwardly:

"As you said, I am actually not too strong, but the opponent is too weak."

Seeing the smile on Hit's face, Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

How does this Hit’s smile feel embarrassing?

Is it because you are too enthusiastic?

Also, this Hitt's identity is a killer, and it's really not good that he did something to him inexplicably.

After understanding this, Xia Fukun quickly let go of Na Hit's hand, and immediately took a step forward.

"Hey, I don't know how long it will take for the first round of the competition to end. If the incense stick time does not end, twenty people will be randomly selected."

Hearing what Xia Fukun said, Na Hit looked at Xia Fukun as if he was not paying attention to him, and suffocated a reply at Xia Fukun:

"Hehe, it should be coming soon."

While speaking, a power emerged in Na Hit's hands again.

He squinted his eyes.

Originally, I didn't want this.

However, if this is not the case for himself, then, Master Pa, he will have to deal with himself.

Sir Billus, sorry...

The kid surnamed Xia, sorry...

Hitt murmured in his heart, and at this moment, his hand was delivered to Xia Fukun's back.

at the same time.


Over the entire battlefield, a loud noise came.

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