Monster Refining System

Chapter 1370: Can't survive the second round

The gazes of the two people looked up to the sky at the same time.

It is also at this time.

The two people discovered that a huge Zhong Lu appeared above the sky.

And the huge noise just now came from the Zhonglu.

"The first round of the competition is over, and the remaining twenty contestants on the field have successfully entered the second round."

The Jelly Head referee who was previously harassed by Xia Fukun appeared in the sky. At this moment, looking at the contestants on the stone platform below him, he spoke lightly.

"Haha, Brother Hitt, I didn't expect that as soon as I finished speaking, this first round of competition was over."

Xia Fukun turned his head, just in time to see that Hitt's hand stretched out towards him.

Seeing that Xia Fukun looked at him, Hitt also forced a smile and patted Xia Fukun on the shoulder.

Hit: "Hehe, yeah, let's see you in the second round."

Hitt failed to start, and soon passed by Xia Fukun.

After Na Hit had left, Xia Fukun turned his head, looked at the direction Na Hit was leaving, and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

This Hitt’s behavior gave him a strange feeling.

However, if Hitt wanted to attack himself, he would have already started it, and there is no need to sloppy with himself all the time.

Xia Fukun shook his head.

The first round of the competition is just equivalent to a sea election, just a top 20, not much to be happy about.

Soon, Xia Fukun and the other contestants left the battlefield.

At this moment, the eyes of the audience watching Xia Fukun were also a bit strange.

In these eyes, there is awe, but also...disgust...

It stands to reason that Xia Fukun used his strength to gain respect, and Xia Fukun can understand. But where does this dislike come from? Ok?

Xia Fukun doesn’t understand, okay?

He returned to Master Nabirus' box.

At this moment, Nabirus was drinking a little wine and happily.

Seeing that Lord Billus was so happy, Xia Fukun also sat down beside Lord Billus.

"Master Billus, how is it, didn't you shame you?"

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, Lord Birus smiled faintly:

"Boy, don't be too happy too early. If you can't even pass the first round, do you still have the face to meet me?"

Xia Fukun gave a grumpy smile upon hearing Lord Billus's words.

This is not bad what Master Ruth said. The first round of the competition in this arena is the simplest.

Those who are eliminated are the weak who should be eliminated.

The remaining contestants will only get stronger and stronger.

Including Nahit.

If you don't show all your hole cards, you can't do it all by hitting everyone like a little brother.

However, Nahit can do it without the help of force.

Xia Fukun felt that if at the end, he and Na Hitt met together, it is estimated that it would be difficult to say who wins and who loses, let alone Na Hit, not the strongest among the contestants.

Therefore, Xia Fukun cannot be taken lightly in the next second, third and fourth rounds.

"Haha, but speaking of it."

"That stupid big guy next to Xiangpa didn't expect to come to the door by himself. After being eliminated by you, I think that Xiangpa's face should not be able to hold on. I guess, in the future, you should not be able to see that big stupid. That's it."

"Silly big guy?"

Xia Fukun was stunned when he heard Lord Billus's words, and immediately, a figure appeared in his head. What Lord Billus said should be the blue rhino, right?

However, listening to Lord Billus's meaning, it seems to be...

Master Xiangpa, what would happen to that blue rhino? But, isn't the blue rhinoceros the younger brother of Master Xiangpa?

Xia Fukun was a little puzzled.

at the same time.

In that Xiangpa box.

At the moment, Hit did not appear here.

Because Hitt is regarded as a hidden child buried by this elephant, so if you can not expose it, it is best not to expose it. At this time, it is still necessary to avoid suspicion.

On the contrary, it was the blue rhino, at this moment, kneeling in front of Master Xiangpa, the whole person, trembling...

the reason is simple……

Because of him, he was ashamed of Master Xiangpa.

And he, following Master Xiangpa for so many years, is very clear, this is like Master Pa's temper.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Master Xiangpa didn't even look at the blue rhino. He played with a bead in his hand and asked the blue rhino lightly.

"Master Xiangpa...I, I was wrong, and I didn't expect that the kid next to Master Birus was so strong. I think that kid might already be a strong man in the ancestral realm, but, He has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. At the last time, I even used the power of the system, but I still lost to that kid. I could feel—"

"Although the kid has also used his power, it is not the power of the system. You can defeat me without even using the power of the system. I think that kid must have broken through the ancestral realm!"

Upon hearing the explanation of the blue rhinoceros, Master Xiangpa sneered.


"I said before that the kid next to Birus is in the realm of the gods."

"If I said he is in the realm of the gods, then he is the realm of the gods,"

"Are you questioning my judgment?"

Hearing Master Xiangpa's words, the blue rhino took a deep breath, and on his forehead, the big beads of sweat continued to fall down.

"In addition, what I am asking you now is not whether you can beat that kid. What I am asking you now is you, why, in the end, escaped and gave up?"

"You should know that you represent my face like Pa?"

"Your admitting defeat made me look like a faceless face, I am very shameless..."

Master Xiangpa grinned at the blue rhino.

Suddenly, the blue rhino only felt cold from head to toe.

"Xiang, Master Xiangpa..."

"You said that you used the power of the system, and you are not that kid's opponent. That means you don't deserve to have this system anymore. Hahaha, hand it over."

Xiangpa hooked his fingers at the blue rhino.

Although the Blue Rhino didn't want to, he couldn't help it. He didn't dare to fight against the elephant!

I only hope that after I handed over the system, this Xiangpa can chant to spare myself for so many years of affection.

Therefore, after the system was handed over, the blue rhinoceros was almost stuck to the ground with its entire face.

"Master Xiangpa...please, forgive me..."



Before the blue rhino's words fell, he saw Master Xiangpa's palm, slowly making a fist.

It was also at this time that the body of the blue rhino turned into blood clots, falling pieces from the body, and then turning into powder and floating away.

This scene is extremely terrifying.

In the whole box, a sound of cold breath sounded.

Master Xiangpa obliterated the blue rhino as if nothing had been done.

He looked at the other two powerful ancestors in front of him.

"You two, shouldn't let me down?"


Upon hearing Master Xiangpa's words, the two ancestral realm powerhouses quickly lowered their heads and said "Yes".

And if Xia Fukun was here at this time, it would not be difficult to see that these two ancestral realm powerhouses, shockedly, were also among the top 20 players just now.

Elephant Pa was playing with the system handed over by the blue rhino in his hand.

"Also, I'll give you a little more reward."

"Whoever can solve the kid around Birus in the next round, this blue rhino system belongs to whom."

Hearing the words of Master Xiangpa, the eyes of the two powerful ancestors showed greed.

They are just ordinary ancestral realm powerhouses, and they are extremely eager for the system. It's not like Master Pa and Master Birus. They don't care about the ordinary system anymore, and only focus on the central system.

"Please don't worry, Master Xiangpa, that kid, he won't survive the second round..."

The two strong ancestors licked their lips and replied...

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