Monster Refining System

Chapter 1391: game over


Hearing the strange sound, Xia Fukun raised his head and took a look, only to see that the giant man entered the teahouse.

And that giant man, although he looks similar to Xia Fukun, does not have a human body under the head of the monster beast like that half-orc, but with his huge body, it is really difficult for people to imagine him as a normal person...

Involuntarily, Xia Fukun coughed and asked the giant man:

"Man, what did you eat to grow up? How can you grow so tall?"

When the giant man heard Xia Fukun's words, he was taken aback, because he didn't know whether Xia Fukun's words were complimenting himself or something. He didn't know whether it was a derogatory word or a praise word, so he scratched his head.

"Oh, I was born like this."

As he said, the giant also waved his club.

The mallet in his hand looked golden and shocked, and it turned out to be made of some special metal.

If Xia Fukun had just emerged from the earth at this moment, he would go up to the cliff and **** it away with the big club. However, after experiencing all kinds of things, Xia Fukun no longer cared so much about things like gold.

"Don't change the subject, let me ask you, are you a contestant or an Npc?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback when he heard the giant man's words.

He was already prepared, thinking that this giant would fight with himself without saying a word, but unexpectedly, this giant would actually ask himself whether it was a contestant or an npc...

This giant man doesn't even know himself? ?

When he took the stage before, Xia Fukun didn't just look at this giant man. After all, the figure of this giant man was the focus of attention no matter where he went.

"Uh, I'm an npc."

Xia Fukun replied tentatively, he was just to see the giant man's reaction, but on his expression, Xia Fukun's face was not red and heartbeat, and his expression was very natural.

After hearing Xia Fukun's words, the giant man also scratched his head.

"Oh Huo, I thought I found a contestant, but I didn't expect it to be an Npc. Did you see other contestants?"

The giant asked Xia Fukun.

"Well, I saw it, over there."

Xia Fukun casually pointed in a direction and said nonsense.

"Ah, thank you senior, senior farewell."

The giant man looked around, and immediately he took a pot of tea on the tea table in front of Xia Fukun and poured it into his mouth. After filling it, the giant man gave Xia Fukun a fist and then retired...

Xia Fukun himself was confused when he saw that the giant man was really gone.

He didn't expect that this giant man was really so stupid.

"I'm going... Is this really not paying attention to me?"

"Can't do it, it's the second round, why haven't you studied the opponent? How great is this experience?"

Xia Fukun was puzzled.

It's also this time--

He narrowed his eyes.

The teahouse he was in suddenly collapsed.

"Hehe, kid, do you think I'm as stupid as the blue rhino?"

"Let your guard down first, and then kill you! How about, are you a little panicked? Hahaha! If you are resolved, I can find a place to get up and wait for promotion."

After the teahouse completely collapsed, over the ruined teahouse, the giant man slowly floated in the air, and when he held it up, the big club was doubled, and in the sky, the golden light was shining.

It's like Thor's Hammer.

It was also at this time that a certain area in the ruins suddenly flew up.


In a mask, a slightly thin figure slowly stood up.

Not only was he unharmed, but even the tea table beside him and the bench sitting under his **** were nothing.

At this moment, his gaze also fell on the giant man's body in the sky.

"Ha ha."

"I know you are acting stupid, but so am I..."

"I wanted you to leave like this, but I didn't expect you to come back to die. Then, don't blame me..."

Xia Fukun's voice fell, behind him, a cup of tea on the tea table suddenly floated, and then ejected towards the giant man.

"Huh, little bugs!"

Looking at Xia Fukun's operation, the giant sneered.

He raised the huge mallet in his hand high.


It was also at this time that the huge mallet collided with the tea cup ejected by Xia Fukun.

The giant Han suddenly felt his mouth numb, and the huge clubs in his hands almost fell off.

"This kid, with so much strength, it's no wonder that he can kill the blue rhino."

The huge man licked his lips, and in his hand, the huge mallet turned over.

"Boy, don't think that you can float after defeating the blue rhino. To be honest, my strength is better than that of the blue rhino!"

After hearing the words of the giant man, Xia Fukun was taken aback.

He felt that this giant might be a little confused about the situation.


Xia Fukun looked up slightly.

In his eyes, he was extremely indifferent.

"You are better than the blue rhino."

"but I……"

"But just crush it directly."

"I really don't know, did you choose me as your opponent..."

Xia Fukun shook his head.

Immediately, a faint silver light appeared on the surface of his body.

"Appeared! That magical silver!"

"Then kid, what skills are you using?! Is it a heavenly skill?!"

"No, it should be a great skill!"

Under the arena and in the audience, there were waves of discussions. These guys in the third universe, among those in the realm of the gods, there are nine out of ten, and there is no system in the body. Skills are also a luxury. When seeing the mystery contained in the silver that Xia Fukun showed, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

"It looks like this kid also knows that he has to make a quick decision. If it takes too long, it will not do him any good."

Master Billus stood in front of the French window, with his hands behind his back, behind him, his tail swept.

On this battlefield, everyone can become an enemy. and--

If the battle between Xia Fukun and this giant man has been delayed for too long, it is very likely that other contestants will be attracted. If it is upright, it may be better, but if it is in ambush, Xia Fukun will come in secret. Now, then, Xia Fukun is probably going to be uncomfortable.

Therefore, as soon as possible to solve every opponent that appeared in front of oneself, this is the way to survive on this battlefield.

"Oh, ah, ah, I didn’t expect that this kid Xia Fukun would have improved his control of the Freedom Mastery. Master Birus, this Xia Fukun, I’m afraid it won’t be long before, it’s true, he will be a god."

"Heh, Conferred God is the best. It can also make me fight with him. I have been itchy for a long time."

Master Billus sneered, and immediately sat down on the sofa.

At this time, Xia Fukun also came to the giant man.

A hand, gently stretched out.

"Don't blame me, blame yourself, you chose the wrong opponent."

"game over."

Xia Fukun's voice fell, and a palm fell.

Upon seeing this, the giant man hurriedly used his big club to resist. However, what he didn't expect was...

His huge club was like tofu in front of Xia Fukun's palm...

Xia Fukun’s palm, with the terrifying power of destruction, directly smashed his own hammer to pieces, and then, a palm was printed on his chest...

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