Monster Refining System

Chapter 1392: Arrogant


Xia Fukun's palm passed directly through this giant man's chest.

The giant man stared with big eyes.

He never thought of it.

Xia Fukun, who is also in the realm of the gods, turned out to be...

So much beyond myself...

"I said, you picked the wrong opponent."

Xia Fukun pulled his hand back.

Blood spilled all over the floor.

It's also this time.

Xia Fukun took out a paper towel and wiped his hands, and then put the giant man's space container into his own space container.

on the other hand.

Regarding the giant man's weapon, Xia Fukun glanced at it, and didn't even have the idea of ​​lifting it.

the reason is simple……

The mallet was directly deformed and shattered by hitting it with a palm of his own. It is not such a precious material. Now Xia Fukun has become picky too, not that anything will be received in her own container of space.

After all, now that he has summoned a monster in the realm of celestial gods, it would require one billion refining points. How much is this ordinary thing to get enough refining points for summoning a monster in the realm of celestial gods?

"20 into 10, so it seems that my task is complete..."

Xia Fukun looked at the fallen giant in front of him.

Scratching his head, he was planning to drink tea here, waiting to be promoted directly, but he didn't expect this giant to personally send an indicator.

At this time, Xia Fukun raised his head and glanced at the huge incense above his head.

At this moment, the incense burned about half.

In other words, there is still half of the time for this second round of competition.

"Why are other people so inked."

The teahouse behind Xia Fukun had collapsed, and Xia Fukun couldn't sit back and have tea leisurely.

It was also when he was about to leave this place, behind him, a figure slowly came.

Xia Fukun turned his head after hearing the footsteps, and happened to see Hit who appeared behind him.

At this moment, Hit's body was still stained with a little blood.

Upon seeing this, Xia Fukun grinned.

"Hit, have you settled an opponent too?"

Hit shook his head.

"I killed two people."

Xia Fukun: "..."

How many generals can enter the second round?

Now Hitt has solved two people, which is enough to prove Hitt's power.

"Then let's wait for the other people's fight to end?"

Xia Fukun said to Hitt.

At this time, Hit had already arrived in front of Xia Fukun. He looked at Xia Fukun in front of him, sighed, and said:

"Xia Fukun, sorry."

Xia Fukun: "???"

Although he never trusted Hitt 100%, he did not expect Hitt to say such a sentence to himself suddenly.

Before he could react, he heard his heart beating violently.

The surrounding scenes became slow.

And Na Hit's figure, staying still.

When he reappeared, it was already a palm, falling on his chest.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, Xia Fukun had no time to react at all, and no time to fight.

He looked at Hitt in front of him in astonishment.


"Don't blame me, so am I, forced to..."

Seeing that Na Hit fell into Xia Fukun's chest with a palm.

Under that battlefield, in the box where Lord Billus was, a shocking breath burst out wildly.


Lord Billus' eyes were red.

He originally told Xia Fukun that Hitt could be trusted 100%, because in his eyes, Hitt was his own. However, he did not expect that Hitt would actually attack Xia Fukun at this time!

The most powerful thing about Hitt lies not in how powerful his power is, but in his mastery of space and time and space.

It's like...

His moves come from a few tenths of a second, and even a few seconds later...

Even if Xia Fukun saw this Hitt's offensive clearly, there was no way to parry it.

Because the time of a few tenths of a second or even a few seconds is a time difference, Hitt can use this time difference to change his attacking method.

"Master Billus..."

Seeing that Billus was about to break open the French window and directly enter the battlefield, Nahit gave him a straight penalty. Wes grabbed Lord Billus's wrist.

Master Billus turned his head, a murderous intent appeared in his gaze.


"Master Billus, don't worry, after all, the battle is not over yet, you have to believe in Xia Fukun, don't you? Besides—"

"Even if Xia Fukun was really killed by Hitt, then you shouldn't be the one who will help Xia Fukun."

"What do you mean?"

Master Billus was taken aback for a moment.

It was also at this time that Weiss covered his mouth and smiled.

"Master Quan Wang is also paying attention to this battle..."

Hearing what Naves said, Master Billus made a "thump" in his heart, and honestly stopped moving in the box.

As for the box of the elephant pavilion, since Birus hadn't been blind, there was no reason for the elephant pavilion to come forward. On the contrary, he was inexplicably refreshed when he saw that Xia Fukun was brutally killed. Even secretly relieved.

This Xia Fukun died...

This competitive match, even if it came to an end.

It's impossible for Birus to have any other follow-ups...

"Birus, haha, I see, how can you fight me."

Xiangpa sneered.

It was also at this time that Bados, who was behind Xiangpa, squinted his eyes.

"Master Xiangpa, I think you are happy, it's too early."


After hearing what Bados said, Xiang Pa was stunned for a moment.

Also at this time...

On the battlefield.

Xia Fukun, who was "killed" by Hitt, not only did not lie down as everyone imagined, on the contrary, he stood in place, except for some surprises on his face, nothing else... …

Even the flesh and blood that had been penetrated in the chest began to slowly recover at this time...

He looked at Hit in front of him.


"Sure enough, I guessed it. I said, it feels weird Hitt you..."

Hit: "..."

He looked at Xia Fukun in astonishment.

"You, you found out a long time ago?"

Xia Fukun glanced at Hitt.

"I'm not a fool, I thought you were weird before, but there was no conclusive evidence, and—"

"When you come out of the Xiangpa box, I am sure of my own thoughts."

"Hehe, were you lucky at the time? I don't know what box you came from?"

Xia Fukun sneered.

"Master Birus's identity in the Third Universe is comparable to those. You said, in the box next to Master Birus, can there be anyone else besides Master Xiangpa?"

Hitt took a breath.

"So you already knew..."

Xia Fukun nodded.

"fair enough."

Hitt seemed to smile with relief.

"I was originally afraid that there would be a grudge, since everyone has picked it up, then I can have no reservations."

"Hey, the number one killer in Dragon Ball Super, I also want to see how strong you are."

Xia Fukun licked his lips, and his body recovered because he had just harvested the recovery system. Otherwise, with Hit's attack power, his previous regeneration technique would not recover so quickly.

"What Dragon Ball Super?"

After hearing Xia Fukun's words, Hitt was also taken aback.

"It's nothing."

Xia Fukun waved his hand.

It was also at this time that the eyes of the two locked on each other, their swords drawn...

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