Monster Refining System

Chapter 1422: Buddy you are cold

"Hahahaha, stupid boy, do you think you can handle my nine-star magic skills?"

Master Xiangpa saw Xia Fukun greet him with his skills, and immediately, there was a touch of ecstasy in his eyes.

Just kidding, if the nine-star magical skill is so easy to fight, what is the nine-star magical skill? !

"Xia Fukun..."

In the distance, Lord Nabilus took a deep breath when he saw Xia Fukun's body and had already met the Nine-Star Divine Skill of Xiangpa.

at the same time……

Xia Fukun, who was in front of the Nine-Star Divine Rank skill, only felt a terrifying force that was difficult to resist, like a scourge, directly swallowing him.

"Sure enough, it's still too weak..."

Xia Fukun sighed.

It's also this time...

Master Xiangpa's nine-star magical skill completely swallowed Xia Fukun.

Almost at the moment when it was swallowed, that brilliance was so great!

Dyeing the entire enchantment into a bright white color.

Outside the barrier, the sight of those spectators was instantly blurred.

Almost no one can look directly at this dazzling light.

All of them closed their eyes.

But when they closed their eyes, they felt...

On the ring in front of this, the breath of Xia Fukun is already gone, vanishing...

On this ring, there is no more breath of Xia Fukun.

"Xia Fukun, has he fallen..."

Such questions sounded in the hearts of countless people.

And that Bai Hua, after completely covering Xia Fukun, also suddenly gathered at that moment, and then, in this world, disappeared completely.


Master Billus looked at the position in front of Xia Fukun where Xia Fukun was originally empty, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"You idiot!"


Master Xiangpa sneered.

"This Xia Fukun rides on my head, you say I'm an idiot? Hahaha, on this ring, my fists are speechless, I think Lord Quan will not blame me, speaking of it, now Xia Fukun has solved it , You are the only one left."

"You still have the power to fight?"

Master Billus' eyelids twitched.

"Haha, I can't use the nine-star magic skill again, but eight stars are enough to deal with you."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Being underestimated by the opponent, this is something that no one wants to see. However, even if the goose is looked down upon, Lord Birus knows that it is still difficult to defeat the elephant, even if this Xia Fukun has already consumed the elephant. There are many people in Paseo.

It seems that in the past few years, this Master Pa is true, and it has become a lot stronger...

The aptitudes between myself and Xiangpa are the same. I have practiced for so many years. This Xiangpa surpasses itself, and it should be reasonable. However, Lord Birus did not expect that this Xiangpa has gone ahead. so much……

"Birus, accept your fate, you shouldn't be back."

Master Xiangpa grinned.

The next second-

When he was just about to launch an offensive against Lord Birus.

In the place where Xia Fukun originally disappeared...

An extremely powerful breath swept across the world...

"this is……"

Elephant Phra and Birus both withdrew back at the same time.

Looking at the arrogant place in front of him, he was shocked.

It was also at this time--

A white flower.

From the place where the breath came out, it slowly opened up.

It was also when this white blossom bloomed...

It was originally in the box of Lord Pa and Lord Billus.

Both Naves and Bardos stood up from their positions and looked at the direction that Bai Hua was in with a serious expression.

"The new god... was born..."

The lips of the two moved slightly, and they almost uttered such words at the same time.

And in that box one.

The Lord Quan also grinned.

He stroked his fist.

"Now, it's kind of interesting..."

It was also accompanied by the different reactions in the top three boxes.

On the ring, Lord Birus and Master Xiangpa couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"This breath is..."

Master Billus narrowed his eyes.

"A new **** is born..."

"Is this, Xia Fukun?"

It was also when Billus-sama raised such a question.

In the place where Baihua is.

A figure condensed by Bai Hua slowly formed.

It was also when the figure slowly formed.

A wave of fluctuations suddenly rippled.

Where the fluctuations pass, time and space seem to have stagnated.

An indescribable power is gradually emanating from his body, that power, noble, and ancient.

The spiritual power in the entire Third Universe, at this moment, also hummed and vibrated.

Surrounding the figure formed by Bai Hua, as if worshipping him...

That kind of noble breath became stronger and stronger, as if it surpassed the world!

Also at this time...

That Bai Hua slowly dispersed.

What appeared was a slightly thin figure, but at this moment, there was a sacred silver light lingering on the body of this figure, and the silver light seemed to be stained with a little white, and it seemed more holy!

"Ancestral Realm..."

Not far away, when Master Xiangpa saw the familiar figure, there was a panic in his eyes.

Because the person who appeared was not someone else, but Xia Fukun!

And at the moment...

This Xia Fukun also glanced at him.

At this moment, Master Xiangpa suddenly felt that the whole person seemed to be penetrated...

"It's not just a simple breakthrough..."

On the other side, Lord Billus couldn't help taking a deep breath.

At this moment, the feeling Xia Fukun gave him had already become a titled god!

And know...

Even after he and Na Xiangpa became the ancestral realm, it took a long time before they became titled gods...

This Xia Fukun, He Dehe Neng, as soon as he reached the ancestral realm, he became directly...

Titled God...


The incomparable power of Xia Fukun's body made him and Xiangpa unable to have the courage to fight with him.

Could it be...

Is it the power in the sea of ​​heaven?

Lord Birus couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

And at this moment, in that box one.

The figure reflected by the floor-to-ceiling windows couldn't help licking his lips.

"Previously, I noticed that the sea seemed to be changed. Unexpectedly, this kid didn't get his chances in the sea. On the contrary, he took the whole Tianhai away."

"It's no wonder that I didn't notice anything in this kid before."

"Ha ha ha..."

"That's interesting..."

"I just don't know, what kind of surprise this kid can bring me."

Above the ring...

After scanning Master Xiangpa, Na Xia Fukun opened her lips slightly and said indifferently:

"Man, you are cold."

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