Monster Refining System

Chapter 1423: Terrible Xia Fukun

Above the ring, Master Xiangpa felt a bad feeling in his heart when he first saw the changes in Xia Fukun.

This time, when I heard Xia Fukun's words.

Immediately, he frowned, and the anxiety in his heart became more intense.

In his eyes, a touch of cruel color passed.


At the moment, the turbulent star-sea power burst out from Master Xiangpa's body, causing the entire space to oscillate. That terrible breath, even the spectators in the audience, was slightly affected. I feel my soul, as if following the breath, and trembling...

"Nine-turn star shift!"

Xiangpa’s pupils shrank, and in the next instant, the boundless power of the sea rose from the top of his head and turned into a astrolabe containing infinite power. When the astrolabe appeared, even the void could not bear its weight. Began to collapse.

Even the barrier around the ring has some cracks, but although there are cracks, it does not seem to have much impact on the barrier. It is conceivable that Lord Quan, yes How powerful!

With such a level of battle, there is no way to crush the barrier!


The astrolabe rotated a few times in the sky, and immediately afterwards, it was suppressed towards that Xia Fukun!

But the goose, looking at the suppressed overhead, turned the astrolabe.

Xia Fukun just stretched out his hand flatly and gently squeezed it together.


Raise your hand and bang a punch towards the top of the head.


The two collided with a crisp sound.

Then, the spectators under the stage were surprised to see it.

The skill that Master Xiangpa tried so hard to display was actually broken directly by Xia Fukun's punch, turning into a sky full of light.

The punch Xia Fukun slammed casually, was shocked, it turned out to have such a powerful force? !

Master Xiangpa’s scalp was about to explode right now. He stared in front of him sluggishly. Xia Fukun, who delivered a cold smile to him, climbed out from the depths of his heart with a sense of fear...


His voice seemed a little trembling, because he was nervous, and even after he said the word "you", he didn't know what to say.


Master Xiangpa was also a decisive person. After realizing that he was not Xia Fukun's opponent, he was about to flee.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I give up!"

The strength Xia Fukun showed before has already made him lose the courage to fight again...

However, Xia Fukun licked his lips when he saw that Master Xiangpa was about to admit defeat, and there was a sneer in his eyes.

"Master Xiangpa, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to advance to the ancestral realm so quickly, and it is even more impossible to become the titled **** in the mouth of this teacher.

"I'll call it, Free God."


"You have such a deep love for me, how should I give back to you? Otherwise, am I too unethical?"

Xia Fukun grinned.

The next second-

On its palm.

A touch of nine-color light is generated.


It turned out to be a nine-star magic skill!

"This kid..."

Lord Nabirus was also shocked when he saw Xia Fukun actually displaying the Nine-Star Divine Rank skill.

To know……

Previously, Xia Fukun was only able to use five-star magic skills!

but now……

Is he actually able to use the Nine-Star Divine Rank skill? !

"Hehe, it's not over yet."

Xia Fukun licked his lips.

The next second-

He grabbed his palm toward the void in front, and saw the void burst, and in his free hand, he unexpectedly caught a figure fleeing in embarrassment.

That figure is exactly the stunned Master Xiangpa!

Master Xiangpa's face was pale, and he was so frightened at this time that he had never imagined how this ant in his original eyes could suddenly possess such terrifying strength.

Moreover, he had already escaped by tearing apart the space before, but how could he be caught back by her life?

What kind of strength does this have? !

Xia Fukun's star-like eyes stared at him quietly, and said indifferently: "Master Xiangpa, do you know what is, the son of heaven?"

When he heard Xia Fukun's words, Master Xiangpa was already astonished.

"It's all right, isn't it?"

Xia Fukun smiled at him again.

And Master Xiangpa is also fascinated.

This Xia Fukun, is it good to say that Xiangan is fine?

Is this all caused by him? !

Ok? ! what? !

"Goodbye, Master Xiangpa."

Don't wait for Master Xiangpa to speak again.

That Xia Fukun was already squeezing the nine-star magic skill that had already been condensed in his hand into his mouth.

When the spectators in the audience saw the situation, one by one, they all had lingering fears...

Everyone had never imagined that this Xia Fukun could defeat Xiangpa.

No one thought that Xia Fukun's methods would be so cruel.

It was actually the Nine Star God Grade skill that was stuffed into Master Xiangpa's mouth.


Even if Master Elephant Pa is strong, he can't fight it anyway!


When Xia Fukun stuffed the nine-star magic skills into the big population of Xiangpa, Xia Fukun flung the body of the big Xiangpa.

It's also this moment.

The body of Master Xiangpa swelled in the void, and then exploded directly!

The indescribable shock wave of terror erupted at this time, and then swept away in all directions, the space was shattered and collapsed.

But those powers suddenly became supple when they came to Xia Fukun's side, just blowing a few of Xia Fukun's hair.

Xia Fukun looked at the fallen Master Elephant in front of him blankly.

At this moment, the barrier of the ring was also cracked, and it was about to be broken.


In the box number one, a white light appeared, injected into the barrier, and the barrier trembled for a moment, and then it slowly calmed down.

In the audience, those spectators are all lingering fears.

No one could have imagined that this battle would actually go to this point.

And Lord Birus, when he saw Xia Fukun in front of him, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Xia Fukun, I surrendered, I don't want to fight with you this pervert."

After speaking, Lord Nabirus jumped directly to the bottom of the ring.

And no one thought of such a result.

No one could have imagined that in the end, the new **** of destruction would turn out to be a hairy boy who was the least optimistic before.

It was also after Lord Nabirus stepped down that the double jelly head referee knew that he should be on the court.

After stepping on the stage, he raised Xia Fukun's hand and looked around, and immediately, there was a little excitement in that voice.

"Now I declare."

"Xia Fukun, win!"

When these four words came out, everyone knew that the sky of the third universe had changed.

From then on, this third universe is no longer the starry sky ruled by Master Xiangpa...

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