Monster Refining System

Chapter 1427: Be seen through

Soon, under the leadership of Elder Na Yuan, Xia Tian's group entered into Jiapi.

And looking at the surrounding scene, that summer was also taken aback.

There is no other reason...

Because this Jiapi is roughly the same structure as Fulinmen!

It's just that the area of ​​this Jiapi is several times larger than that of Nafu Linmen, and the scale, etc., also looks more magnificent.

And the number of years that Jiapi has existed is much longer than that of Fulinmen. So I guessed it in the summer. It is estimated that after the master father went to Thirty-Two Universes, it was also to save trouble, so Fulinmen was built in the same way as Jiapi. After a while. It's just that because it is the thirty-two universe, the aura between the heavens and the earth can't support such a grandiose, so I made a simple version...

"Er wait, go to the Zige Pavilion of the day, remember, in the sect, no fights can occur. I will go to the head teacher and return to life first."

When the elder Yuan said this, he also took a special look at Xia Xia. It is conceivable that he was speaking to whom.

In the summer, I glanced at the people around me and found that most of those geniuses looked away, afraid to look at them. At the moment, he smiled:

"Elder Yuan, don't worry, I will take care of them for you!"

The corner of Elder Yuan's eyes twitched...

Although he is the elder of this Japi, he is also a fellow in the realm of the gods, and his strength is not as strong as Xia Xia. When Xia said that, he entrusted him to help manage it. Helpless, the elder Yuan was unwilling. We communicated more with Xia Xia, and left after a cough.

In the summer, after the elder Yuan left, he also glanced at the geniuses around him.

"Ahem... Brother Xia! I, Jiang Lang, haha, I want to see the talents of Brother Xia Xia. This time, Brother Xia Xia is also inevitable for the central system of the teacher. If that is the case, I hope Xia Brothers will support the younger brother in the future. ."

Among those geniuses, almost most of them have already accepted their fate.

What's more, he is ready to have a good relationship with Summer in advance, such as this Jiang Lang.

And watching that Jiang Lang came to him with a flattering look, to be honest, when he was in charge of the immortal world in the summer, he also encountered many such flattering immortals, but the behavior in the summer was not very cold, even A little disgusted, so after hearing what the other party said, Xia nodded.

"Well, when I take over this Jiapi, I will be the first to destroy your family."

Jiang Lang: "???"

He looked at that summer with a look of astonishment, so, did he listen to his words seriously this summer? ? ?

Why is this guy answering himself like this? This is not in line with common sense!

At the moment, Jiang Lang didn't want to talk to Xia Tian.

And the guys beside Xia Xia who were going to go up and flattering, they also shrank their necks now. With a precedent like Jiang Lang, no one would dare to flatter Xia Xia in the past.

If you don't shoot this flattery, you're still in peace.

With a flattering slap, the first one to destroy is your own sect, huh, are you so embarrassed?

Seeing the surroundings calm down, Xia Tian was also relieved, what he wanted was this effect.

If there are flattering voices all around, how annoying is Bibi nagging?

It didn't take long.

The elder Yuan is back again.

"Summer, the headmaster wants to see you."

"see me?"

Summer froze for a while.

Although he knew that the head teacher of Jiapi wanted to meet the genius, according to his assumption, the head teacher should also be met by all the geniuses together! It's impossible to see yourself alone and not others!

Although he was curious in his heart, Xia Xia nodded, and followed the elder Yuan to leave in the enviable eyes of those geniuses.

"Hey, it seems that we are really out of luck."

"Hey, my sect also spent a lot of money and material resources to send me to the Seventh Universe for this matter."

"Who said no?"

The group of people gave a wry smile. Everyone can basically see that the central system is something in the summer's bag.

At the same time, Xia Xia followed the elder Yuan to a huge building with a look of confusion.

"Okay, the instructor is in front, you can meet him yourself, the person the instructor wants to see is you, it is not convenient for me to go together."


Summer froze for a while.

"All right, then thank you for leading the way, elder Yuan."

Xia Xia clasped his fist, and immediately walked forward alone.

Not long after he walked, he saw that a chair in front of him, which seemed to be valuable, was leaning on a person, but this person was sitting with his back to him, and that chair was also back to him.

Summer froze for a while.

Is this the scene of the Voice of China show?

So, the next sentence from the head teacher of Jiapi is: What is your dream?

Summer was confused, but still saluted the person in that chair.

"Disciple Xia, I met the head teacher."

"Oh, here you are."

The person in the chair seemed to be asleep, and after hearing what Xia had said, he spoke indifferently.

"The head teacher knows me?"

Xia Xia was stunned for a moment. This voice seemed to sound familiar.

"Hehe, it seems that your memory is not very good either."

The person in the chair smiled, and then the chair turned around.

In front of summer, a familiar face.

"Fuck... Senior? Why are you?"

Summer is a bit speechless.

The person sitting on the chair in front of him was not someone else, but the old sloppy man.

Originally, Xia Xia thought that the sloppy old man might be the senior of Gapi, but he hadn't thought that the other party was the head teacher of Gapi.

Didn't it mean that Jiapi's head teacher failed to break through the **** position and was dying?

Going to the desert to wander around in the dying ill? Still grabbing beef slices with yourself?

"Why, are you surprised?"

The sloppy old man laughed, got up from the chair, and walked towards the summer side.

It was him who walked and looked at the summer.

Xia Xia subconsciously noticed that this sloppy old man seemed to see his expression a bit wrong.

It was different from the way he looked at him in the desert city at that time.

Is it possible that when I returned to Jiapi, I started to put on airs?

"Senior, we are still fate, right?"

Xia Xia was just about to set the point, when he heard the sloppy old man laugh.

"I remember..."

"It's been a bit old these years, and my brain is a bit awkward."

"Almost never remembered!"


Xia Xia froze for a moment, not knowing what the sloppy old man was talking about.

"I was still thinking before. The first time I saw you, I felt a little familiar. I was still thinking, could it be me who was wrong?"

"It's also now that I just remembered, where did the breath on you come from."

"Hehe, let's talk about it."

"My third brother, really, he is not dead."

Xia's face paled when he heard the sloppy old man's words.

At this moment, there is no longer the original smile on his face, almost subconsciously, he turned around and prepared to escape.

"Hehe, run, did you run away?"

The sloppy old man sneered, and the smile on his original face turned cold. With a wave of his hand, an invisible barrier appeared in front of that summer.

After Xia Xia head hit, the whole person was bounced off.

"The strong ancestors are so terrifying..."

Xia Xia felt the terrifying coercion coming from behind him, and immediately gave a tragic laugh.

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